c12 united states patent

c12) United States Patent US 9,521,255 Bl (10) Patent No.: Lavian et - PDF document

111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US009521255Bl c12) United States Patent US 9,521,255 Bl (10) Patent No.: Lavian et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 13, 2016 (54) (56) References Cited SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR

  1. ~ ~ r:.~ 4 ~ (Cam;:mtHrfSrnartphont~} 3 r.~ y"'Y' ~ ~ ~ ~ c:;:;~;~; ~ _-_-_-_-_-~-~-_-_-_·v e • 00 • .................................................................................................................................................................................. ') r ST 11 Device \ Y 0 ~ = , N / '-. '---'· ;...../ ./302 ... • Jo Radio I ,.. 312 i< t )j Gateway If I Display Interface Y , 326 c { I ('D ..................................... j ~ .... (.H ! · [ N .... Network 0 Interface 1 . )/ 0\ ! ·····················································································" • ······································' l \ 'j·-"-..__.../- 324 ' ------------------, 316 112 £306 lf' rFJ 102a =- , 318 , .................................................................. l { Memory ('D , ..... , ('D Memory Card Input/Output I QO Visuphone j 0 ..... r 320a J K interface ! ............................ 1Q,;t ___________________________ _ .eyboard ... \0 r N Visual Menu Database ! ~ 320b 308 ................................................................... Other Applications USB !.r322 310 d rJl '.0-...c u. N FIG. 3A """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  2. ~ [ ~ ~ ~ 1 ·-~·-·.J ~u ,.·~-~-~-~· r·vjs~one·-, ~ ~ ~ :-~ ~ ~ -~-·j ~24 ~-~.,.-.,.-\ ~ e • 00 • - 11 /"""PST y ................................................................................ oev.ic-e···················································································- .. 0 ~ = \_ N \,. {ComputE:t/Srnadphon£3) ( I "-' r--· f 312 Radio Display I< >! k !/''-' Gateway r Interface c l} ------------------------------------------ ('D ~ .... ... : (......,...-...,) r 3'14 1 . 1_ (.H 324 Centra! Processing Unit r I 304 _v N .... Networ:y 0 Network I 0\ ;;' Interface 'f-'-/ Memory 112 -· f 316 rFJ l 102a; =- VO!P Application ('D ! ..... ('D 340 \0 0 ..... Input/Output "' interface \0 N 1r Visual Menu Database Y--1"""'l138"""'V 322 I 308 306 Mouse ul Other Applications 310 d rJl '"'..c u. N FIG. 3B """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  3. ·~· U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 10 of 92

  4. 1.~-~=~-~-V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~·~ L~-~:.~ ~ ~-~ ~g:! )~,.,_. ~ e • 00 • .... "' 116 ,,110 ........ ~ = Display 0- 512 / Network ); Ga 112 .... \....., '---')-..!-.... . ...... - f'< 1 c Device ,526 (Cornpu!e-r} ('D 102b ~ .... j lt ,.1 (.H 1f514 k-- Display tnterface Network N 502/ .... 0 Interface 0\ ! 518 l r· 516 k········ ..... JI Centra! Processing Unit L. .. 504J l -' r-i'- ! rFJ =- ... V ! ('D Memory ..... l f-- ('D 520 l .... !nputl l .... I l l " Output <E-- l j Visuphone l interface l r--- 0 ..... .............................. ............................. l 522 l l l \0 l N k--- r::==l/524 Visua! Menu Database f-- 308 ' 506J l l ~ ................................. 1 523 l l l l Other Applications l l Microphone f '--!- l 510 l l l -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. d 1.. l l ! rJl '"'..c FIG. 5 U'l N """"' 'N U'l U'l = """"'

  5. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 12 of 92 !o ! ·:; !$ !0 \

  6. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 13 of 92

  7. ~ ~ ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 14 of 92 co (0 "¢ N 0 0 0 0 co co OJ· 00 .......... ""·-.., i/'} c 0 :+:::; -~ c. a. < .._ m .c; _. 0 E .B ro if) 0 >- :... .................................... (/) <D <9 OJ > c E 'C :c a m u_ .._ ::r: 8. 0 m c 0 .c a. •;::, i/'} >

  8. ,~ ~906 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~902 ~pdate ~-~:~t;~:~1·:-rl~-;~:~:~:·-y [:~:~:y- [-~:f~f~-~:~-:-~-y- e • 00 • VisuPhone I l ~ = r Detection Module -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! I r i Search Module 904 c -------------------------------------- r ------------------------------------- ____________________ J l ('D ~ .... (.H N .... 0 0\ 908 104 _j rFJ =- ('D ..... ('D 910 .... Ul 912 0 ..... \0 N [""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'. Module !J-914 l ·································································································r r·916 d Customization Module rJl ................................................................................................. '"'..c u. FIG. 9 N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  9. ~-_j~-~-2n ~ "-~/ J~ (-r~,Y\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~\ -~ ·ivR~- [~ctible ~ ~ e • - -~-~-:_-;_] 7J). • G J_ 1012a_ ~ = r c: ernote Repository 1004--' - .dible .'v~:J ....... _ ___ ........... menu • • memJ epository Repository _,_,...,__,_.,......... .... ~-~"' c ('D 1002j Remote Server ~ .... (,H i Destination •• Destination N .... 0 0\ ·"""?-'""" 1 08n ... -""""""""'"' i D-eviee 108a · -------, i : \ rFJ -1 • suanAe;; I i<( A • =- ;,[?' )\ 1006 Computer ('D \ Jf ..... Database i i '\.... ('D .... Network ...._- ;; \ J 308 i i { '/ 0\ .-.......,. ____ .. ./ i '· .... 0 ..... r ............................ i \. \ . \0 1 02 ./¥·······················' "".....-"\. N Gateway PSTN " ) }·· d 1008 rJl . f.-..·· '.0'-C u. 1010 ) N FIG, 10 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  10. ~ ~t ~ ~./ ~ ~ ~ ~c ~ ~ ~ ~<-:,r-?'1., e • 00 • ~ = 1 . Connect to 1 08a r··························································! 108a Device o · r I 1102 est1na1on Visuphone c 102/ 104 ('D .0 ~ .... 00 1106 0 (.H ) 3 N . '0! 1104"' I S .... 0 '0 $1?(1 0\ "- t\:l <7q0i6;$ tv-1? 10 0 u... rFJ 0$/lq 01/,r-. =- '.t$Cf ('D ..... ('D to Tr. .... vab ! '108b -....l 0 ..... l Destination \0 ~ l N j d rJl '"'..c FIG. 11 u. N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  11. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 18 of 92 - 0 u..

  12. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 19 of 92 u..

