STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS FOR LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTIONS 11.0 Note: Abbreviations for nouns always begin with a capital letter. WORD ABBREVIATION WORD ABBREVIATIQN abt Biot about biotite ab above Bdeye birdseye abs absent black (-ish) blk, blksh abd abundant blade (-ed) Bld, bld acicular acic blocky blky agglomerate Aglm blue (-ish) bl, blsh Agg aggregate bored (-ing) Bor, bor Alg, alg algae, algai bottom Btm allochem Allo botryoid (-al) Bot, bot altered alt boulder Bld alternating altg boundstone Bdst ammonite amm brachiopod Brach a m or amorphous brak brackish amt amount brhg branching and & Brk, brk break ang angular Brec, brec breccia (-ted) ahd anhedral brt bright Anhy, anhy anhydrite (-ic) brit brittle Anthr anthracite brown brn aph aphanitic bryozoa Bry ap appears bubble Bubl apprx approximate buff bu Arag aragonite burrow (-ed) Bur, bur aren arenaceous arg argillaceous calcarenite Clcar Ark, ark arkose (-ic) calcilutite Clclt a.a. as above calcirudite Clcrd Asph, asph asphalt (ic) calcisiltite Clslt Assem assemblage calcisphere Clcsp ass oc associated calcite (-ic) Calc, calctc at @ calcareous calc authg authigenic caliche cche Av, av average c a rbonaceous carb carbonized cb Bnd, bnd band (-ed) Cav, cav cavern (-ous) Bas, bas basalt (-ic) caving Cvg basement Bm cement (-ed, -ing) Cmt, cmt bcm become (-ing) cephalopod Ceph Bd, bd bed (-ed) chalcedony (-ic) Chal, chal Bdg bedding chalk (-y) Chk, chky Bent, bent bentonite (-ic) charophyte Char Bit, bit bitumen (-inoue) chert (-y) Cht, cht bioclastic biocl chitin (-ous) Chit, chit Bioh, bioh bioherm (-al) chlorite (-ic) Chlor, chlor biomicrite Biomi chocolate choc biosparite Biosp circulate (-ion) cir c , Circ Biost, biost biostrom (-al) clastic clas
II-2 WORD ABBREVIATION WORD ABBREVIATION clay (-ey) Cl, cl detrital detr claystone Clst devitrified devit clean cln diabase Db clear clr Diagn, diagn diagenesis (-etic) cleavage Clvg Dia diameter Clus dissem cluster disseminated coal C distillate Dist coarse crs ditto " or do coated (-ing) cotd,cotg dolomite (-ic) Dol, dol cotd gn dom coated grains dominant (-ly) cobble Cbl drilling drlg color (-ed) Col, col drill stem test DST com dru common drusy compact cpct compare cp earthy ea concentric cncn east E Ech conchoidal conch echinoid Elev concretion (-ary) Conc, conc elevation elong conglomerate (-ic) Cgl, cgl elongate embd conodont Cono embedded eqnt considerable cons equant Equiv consolidated consol equivalent euhd conspicuous conspic euhedral eux contact Ctc euxinic Evap, evap contamination (-ed) Contam, contam evaporite (-itic) ex content Cont excellent exp exposed contorted cntrt Exclas, exclas Coq, coqid extraclast (-ic) coquina (-oid) extr coral, coralline Cor, corln extremely Exv, exv core extrusive rock, extrusive c covered cov Fac, fac cream crm facet (-ed) fnt cren faint crenulated fr fair crinkled crnk FIt, flt Crin, crinal fault (-ed) crinoid (- al) Fau cross x fauna Ft cross-bedded x-bd feet Fspr, fspr cross-laminated x-lam feldspar (-athic) Fen, fen cross-stratified x-strat fenestra (-al) ferr crumpled crpld ferruginous fibr crpxln fibrous crystocrystalline f, fnly fine (-ly) crystal (-line) Xl, xln fis fissile cube, cubic Cub, cub flg flaggy cuttings Ctgs Flk, flk flake, flaky fl flat dark (-er) dk, dkr fltg floating dead dd Flo Deb flora debris Fluor, fluor Deer, deer fluorescence (-ent) decrease (-ing) fol foliated dense dns Ft foot depauperate depau Foram, foram foraminifer, foraminiferal description Descr
