calvert association of student councils

Calvert Association of Student Councils 2014 2015 Board of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Calvert Association of Student Councils 2014 2015 Board of Education Presentation Overview CASC Positions and new Fundraising Halloween in the Garden Structure Constitution and Bylaws CASC Website Revision Important

  1. Calvert Association of Student Councils 2014 ‐ 2015 Board of Education Presentation

  2. Overview  CASC Positions and new  Fundraising  Halloween in the Garden Structure  Constitution and Bylaws  CASC Website Revision  Important Dates  CASC Platform  Summary  Goals  Questions  MASC  General Assemblies  Executive Board Meetings

  3. Elected Positions  President: Savannah Garber PHS  Vice President: Logan Toney CHS  Second Vice President: Chad Leo SMS  Treasurer: Saya Scott PHS  Secretary: Jordan Mister HHS  Student Member of Board of Education: Alexya Brown PHS

  4. Appointed Positions  MASC Liaison: Sabrina Rusch PHS  Legislative Affairs Coordinator: Nicholas Schmitz HHS  Environmental Affairs Coordinator: Kristin Mattia PHS  Historian: Renee Ermer CHS  Chief of Staff: Cassady Koch PHS  Parliamentarian: Sarah B. Rannacher CMS  General Assembly Coordinator: Ivy Fahnestock PHS  Co Community Service Coordinator: Abby Sweeney NHS  Co Community Service Coordinator: Dana Wiggins HHS  Fundraising Committee Chair: Colleen Larsen HHS  Fundraising Committee: Kevin Cheng MCMS  Fundraising Committee: Cara Poole CMS  Fundraising Committee: Alyssa M. Will CMS

  5. Appointed Positions Cont.  Evaluations Coordinator: Theiny Dang CHS  Public Relations Coordinator: Allyson Stevens PHS  Recruitment Liaison: Madeline Twetten NHS  Co Newsletter Editor: Kaylamae Phillips PHS  Co Newsletter Editor: Selena Antosh CMS  Webmaster: Michael Keffler HHS  Junior Webmaster: Margaret Foulkes PPMS  Computer Specialist: Erin Nordquist PHS  Relay for Life Coordinator: Madison Turner HHS  Assistant Relay for Life Coordinator: Lucie Roach HHS  Sponsor: Scott Goldstein PHS

  6. Constitution and Bylaws  Constitution and Bylaws are both posted on the CASC Website  Bylaws were revised last year  Will be creating a Constitution Committee to revise the Constitution

  7. CASC Platform  Platform Committee was created this year to draft a CASC Platform  Committee met on January 14 th and drafted a platform  Platform will be presented to the CASC General Assembly for approval on February 19 th at Calvert High School

  8. Goals  Promote leadership throughout the county  Advocate for student beliefs  Become more involved in the community and with local charities, such as Relay for Life  Look into new and innovative ways of updating the organization  Raise public awareness of CASC and our purpose

  9. Masc (CASC’s parent organization)  How does MASC relate to CASC?  MASC Executive Board meetings  President, Second Vice President, and SMOB attend and have voting rights  Others may attend as well as non ‐ voting delegates or as Executive Board Members  Fall Leadership Conference ‐ November 15 th  Hosted by CASC at Huntingtown High School  Legislative Session ‐ February 7th, Manchester Valley High School  Lobbying Day ‐ February 23th  Convention ‐ March 25th ‐ 27 th  Have had large delegations in recent years and hope this continues  State Charity  Just 4 Us

  10. Fall Leadership Conference  Hosted by CASC at Huntingtown High School on November 15 th  A committee of CASC and HHS students was formed that planned and ran the entire event  Great success! Over 500 students from all over MD were in attendance!

  11. General Assemblies  Officer and Staff Reports  Workshops by school level  New edition: Roundtables  Guest Speakers  Fundraisers for MASC State Charity and Relay for Life  Elections  Penny Wars  Lollipop Fundraiser

  12. CASC Website   Thank you for letting us have it!  Student run  Features: Staff, Constitution and Bylaws, Events, and Membership/Schools  Anything else you’d like to see?

  13. Fundraising  First General Assembly Totals:  Penny Wars $158.05  Lollipops $144.75  Total $302.80  CASC hosted a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at Applebee’s in Prince Frederick  Raised roughly $700.00  CASC also hosted a Sweet Frog Fundraising Evening

  14. Halloween in the Garden

  15. Important Dates General Assemblies 9AM ‐ 1PM : Executive Board Meetings at CHS  Thu Nov 13 at PHS at 7PM:  Mon Sept 8  Thu Feb 19 at CHS  Mon Oct 13  Thu April 23 at NHS  Mon Nov 3  Tue Dec 9  Tue Jan 13  Tue Feb 3  Tue Mar 10  Tue April 14 You are all always welcome to attend!

  16. Questions?


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