  13. ~ ~ ~ ~\ Ad~On ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • ~ = I I< tr .J ! II [' 1406 1410 c 1404 ('D ~ .... (.H FIG. 14A N .... 0 0\ rFJ =- ('D ..... ('D N 0 / 1412 0 ..... \0 N FIG. 148 1428 1426 1430 ..... l ..• J f2v I Ad~On d / nxm .'>.. rJl 7 1424 t88B r: ...... J L ................................. . '"'..c U'l N FIG. 14C """"' 'N U'l U'l = """"'

  14. _.-,.-~?!\ ._~ ~y. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 21 of 92 Detect phone number of a dest!nation dialed from a dev!ce 1504,= Search for IVR information in visual menu database on the device 15·12 "'\.. Connect to the destination based on inputs from the caller ······················································I:····················································· __......- ............... 1514 .... ....._........-.--........- ........................ .....-.--.....- Is the visual No /' ..... ---.'\ <--..........._ menu correct? B /l ......... ___ ................. _.....- ............... Maintain the connection till caller or destination disconnects FIG. 15A

  15. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 22 of 92 1518 Connect the device to a remote repository 1522 1526 Update the remote repository FIG. 158

  16. ~ ~ ~- ~ .,.->-"'"~ ~;.,.,. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 23 of 92 (o) 1 1528-..... _..,.....- z Any menu selection No detected on the ---- device? .... 1530 Provide the dialed number as a destination to remote repository ( Stop FIG. 15C

  17. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 24 of 92 1558 Connect device to a remote reposrtory FIG. 150

  18. '-~-·-· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ e • 00 • ,....1620a Device ~ = i Memory 1620b I Database Construction ! c System ('D 1604 ;1 • ~ .... 1QQ§ I -R~;d;D~t;b~- • (.H 1620n N .... 0 I -- 1608 / 1 0\ rFJ ·-1616 =- ('D ..... ('D ) Processor 1610 ,. ! N Ul 0 ..... J \0 /j N '< ; ( Network : Network Interface 1612 I \ '---'-..J 1614 J (-' d rJl 1602 '.0'-.C U'l N FIG. 16 """"' 'N U'l U'l = """"'

  19. ~ ~ ~1708 ~ ~ ~1710 ~ ~ e • 7J). • Database Construction System ~ = ;·1720 c Database Construction Agent ('D ~ .... (.H N .... 0 1606 ./·i 0\ I I I rFJ =- ~ I ('D ..... ('D ~ I N 0\ 0 ..... \0 N d rJl '.0'\,C u. FIG. 17A N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  20. ~-·-·- ~ ~ ~ ~1740 ~i ~ ~ ~ e • 7J). • Database Construction Agent ~ = ··············································································]_.. . ·1722 -,..J Targets List Module I c lVR Tracking Module ('D ~ .... 1726 ·-.....r ml lVR Logic Module (.H N .... 1720 -~ 1728 ·-.._L 0 Tree stora-ge Module 0\ m 1730 ....., I I Dialog Module 1608 . .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Speech Recogn!tion I rFJ =- 1732 ..... \ i ('D ."'-i ..... ('D i Module N --------------------------------1 -....l {../ 1734 -., .... [ Response Module ........... . 0 ..... 1738 \0 VOIP Connection Module I N 1736 '\.1724 :£ L d Destination rJl '.0'-C u. N FIG. 17B """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  21. ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ -~r-· ~ r·-~! ~ ~I?, ~ ~ e • 7J). • Database Construction Agent ~ = --J '1722 Targets List Module L ................................... ! T..................................... :::0 I ~ ! c ! !VR Tracking Module ('D , i 0 i i ~ ~ .... 1726 --.,__{ IVR Logic Module (.H ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; I § Records N .... 1720 \ L. 0 ! __ f Database 1728 ....... Tree storage Module '-..... 0\ g. ! ( ! 1730 "· ····································································: ::::3 Dialog Module ; • 1608 rFJ 1 =- i 1732 -\..J I t:: ru Speech Recognftion ('D ..... ('D N QO 1734 ·-.~ Response fvlodule 0 ..... 1738 \0 N d Destination rJl '.0'-C u. N FIG. 17C """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  22. sub~menus \~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 29 of 92 1802 "\ Connect to a destination 1804 \. Anatyze a first !eve! ofthe audible IVR menu 1 80 6 ... Store the information regarding the audible tVR menu in a database No 18 0 Analyze the sub~menus Store the information regarding the in the database

  23. ~-~"'! ~ H~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • l CategoryA 1 ~ = ! i)i Dial Tone Selection 19o4 1 l c ('D ~ .... Category B Starting Questions .... 4 (.H and "" ' N 1906 Dial Tone Selection .... 0 0\ - !VR Categories rFJ Personal Information =- \. ! ('D and ..... ('D "\ 1908 Dial Tone Selection (.H ! 1902 0 l 0 ..... \0 N l Dial Tone Selection Category D 1 and/or 4 ! >! Natural Language Selection ! 1910 -- l d rJl '"'..c u. N FIG. 19 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  24. "~" :~-/ ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 31 of 92 Record Database Content l { 2002 _j ..........._ __ ............... v Please enter invoice number 2004a ~) .Jt Please enter the payment amount 2006a J Please choose your payrnent card: 2008a / Press 1 for VISA or 2 for MasterCard Please say or enter your Credit Card number 20i0a Please enter your Credit Card expiry date 2012a · FIG.20A

  25. -.~ :-~-2 S·-·-~-~-J ~ k-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ s~·~·~·~-·-·-·~·-·-·~·~·-·-·~-·-~·-·-2 U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 32 of 92 2014 Payment Form for ABC t------------------------------------------------- : Please enter invoice number: : ' ' 2004b / I I i (NN ______________________________________________ _ ' ' ' Please enter the payment amount : . ' ' ..l ! L ............................................................................................................... 2006b ,.~ ' ' ~-*·-~ ' ; Please choose your payment card; f) VISA 0 2008b / tsAasterCard ' ~ -- ... - ............................... -·· ..................................... ..................................... . ... , , ) ' : ( Please enter your Credit Card number : 20100 ) I I ! i ________________________________________________ J ' ( :" ,. ,.riease'eriieryo.ur creCiii.carct ·-exi>iiY date,.··",: ' . j ( ' ' ' ' 2012b ./1 ' ' ' ' ' ( ---'J., : 2016 \... ____ Submit Jl . FIG.20B

  26. ~ ~ Pro~rty ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • Device ~ = 2102c 2102a {" .l Destination Destination 108c c Property 1 Property 1 ('D ~ .... Property 2 Property J 1 Property Property 3 (.H • ! • • N ! • .... 0 I Property n L::J ~ : i Property n 0\ .................................................................. . .............................................................................. : . , f 102 • rFJ =- ('D • ('D """" 2102b (.H r· (.H Destination 0 ..... Destination ............. :tQBn. ........ 1 !I2·102n \0 N Property 1 Property 1 Property 2 Property 2 3 • Property 3 • • • Property n d Property n rJl '"'..c u. N """"' 'N u. FIG. 21 u. = """"'