11-3 WORD ABBREVIATION WORD ABBREVIATION formation Fm igneous rock (igneous) Ig, ig fossil (-iferous) Foss, foss impression Imp Frac, frac fracture (-al) inch In fragment (-al) Frag, frag inclusion (-ded) Incl, incl frequent freq increasing incr fresh frs indst indistinct friable fri indurated i nd fringe (-ing) Frg, frg Inoceramus Inoc frosted fros in part I.P. frosted quartz grains F.Q.G. insoluble insl fucoid (-al) Fuc, fuc interbedded i ntbd Fus fusulinid intercalated intercal intercrystalline intxln gabbro Gab inter granular intgran gastropod Gast inter grown intgn gas G interlaminated intrlam generally gen interparticle intpar geopetal gept intersticies (-itial) Intst, intst gilsonite Gil interval Intvl glass (-y) Glas, glas intraclast (-ic) Intclas, intclas glauconite (-itic) Glauc, glauc intraparticle intrapar Glob, glob Globigerina (-inal) intrusive rock, intrusive Intr. intr Glos, glos gloss (-y) invertebrate Invtb Gns, gns gneiss (-ic) iridescent irid good gd ironstone Fe-st grading grad irregular (-ly) irr grain (-s, -ed) Gr, gr bopachous bo grainstone Grst Grt granite jasper Jasp granite wash G.W. joint (-ed, -ing) Jt, jt granule (-ar) Gran, Iran grapst grapes tone kaolin (-itic) Kao, ka o graptolite Grap gravel Grv lacustrine gray, grey (-ish) gry, grysh lac lamina (-tions, -ated) graywacke Gwke Lam, lam large greasy gsy l ge laterite (-itic) green (-ish) gn, gnsh Lat, lat lavender grit (-ty) Gt, gt lav layer Gyp, gyp Lyr gypsum (-iferous) leached lchd lens, lenticular hackly hkl Len, lent light halite (-iferous) Hal, hal It lignite (-itic) hard hd Lig, lig limestone heavy hvy Ls limonite (itic) hematite (-ic) Hem, hem Lim, lim limy Heterostegina Het lmy lithic heterogeneous hetr lit lithographic high (-ly) hi lithgr lithology (-ic) homogeneous hom Lith, lith little horizontal hor Ltl littoral hydrocarbon Hyde litt
11-4 WORD ABBREVIATION ABBREVIATION WORD local novaculite Nova c loc long no visible porosity n.v.p. l g loose lse numerous num lower I lustre occasional occ Lstr ochre och lutite Lut oil o oil source rock OSR macrofossil Macrofos olive olv magnetite, magnetic Mag, mag Oo , oo ooid (-al) manganese Mn,mn Ooc, ooc marble Mbl oolicast (-ic) oolite (-ide) Ool,ool marl (-y) Mrl, mrl oomold (-ic) Oomol, oomol marls tone mrlst Onc, onc oncolite (-oidal) marine marn opaque op maroon mar or, orsh orange (-ish) massive mass Orbit Orbitolina material Mat org orlanic matrix Mtrx Orth orthoclase maximum max O-Qtz orthoquartzite medium m or med. Ostr Ostracod member Mbr ovgth overgrowth meniscus men ox oxidized metamorphic rock, Meta Oyst oyster metamorphic (- osed) meta, metaph mica (-ceou s) Mic, mic Pkst packstone micrite (-ic) Micr, micr Pap, pap paper (-y) microcrystalline microxln Pt, pt part (-ly) microfossil (-iferous) Microfos ,microfos Par, par particle micrograined micgr Ptg parting micro-oolite Microol PPM part s per million Micropor, micropor micropore (-osity) Pch, pch patch (-y) microspar Microspr Pbl, pbl pebble (-ly) Microstyl microstylolite Pelec pelecypod middle Mid Pel, pel pellet (-al) miliolid Milid Peld, peld pelletoid (-al) milky mky Perm, k, perm permeability (-able) mineral (-ized) Min, min Pend, pend pendular (-ous) minor mnr Pet, pet petroleum, petroliferous moderate mod Phlog phloaopite mold (-ic) Mol, mol Phos, phos phosphate (-atic) mollusc Moll Phyl, phyl phyllite, phyllitic mosaic mos phr phreatic mottled mott pk pink md, mdy mud (-dy) pkish pinkish mudstone Mdst p.p. pin-point (porosity) muscovite Musc Piso, piso pisoid (-al) Pisol, pisol p isolite , p is olitic nacreous nac pit pitted nodules (-ar) Nod, nod Plag plagioclase north N PIt plant no sample n.s. plas plastic no show n/s
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