  27. "'~,~,~,~'~"'" .~· -~-~-~-~-~J ·~. r'"'~"£.:~2'12 ~- ~ ~ -~-~-~-~-~- ~ ~ t-~-~-~r-~-~-~-~-=·~ Ve~ ~ J~ ~ ~.~uvt:IY k~ e • 00 • -------- . I ~=-~-~-: - : ---------------- Device - ' ~ = number : 1 : \ \.. \ \ c 2208 ('D ~ .... Piz.za Order ! . Order status I (.H J 2 i ./ ~ i 3 ! 2200 • N .... -· 0 j 0\ > < 102a / ' rFJ ···············"'············· ' =- r"""'1afk'!0'""! ; I ('D ..... ('D > I Executive 1\._ 2214 1 Non-Veg < Ia ' l (.H !,1 '-..,&lr"' 2 I :2210) 1 .j;o. I ! ti 0 ' ..... ' < / \0 ........... N .............. ./'./' /..:::' ..... /"' ' ././ Home Take > \ :2216./ Away '·2218 : t:t d 1 2 ' rJl : 2..,02.,} ' '.0'-C u. N FIG.22 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  28. 2302~ ~ '~ ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 35 of 92 Identify phone number of a destination dialed from a device t Determine a location code associated with current ~ocation 2304- \ .. of the device 'I Determine a business category associated with dialed 2306 .... \... phone number L. Search for destination phone numbers matching the 2308-.. '\._ business category of the dialed phone number stored on a database ' 23 12 "' Search for at least one destination phone number from the destination phone numbers based on location code \ FIG, 23A

  29. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 36 of 92 2328- Request updates from a server 2330 Receive updates from the server Store updates in the database 2332 ""· on the device ----r- 0 FIG. 238

  30. ·~-~- _.,.-~ ~-_/ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 37 of 92 No 2326 _.,.....-/ ; I Display a visuat IVR menu of the dialed destination phone number 2316l Display the at !east one dest ination phone number and associa ted properties 23 18 \J. Select a destinatlon phone nu mber, of the 2320 ~, Display a visuaiiVR menu selected destination .................................................. 2322 Select an option from the vis ua! JVR menu 2324 -.. Connect to the selected optio n of the destination "'\ ( \ Stop FIG. 23C

  31. ~ ~ ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 38 of 92 ( ) Start - ' 24 02 "\ Identify a number of destination dialed by a ca!Jer of the device 24 04 ........ Search for an advertisement associated with the number in ' a database 2406\ I Display the advertisement on the device v ..-/ 2408%/ /..- ts a selection of Yes advertisement ...... ........_ No by the caller / /..- Stop \ FIG. 24

  32. ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 39 of 92 ......... t: 'E ..... $ 0 c c 0 u (/) '0> Y) ro Q,) J2 m a. ___ ...., ___ <( <'0 \- - JB lw. .0 !..() (U c !9 "! c Q,) m 0 <D 0 (p m m u.. u m m !.- g (!} (0 <D a: 0.. Q,) 0:::

  33. ~ ~ ~ ~-~-~- ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • ~ = Login Form for XYZ ' l Please enter login Identity (I D) I 2s1o ' ' c t; ; 2504b J: : ('D ~ .... ' ' l------------------------------------------------2 (.H s------------------------------------------------- N PieaSe enter password .... i 0 2506b l: r========J i 0\ , ________________________________________________ J rFJ =- ('D 2508 '-{ Submit J ..... ('D .j;o. 0 0 ..... \0 '-·························· N d rJl '"'..c u. N FIG.25B """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  34. (~ 2602~ ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 41 of 92 Start ' Dial a phone number of a destination ' I Display a visual IVR menu corresponding to the dialed 2604 \..! number on caller device \ l 2606- '\_1 Select an option from the displayed visual !VR menu '" Display a form indicating the information required by the I 2608 -~ \..._ !VR of the destination ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .( 2610 '"\.. Fill the information in the displayed form 2$12 --J Establish a connection between the destination and the I caller device \~ ________ Stop -......\ ) FIG. 26

  35. /~ ~ ~ ~ ~r-· ~ ~ _~. ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • Device .. . ~ . .., ..... ~ ......... ~ ........................... ~ ... -.... ~ ........ ~ ................... .., ........................... ~ ......... ~ ..................................... ~ ......... ~ .................................................. ~ ...................................... .. s· ,.-2704 ~ = Board ) 1 number 1 /2708 / \ ...... - ............. L............... ....................... - :-:... c ............ ('D Pizza Order ~ .... brder Status e 3 2 (.H )" 2702 N .... 0 : 0\ : ' 212 Iz : 14 : 102 .. rFJ : =- Talk to ' I I ('D : ..... Veg Non«Veg ('D Executive 271e!1 tJ 1 ! ' : .j;o. 2 1 ' N ' : 0 ..... ' ' \0 : N ' .... , .... . .................... [ .. ~?.~ J . Ho.me I Scheduling I Take Away . 2718 ? i X 2 211fll ~hv~ry d Mode 1 rJl 2700 L .............................. :~:~:~:._:._:._:._:._:~ ........................ - ............................................................................................................................................. .1'< ................................... .... ...'..c u. N FIG. 27 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  36. ~ ~ ~A~NA~N~N~NA-N~N~N~NA~NA-N-N-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-N-NA-N-NAYN-N-N-NA-N-NJ -~ ~ ·-~ ~ ~ e • 00 • : ....... - ....... - ....... - ....... ,.,. ....... _ .... ------------- ___ Device ---...- ....... Boa-;d········l ,- 2804------------------ ___ _ r ... :.::::.:.:: - - - - - - - ' ~ = ' ' / 'I nu~ber / I 2806 2808 c ('D ~ .... NRI Banking 3 (.H :r2802 N v .... /' 0 ............. ,- 2826 0\ // r··············L ........... . :················L··············: 2810 A Accounts Investment Money Deposits 2 Transfer 1 2 ! 1 102 rFJ =- ('D ..... 2812 ''- 2824 ('D ?. l !l ::z., !\..___ .j;o. SavingA!C CreditA/C Talk to (.H -......,..., 1 2 0 ..... Executive 9 \ ......... , \0 N 2828 __ _... : ~ 2814 /. ............ . '""' .................. . ;2720 ........... ' Check Talk to Report lost ' ' Scheduling Balance 1 executive 2 card 1 d Mode rJl ~ 2818 2820 '- 2822 . . ( } '"'..c u. N FIG. 28 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  37. ~ ~ ~ ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • Device ~ = /2904 : ' ¢ March 2011 Q,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sun I Sat Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri c l i ('D 2 ~ .... 3 4 1 (.H , 7 8 9 10 11 N 5 6 , .... < 0 if 2902 0\ 12 13 14 15 17 18 , 16 21 I 22 25 102 f 23 24 19 20 rFJ =- ('D ..... ('D 27 28 29 31 30 26 .j;o. .j;o. 0 ..... \0 ( 2906 N I Time ? d rJl ' , 2900 1··--·--------·------------------------------------------------l '"'..c u. N """"' FIG. 29 'N u. u. = """"'

  38. ~-~-~ ~f-~-~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 45 of 92 3002 Dial a phone number of a destinaUon from a device 3004l Display a scheduling mode option and a visual Interactive Voice Response (JVR) menu associated with the dialed destination 3006 ~ Switch the device to a scheduHng mode 3010 ''\ Save a cal! schedule including a date and time information FIG. 30A

  39. ~I~ 3018~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 46 of 92 3016 \..[ Dial the phone number of the destination Request information from the destination based I on the selection information I 3020\j Receive the informabon at the device l 3022\.j Save the received information at the device l 3024\j Display the received information at the device j Stop FIG. 308

  40. ~r· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Visuphone~ ~· ~ e • 00 • ~ = 3108a ( 3102a /3106 c Device \ ), ............... ('D (Mobile Phone) Second J ~ .... CommunicaUon . PSTN (,H Caller Device N ) .... 0 J J 0\ 3104a rFJ =- ('D 3110 ..... ('D .j;o. -....l 0 ..... f! \0 N 3100 d rJl FIG. 31A '"'..c u. N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  41. ~.' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Visupho~ e • 00 • ~ = 3108b r 3102a Second Communication! c Device . I ( '\ Device ('D {Mobile Phone) ~ .... (,H I Jl ( PSTN , Visuphone N .... 0 )-. 0\ \ 3104b J 3104a f \....... ' }--\'-/ •. rFJ =- ('D 3110 ..... ('D .j;o. QO ? 0 ..... \0 N 3100 d rJl FIG. 31B '"'..c u. N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  42. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ J~<->·,.J! 31~ e • 00 -..(Yt\\ • ( ( \ ~ = A Network / \ Gateway r·· c \ L_) ('D ~ .... (.H l3108b --v Y.-\ 3102b N (--( .... 0 '\ ' Second Communication 0\ r31D6 Device (Computer + VOIP} Device rFJ Caller ···························································l =- Visuphone ('D ..... ('D f ----------------------------------------------------------- .j;o. 3104a \0 0 ..... jJ \0 3110) _ _,. .. N J d 3'100 rJl ... '..c u. N """"' 'N u. u. FIG. 31C = """"'

  43. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ·-~-· (~ .~314 e • 00 y---.,-\ /--< '-, • / ~ = 1 Network I< 7l Gateway ft ... \. \ \ ;-l 3112 ~- t'_r c ('D 3108b ~ .... (,H Second Communication N .... Device 0 Device (Smartphone) 0\ f ............................................................. ]. [ ( Caller Visuphone j Visuphone [ .............................. 7 ........................ . rFJ =- PSTN . i \ i 3104b- ('D ..... ('D 3104a/ 3106' Ul y 0 0 -----< y---.,- ..... 3102c \ \0 N ( fJ l ' " '-....)_ Y ( Cellular . . y \ d 3116 . rJl --"-././ 3100 '.0-...c U'l N """"' 'N FIG. 310 U'l U'l = """"'

  44. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 51 of 92 > CJ u..

  45. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • ~ = Packet Version Traffic Class Flow Lab-el 3302 3304 3306 c Next Header Hop limit Payload Length ('D 3310 3312 3308 ~ .... (.H N .... 0 Source Address 0\ 3314 rFJ =- ('D ..... ('D Ul N 0 ..... Destination Address \0 3316 N / d 3202a rJl '"'..c u. FIG. 33 N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  46. ~ )-~ r~\) .,~ ~" ~end -~ ava~lab!e? ~- -~ -~-~ 3402,~-~-~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 53 of 92 Start ) ( Search, at a first communication device, for a data network 3404 <- Is data network 3406 -.. a first section of a packet , to the second communication device as Dual~ Tone Multi~ frequency signals 3408 Send a first section of the packet comprising first information to the second communication device 34/ / Is Visuphone~ / ....... _ available at second No communication .............. ~ .... device? _....../ "' _....../ _..../ _./ FtG. 34A

  47. ~)~-3Lol?>( U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 54 of 92 !A I Receive an acknowledgement message based 3412--- on the first section from the second '- communication device I Send a second section of the packet comprising second information based on the ., acknowledgement message to the second communication device \I stop ) '--------· FIG. 348

  48. ~ ~ ~l.-~ ~ ~ ~ ·-~-· ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • 3508a ~ = 3508b c l. ('D ~ .... First party (.H . .-3502a device N .... 0 3506 0\ A A 3508c PSTN \ rFJ Caller \, =- ('D J· ., First ~arty \ ) ..... ('D Ul dBVICB ....._'-<' 3 1;. 04 / Ul \.--\ ! ,.; i . __. 0 • ..... \0 • t N 3510'j 3508n • Fkst party / device d rJl 350{) '"'..c u. N """"' 'N u. FIG. 35A u. = """"'

  49. ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ "~"'" ~ e • 00 • / ......... \ 3508a \ ~ = \ r 3514 Network . First party ,/ . I device ...................................... )· c \) ('D 3508b ~ .... \ "·-'"' .. ,.,-\ ,,;' (.H N First party 3502b .... 0 device 0\ \ Device i {Computer+VOIP) 3508c PSTN ;'\ \ ) rFJ =- ('D _A;-! ..... ('D Ul 0\ 0 ..... 3508n • \0 • N 3510;'-- ..... • First party t device d rJl 3500 '.0'-C u. N """"' 'N FIG, 358 u. u. = """"'

  50. ~'r-_ /-.,r'-·-y~ -~y\ ~"' ~ -~;-~-· -~\_./ ~ ~ y~ /~-"() ~ ~y3516 ~ ~ ~ \~ ~y e • 00 • / ' 3508a \ I ) ') ~ = ' 1 r3514 Network First party ( device c 3508b ('D \ ~ .... (.H 3502c First party If' N .... device \.., 0 0\ Device 3508c ( Sma rtphone) \... ! I PSTN I rFJ .......... 1 ....................... ! '. =- -----------------------------------------------------------1 ······1 First ~arty ('D ..... V*suphone ('D I [ dtW!CB / ............... 3.5o4·;.-.······················· Ul -....l I 0 ..... 35D8n • \0 • { N 3510 ""' • ( Cellular First party 1 t -'(- Network ...., ] device d )/ rJl 3500 '-0\,C u-. N """"' 'N u-. FIG. 35C u-. = """"'

  51. ~_:_ A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~< e • 00 • 3508a 3602 \ ~ = First party Third party device device 3508b c \ ('D ~ .... First party ~{'/~ . \-\ J (.H 1 3502a device N .... 0 A ! ' I Device r-3506 0\ 3508c PSTN 1 (Mobile Phone) \ rFJ =- First party ('D ..... ('D device Ul QO ................................................................. . '::,._/ • 0 ..... • \0 3510./ N • 3508n ·\.... First party J device d 3500 rJl '"'..c u. N """"' 'N u. FIG. 36 u. = """"'

  52. ~'!Piza ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • : I Boa;~- vs704 ____ --------- _______ ----· r··· ................................................................. . Device ~ = • ' • • number .... / 1 L3720a i 3708 c ' . ('D ~ .... ' Communication Order rder Statud 3706/ .A 2 o 3 I . (.H Option N .... 0 v-370 i 0\ . .t3720b: ! 3714 /' 3712 Communication 3502; t ! ( Option rFJ f ). I =- I ' " Talk to ('D ..... Veg • ('D Non-Veg Executive .J ';:tt'' 2 j 3710- ! Ul &' 1 • \0 i 0 ..... . ' 1 . /' \0 • 3720n: N L ! : • Communication ' Option Home 3718 ..... ! Delivery 3716 Take Away 2 i ~ 1 8./ d ! ~- -·-.-.: ·--- ·---------- ::::-·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:- ·----------·-.-.-.-.-. --- ·----------· -· -·- ·' rJl '"'..c FIG, 37 u. N """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  53. ~ ~-. ~c. ·~ ~ ~ ·~- ~-,.,.,.,.,.,.,;· ~ ~ :~ ~¥-¥-~y-·~-~-¥-~-¥~-¥-¥-¥-¥-~-¥-¥-¥-~-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-~-¥-¥-~-¥-¥-~-¥-~-~- e • 00 • I Boord ··r;·3ii04 ____________________________ j 3802 ,hh···h··--h·············································--·····--··. Device number ------------, ~ = 1 3806 .. 3808 c r3720a Personal ('D ~ .... NRI Banking Communication Banking (.H 3 2 Option N .... 0 //" 0\ ( 3826 .// ...... ... ..!. ......... , /3720b :-···············""-!.:. .......... . ;i Accounts Investment I Money Deposits 1 I 2 Commu. ation Transfer 1 rFJ 3502'./11 2 3810! 1 =- 1 Optton 1 · .;; :;<<::::: ('D ..... ' ('D .// . .,_ ._ 3824 . ............... J ................ ...... 3812 ' / f • 0\ CreditA!C i ' SavingAJC 0 ' ! Talk to ' 0 ..... :l: 1 • 2 ' Executive 9! ' ~' I \0 1 _I - N :3a14 I 3828 • ,..372on: ' i .! : '· Communication Talk to ! ! Check Report lost Option l card 1 Balance 1 d executive 2! rJl I '-...... 3820 .. '-.. 3822 3818 '"'..c u. ... - ' ' $ N """"' 'N FIG. 38 u. u. = """"'

  54. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 61 of 92

  55. ~./' U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 62 of 92 c Start ..... , J 4002 \... Receive, at the device, a call from a phone number of a first party device \1 Compare the phone number of the first party 4004 .... \.. device with the phone numbers stored in the device 4006 -. Display the visual IVR menu 4008 Display one or more communication options 4010 .........,_ Select a communication option ,, 4012 -" Establish a communication session based on the selection ,, ( Stop "-.. FIG. 40

  56. ~ ~ ~ ·~-~-~·;· ~(H r·\As~-~16· ~ e • 00 • v4106a Extemal ~ = Device c ,..-4100b ('D ~ .... Portable Device N .... 0 0\ A106c rFJ =- ('D ..... ('D • 0\ (H • 0 ..... • \0 N -4100n External / Device 4100 d rJl '"'..c u. N FIG. 41 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  57. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 64 of 92 N ~ . (!) .... u.. •• iii: •• :4f: , . Ill Ill., . . ••• ••• ••• , •• ltf:

  58. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 65 of 92 - u..

  59. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 66 of 92 . - C) u...

  60. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 67 of 92 . C) - u...

  61. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 68 of 92 - u..

  62. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 69 of 92 n m 'i' N 0 ~ «:t ,......_ ~ . C) - IJ... 'I .., ( c () ¢) ~ u 0 Ill <J) 0... G 0 \ \ I N 0 !"-- -.c;t

  63. -~ ~D~· ~ :~ ~ <.-~-. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 70 of 92 0 't""' ""' I \ il i i 2 :0.. l;;i """"""\'""""""""' \ \ ~ tX) "Ct

  64. ~ ~I~ -y-~-~-~-~y-~-y-y-y-~-y~ :~ ~r. ~ -~/-~ -~·~-. ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • 4902 ~ = Large display screen .,.................................... t ' Board ' ' number c /.-I 1\\ 1 ('D ~ .... . tH I ! r r4102 N .... Pizza Order 4904b I 0 : I {. -~-~ Order Status L 0\ 2 3 ( 49048 /\ : K / rFJ \\ : 0;,, ... .:::::: .. ) =- \ / ('D ..... ('D / \ .... -....l Talk to 0 ..... I Veg Non-Veg Executive \0 1 2 N 1 ' ' ' ' L---------------------------------------------------! d rJl '"'..c u. N """"' 'N u. u. FIG. 49 = """"'

  65. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ e • 00 • Portable Device .r 5016 ~ = /5002 50121 )') Radio t 7{ Display '" ""' ./- PSTN )_) 7 Interface c ('D l l ~ .... l l l Processor l (.H l l l N l .... Connection Manager l 0 l l 5008 l 0\ l l l l l 5004) /' l -'")'.-...... 5020.)' l t"'"'Y \..,_\ rFJ =- j /'-""-. I 4102( ('D J, l _.( Y ..... I 'r- ('D I I;/ Network -.., ) Network I ~ -....l Interlace N /5006 ' l ' > 0 ..... ' l < \0 ...... Memory l N l l l 5018 l l ............................................................................ l ! l l Operating System l l l ! l 1Q1Q l l : l l d l l l rJl l • l l l '"'..c l l U'l l N l l l l """"' ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 'N l U'l U'l FIG. 50 = """"'

  66. /-<~" ~ ~ ·~ \.~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~ ~-~·- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • Portable Device rso-16 ~ = [5012 rsoo2 ' (! "\ I I Radio I ...._, 1_., ...._ PSTN Display fi ,.._ 1 I Interface I \) I c l '--AJ __ / -------------------- ('D ~ .... -'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'•-'• Processor tH N .... Connection Manager +- 0 5008 0\ . --y--y--'\ 5004 j 50201 / 5014 rFJ =- 4102/ ('D r;reless ,.,\ ..... Network ('D J fi t -....l Interface Network ·}) tH f5100 0 ..... \0 Memory N 5102 ./ Operating System 5010 d rJl ... >.e u. H N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """"' 'N u. FIG. 51 u. = """"'

  67. ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ e • 00 • 5206a ~ = c 5206b ('D External ~ .... Device (.H N .... Portable Device 0 User ... · 0\ [ ----------------------_------------------------------, i Visuphone Device 5208 .! f5206c 5204 _.. rFJ =- ('D 5202 ('D ...... -....l • .j;o. • 0 ..... • \0 N .Jf 5200 ! r5206n External Device d rJl ._.'..c u-. N FIG. 52 """"' 'N u-. u-. = """"'

  68. ~ ·~;~·V5206c ~ ~ (e~ ~¥/ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ e • 00 • ~ = r5204 External 5206a Device ! User Device c ('D lr5206b ~ .... External .. 5202 5302 Device (.H ~ f N i .... 0 0\ rFJ =- ('D Device ! ..... ('D -....l • Ul 0 ..... • \0 • N Jt5206n External y.· I Device d rJl '"'..c u. N FIG. 53 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  69. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 76 of 92 ., .. . .. ., .. 0 ., . , .. u.. . .. •otiHI! .. ., , • ,. If • ,. il .,. II!

  70. ~ ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 77 of 92 ('..! ( i 4) l{) ........ i ...., 0 l ~ "-. ................ -/ - u... \ '

  71. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 78 of 92 N 0 N •i.{.:l - u..

  72. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 79 of 92 - u...

  73. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 80 of 92 ' C) /- u.. " . 1 r;:: :::::::::::::::::;, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (_

  74. ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 81 of 92 ~@ .D ,g -@> C> 11} 0..0 N 0 N t{) m I.() > (.!) 1..1... 1:'5 ( E l lJ... I'D .... ·:j 0 0: j \.....

  75. ~\ "-,.'\~_,- ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 82 of 92 N (()

  76. -~ ~ ~ -~-~-~- ~ ~ ~ ~ e • 7J). • 6102 Large Disp~-~:~.?!~ ______ ~ -- ~ -~ ~ = i : ' ' Bo-ard ' I I ' < I ' I ' number \ ' ' /' ' < ' 1 ' ' ' c / i ' < ' ' / ('D ' ' ~ .... ' ' ' ' )5202 ' ' ' (.H ; Pizza Order ; ( 6104b ' Order Status /' N :../ ' .... 2 0 ' 3 Portable ' ' 0\ ' ·"" ' ...... - ' ' "" Device ' ' //\ ' < I ' ' ' j ' ' ' I \\ ' rFJ ) // I ' =- ' ' ' ' ('D ' ..... / ! ('D ' ' ' ' i ' ' QO ' I Talk to ' I r l (.H ' Non-Veg ! ' Veg i Executive ' ) 0 ..... ' t ' i ' 1 2 ' I ' I ' 1 \0 ' I ' l[li} N I ' ! ' r- e·w4a ' ~- ..................................................................................... ) c:::l c:::! ....... ____., f d rJl 6106 '"'..c u. N """"' 'N FIG, 61 u. u. = """"'

  77. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ·-.-._~\.~ -~-~ ~ e • 00 • Portable Device j ~ = : : : i c ('D ~ .... Processor (.H <E-- Connection Manager N .... 0 6206 ( 0\ )\ Network _,. ,{ Network -.... ) interface 62021 )/ 5202) 6214 f rFJ =- ('D ..... ('D \ {6204 QO 6212 .j;o. 0 ..... Memory 62:0 \0 N Operating Syste-m <:----- 6208 .................................................................................................................................................... d rJl '.0'-C u. N FIG.62 """"' 'N u. u. = """"'

  78. ~ \_~S~to_p 6304~ ~-) ~\ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 85 of 92 ( ) Start \ .-." 'I 6302 ""\.. Search, at a portable device, for an external ' device 'I ... '"--, _.//....- Is the ~'"- No / external device '"-- Yes 'I 6306 - Connect to the detected external device \l Display contents of display of the portable 6308 ·--- \. device on a screen of the external device \1 /' FIG. 63

  79. detecte~_._. ~ 6404~> U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 86 of 92 6402 Search, at a portable device, for a user device < __...,..__...... lsthe No user device '-... detected? ....-__...... "'-... __...,..-- 6406 ~-4 Establish a connection betvveen the portable •. !... device and the detected user dev~ce 6408 -..., Search; at the portable device~ for an external device 6410' __......__...... lsthe No external device / FIG, 64A

  80. U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 87 of 92 6412 -.\... Establish a \.onnection betv,een the portable device and the detected external device 6414 \J Display contents of display of the user device on a screen of the external device FlG. 64B

  81. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~_./' ~ •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.·.~ •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.·.~:. ~ ·~. ~- -~6504 -~-~- ~ e • 00 • Device _____ -, : ~ = Board : 6502 I 1 Number , ( / 1 \ ' c \_ ... 6508: _ } 6520a .... .... ('D : ~ .... Contact '!Pizza Order! (.H rder Statud ,Q. 2 ! e 3 l 6506j Option N .... 0 0\ ""- '"'- .... 6520b I L 6514i rFJ • Contact =- .- 6512 ' 102 ' Option ('D L' ' ' ('D Talk to l ...... ' j > I QO i Veg Non»Veg QO ! Executive! • j ')K2 #1 1 ! 0 ..... : 651011 • • > I I 'ij \0 j I N I - """ ! • B520n > ' : ... ~ ·""""""""""""""L""""'"" $ ..,.../' f : ./'/ ! Contact ; J Option : i Home d l 6571 J1 DeHvery T?keAway rJl 6518 . lQ1 f 2 g, '"'..c u. : ____ - -- _} -- -~- --- _::- ----------------------------- i N """"' 'N FIG.65 u. u. = """"'

  82. ~ w;·~· ~} -·-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ L~w ~ ~ ~ e • 00 • Device _ ~ = ---------------------------------------------------------------· . ' I l ; l : l ' ' ' .. !6604 c ('D / I .. I \ \ ~ .... (.H '" < N :r···········..:<................... ... .... > 0 I I 6602 0\ >/" brder Statu )Pizza Order 6606.J j 2 3 A v rFJ .J; j . =- l ' 102 I . ('D ..... ('D QO {6612 \0 f ., .,/___, ! 0 ..... ! ';:tt2 !' 1 Talk to \0 ! Executive tf' 1 6814 NonNVeg Veg N /fr1 6610 f i < ' I I d ' I rJl < ' I '.0'-C i < u. l • > N l l .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ·----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . """"' 'N FIG.66 u. u. = """"'

  83. :~ :~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ·~ ~-: ·~ .£.~03 ~ "~"1 ~ fa~ ~ t-~-y e • 00 • Device ______________ y ______________ ¥ ___ ¥ __________________ t ~ = s ' ' ' XYZ Airlines 1 , 6704 v 6702 Board Number ..J 1 c ' l 6720a ' ('D / ' ~ .... ./'./' ,..,,/ ' ' XYZ Domestic (.H /// ' '" N Airline Contact ' .... 0 ' . 6710 : Option 0\ ................. ' ,.-........::::...L....................., ' Status Other : Booking ' Inquiry Inquiry : 2 rFJ 102 =- 3 r672ob 4 : ('D ..... ('D XYZ International \0 s:\ spa! 0 Airline Contact 0 ..... Option \0 N VI ~ £ \ .2 1 1 Enter Enter i' ' • ' Talk to Airline Talk to 1; Booking Executive Information Ex$Cutive! : Information 2 p d 2 . 1 1 rJl ' l' ' p '"'..c u. N .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... """"' 'N FIG.67 u. u. = """"'

  84. Talkt~ ~L'. ~ Ls~·1a -~ ~ ~ ~ 680~ -~ .1-~ ~ ~ e • 00 • Device ~ = 6804 XYZ Domestic Airlines Number c 1 ('D ~ .... / (,H // N .... 0 U" 6802 ' ... /-- 6808 . 6810 0\ £.. , ...£......... , ~ ..... 2............................... ................. .. .. Booking Status Inquiry Other Inquiry rFJ =- 2 102 --·· 3 4 ('D ..... ('D / .... \0 I .. 0 ..... \ /6814 ~ \, \0 N /6818; \ ' H ' ' Enter Bookin Talk to Enter Airline lnforrnation Information Executive Executive 1 1 2 2 d ' rJl ' ' ' L----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 '"'..c u. N """"' 'N FIG.68 u. u. = """"'

  85. ~ U.S. Patent US 9,521,255 Bl Dec. 13, 2016 Sheet 92 of 92 Dial, at the device, a phone number of a 6902' destinatton :.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•. ':--•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:.•:. 6904 "'\... Display the visual IVR menu associated with the dialed phone number \I .. 6900 -. Display one or more contact options 'l 6908 "\... Select at least one contact option ' Chang€ the display of the visual tVR menu 6910 """-. based on the selection of the contact option v ... -.· '· .,__. ____ Stop ( __ ./ . FIG. 69

  86. US 9,521,255 Bl 1 2 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR VISUAL for retrieving the desired information. Therefore, the user PRESENTATION AND SELECTION OF IVR may become frustrated with the IVR systems. Usually, the IVR menus are same for all the users. MENU Therefore, the customer has to listen them carefully to select the appropriate option. The user may have to wait for long CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED time for receiving information while interacting with the APPLICATIONS IVR systems. Moreover, sometimes the requested informa- tion might not be available at the time when the user calls the This application is a Continuation of U.S. Non-provi- destination. Therefore, the user may have to either wait for sional application Ser. No. 13/934,248 entitled 'SYSTEMS long time or call again later. For example, the user may AND METHODS FOR VISUAL PRESENTATION AND 10 desire to talk to a customer care executive of the destination, SELECTION OF IVR MENU' and filed on Jul. 3, 2013, who is busy at the time of the call. Therefore, the call of the which is a Continuation ofU.S. Non-Provisional application user may be put on hold or he may be asked to call later. Ser. No. 13/186,984 entitled 'SYSTEMS AND METHODS Some prior art try to address this problem by providing FOR VISUAL PRESENTATION AND SELECTION OF visual form of IVR. These prior arts display the IVR menu IVR MENU' and filed on Jul. 20, 2011, now U.S. Pat. No. 15 graphically on a caller device. U.S. Pat. No. 7,215,743 8,903,073. assigned to International Business Machines Corporation and a published U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/957,605, FIELD OF THE INVENTION filed Dec. 17, 2007 and assigned to Motorola Inc., provides 20 the IVR menu of the destination in a visual form to the caller. The invention relates to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) The caller can select the options from the IVR menu without system and more specifically the invention relates to visual listening to the complete audio IVR menu. However, the selection of IVR option from a caller device. IVR menu displayed on the caller device is stored on an IVR BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION server at the destination end. As a result, the visual IVR 25 menu is specific to the destination and only the IVR of the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology is generally destination dialed is displayed. These techniques therefore, used to detect voice and key inputs from a caller. The advent require each destination to set-up hardware, software and of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems has reduced other facilities to be deployed for providing visual IVR operating costs for many types of businesses for providing servers. services. Generally, the IVR systems allow a user to interact 30 A U.S. Pat. No. 7,460,652, assigned to AT&T Intellectual with an audio or visual response system. The IVR systems Property I, L.P., discloses techniques for call routing and can provide prompts to a user and receive touch tone and/or communication with a call originator. The call may be spoken responses on the prompts from the user. Through received at an automated call handling system. Thereafter, such IVR dialogue the system collects sufficient information the call is evaluated based on a set of business rules and about the user to direct the call to the most appropriate 35 routed to an interactive voice response unit based on the resource, information processing system or the like. evaluation. Further, the interactive voice response unit auto- Generally, when the caller calls a destination, such as a matically schedules and sends an email to the originator of bank, an automated audio IVR menu is played. The audio the call. However, the scheduling of the email is performed IVR menu can contain instructions to provide instant ser- after establishing a communication with the automated call vices such as account balance inquiry when the destination 40 handling system. Moreover, the scheduling is performed at is a bank. Further, audio menu can provide options for the the automated call handling system. caller to connect to a desired end inside the destination. For Another existing technique as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. example, the menu may direct the caller to press various 6,560,320 assigned to International Business Machines Cor- keys on a telephone to connect to a particular department or poration enables an operator of the IVR to send customized agent. The audio IVR menu is designed specific to a 45 signals to the caller for generating and displaying graphical destination. Therefore, each destination or organization may elements on the device of the caller. Thereafter, the caller have different audio IVR menus. Further, the IVR menu in can respond by selecting options through touch-screen inter- an organization can be based on the type of departments, face of the device. Dual Tone Multi frequency (DTMF) type of services, customer care executives or agents and so signals of the IVR. However, this technique requires a forth. For example, an IVR menu of a bank may include 50 specifically configured device to interpret the codes sent as options related to the account details of the caller, while an Dual Tone Multi frequency (DTMF) signals for generating IVR menu of a pizzeria may contain options to order or the graphics. Moreover, an operator is required to present the select a pizza. graphics to the caller. Furthermore, specialized software and Typically, the caller calling the destination may have to hardware are required at the operator to design and generate listen and follow instructions on the menu to get a desired 55 DTMF codes. Therefore, the technique faces various prac- response or a function performed. Therefore, the process can tical limitations. be time consuming. Moreover, in case the caller provides an Generally, the IVR menus of the organizations are in form incorrect input, the complete process may have to be of audible menu. Moreover, there are a large number of repeated. Furthermore, the IVR menu for an organization organizations that use IVR menus. Therefore, converting the may be updated or changed regularly. For example, exten- audible menus to visual IVR menus can be time consuming. 60 sian numbers inside an organization may be changed and An existing technique, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,920, correspondingly, the extension numbers associated with the 425 assigned to Norte! Networks Limited, discloses an IVR menu may be updated. As a result, a frequent caller may automated script to convert the audible menus scripts to not be able to reach a desired end by remembering a visual IVR menu scripts. However, the audible menus combination of numbers. Furthermore, the dialed destina- scripts must be available in a particular format to enable the 65 tion may not include the information desired by the user. In conversion. Furthermore, the audio menu scripts must be such a case, the user may have to call the destination again available or downloadable for the program to function. As a

  87. US 9,521,255 Bl 3 4 result, only the audio menus scripts that are available can be wherein the database comprises one or more menus corre- converted to visual IVR menu scripts. Furthermore, the sponding to the phone numbers, and wherein the menus comprises one or more options for selection; and displaying device of the caller must be designed or programmed to on the telephone system a menu from the database based on understand the visual IVR menu scripts. a result of the comparison. Various organizations encourage the customers to call A caller may dial or select a phone number from a device them for information on their products or services, or for of a destination. The phone number is detected by a Visu- helping existing customers. Generally, a contact number is phone implemented on the device to display a visual IVR provided by the organizations on their website as a button. menu corresponding to the audible IVR menu of the desti- Therefore, when the customer presses the button a form is nation. Visuphone may be hardware, an application stored as displayed. The customer then enters his contact number 10 a software or firmware on the device, or a combination where an executive from the organization may call. How- thereof. Visuphone may include a database of visual IVR ever, this may be time consuming for the customer. More- menus corresponding to audible IVR menus for various over, the customer may be not being able to talk to another destinations. Thereafter, the caller may interact with the executive during the call in case the on-line executive is not able to satisfy the customer. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15 visual IVR menu displayed on the device to establish a connection with the destination. Furthermore, Visuphone 12/049,021, filed Mar. 14, 2008 and assigned to Harprit may detect and launch a VOIP application for establishing Singh, provides methods and systems for displaying an IVR the connection. Moreover, Visuphone may provide pre- menu, when the caller clicks a link on a webpage provided recorded or computer synthesized audio responses on behalf by the organization. However, the customer is still required to request the webpage with embedded information from a 20 of the caller to the destination. An aspect of the invention is to generate a database of server of the organization. Moreover, the methods and visual IVR menus. The database generation could be done systems are limited to the organizations that provide the by successive calling the IVR and combined with voice required webpage to the customers. Other technologies recognition. Calling the IVR systems can be done manually include U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/877,952 filed Oct. 24, 2007 and assigned to International Business 25 by operators that will listen to options of the IVR and enter these options into the database. In this manual mode, the Machine Corporation. operator will dial IVR numbers from a list and for each of The effectiveness of providing the IVR in visual form is them will follow all the options in several levels and in each discussed in a technical paper titled, 'The Benefits of Aug- level, enter the menu entries into the database. This can be menting Telephone Voice Menu Navigation with Visual done to many different IVR phone numbers, by one or Browsing and Search' by Min Yin et a!. The paper discusses 30 multiple operators. The voice menu can be recorded to for a setup where visual content of the IVR is sent from a service analyzing in a different process or a different time. provider to a computer connected to a mobile phone. How- Another aspect of the invention is to generate a database ever, the technique discussed in the paper is limited to the of visual IVR menus by a computer system. Combination of visual content provided by the service provider's end, after hardware and software that is connected to phone system the connection is established. Moreover, the providers are 35 and automatically dials the IVR phone numbers, record the required to individually set up the hardware and services for different options of the voice menu, analyze the voice menu providing visual content. and generate and enter the different entries into the database. As discussed above the existing technologies have various The system will generate the voice tone that simulates the limitations. Hence, techniques are desired for providing 40 relevant touchtone of a phone number pressed. This process enhanced telephony. will be done in several levels until covering all the entries in SUMMARY all the levels of the specific IVR system. This process is done for all the IVR phone number in the list. An enhanced telephone system is provided. The telephone Additional alternative is to access the IVR internal data- system comprises a database that comprises one or more 45 base and download the menu. This approach requires the phone numbers and one or more menus corresponding to the collaboration with the IVR maker and at least permission phone numbers, wherein the menus comprise one or more from the IVR owner. Having both a system could be build options for selection. The telephone system comprises to access IVR using their maintenance port, which is often means for comparing a dialed number to the phone numbers connected to the Internet. Accordingly, the system would in the database; means for displaying a menu based on a 50 access the IVR and once authorized by the IVR owner it will result of the comparison; means for enabling selection of the download the internal file representing the IVR menu, which one or more options from the displayed menu; and means for could be called the IVR customization record. The down- establishing a connection with a destination of the dialed loaded file would then be converted to visual IVR menu by number based on the selection of the one or more options. utility that could be design according to the format, which An enhanced telephone system is provided. The telephone 55 could be provided by the IVR maker. system comprises a database comprising one or more phone Another aspect of the invention is to provide to a caller numbers and one or more menus corresponding to the phone using a device a visual IVR menu corresponding to an numbers, wherein the menus comprises one or more options audible IVR menu of a destination. for selection; means for comparing the a received number of Another aspect of the invention is to enable the caller to a received call to the phone numbers in the database; means 60 directly interact with the visual IVR menu without listening for displaying a menu based on a result of the comparison; to the audible IVR menu of the destination. and means for enabling selection of the one or more options Another aspect of the invention is to provide the visual from the displayed menu. IVR menu to the caller before establishing a connection of Further, a method for providing enhanced telephony is the device with the destination. provided. The method comprising identifYing a number 65 Another aspect of the invention is to provide advertise- dialed from a telephone system; comparing the dialed num- ments related to the destination or function of the destination ber to one or more phone numbers stored in a database, dialed by the caller.

  88. US 9,521,255 Bl 5 6 Yet another aspect of the invention is to provide a visual Embodiments of the invention provide a method for IVR menu of a destination according to the location of the providing enhanced telephony. The method includes identi- communication device of a caller and/or a location of the fYing a phone number of a destination dialed from a device; dialed destination phone number. determining a location code associated with a current loca- Embodiments of the invention provide an enhanced com- tion of the device; and comparing the dialed phone number munication device. The enhanced communication device to one or more destination phone numbers stored in a comprises a processor and a memory coupled to the pro- database. The database may include at least one property cessor. The memory comprises a database including one or associated with the destination phone numbers. Further, the more destination phone numbers and at least one property method includes displaying the at least one property asso- associated with the destination phone numbers Further, the 10 ciated with the one or more destination phone numbers memory comprises instructions executable by the processor based on the comparison. for identifying a dialed phone number of a destination, Embodiments of the invention provide a device compris- determining a location code associated with a current loca- ing a database comprising a plurality of visual IVR menus tion of the communication device, comparing the dialed associated with a plurality of destinations. The device fur- phone number to one or more destination phone numbers 15 ther comprises means for dialing a phone number of a stored in a database, and displaying at least one property destination, means for comparing the dialed phone number associated with the one or more destination phone numbers with phone numbers stored in the database, and means for based on the comparison. displaying a form based on the comparison, wherein the Embodiments of the invention provide an enhanced com- form comprises one or more data request fields correspond- munication device. The enhanced communication device 20 ing to a visual IVR menu associated with the dialed desti- comprises a database including one or more destination nation. phone numbers and at least one property associated with the Embodiments of the invention provide a device compris- destination phone numbers. Further, the enhanced commu- ing a processor. Further, the device comprises a memory nication device comprises means for identifYing a dialed comprising a database. The database comprises a plurality of phone number of a destination, means for determining a 25 visual IVR menus associated with a plurality of destinations. location code associated with a current location of the Further, the memory comprises instructions executable by communication device, means for comparing the dialed the processor for dialing a phone number of a destination, phone number to one or more destination phone numbers comparing the dialed phone number with phone numbers stored in a database, and means for displaying at least one stored in the database, and displaying a form based on the property associated with the one or more destination phone 30 comparison, wherein the form comprises one or more data numbers based on the comparison. request fields corresponding to a visual IVR menu associ- Embodiments of the invention provide a method for ated with the dialed destination. providing enhanced telephony. The method includes identi- Further, a method for providing enhanced telephony is fying a phone number of a destination dialed from a com- disclosed. The method comprises dialing, at a device, a munication device; determining a location code associated 35 phone number of a destination. The device comprises a with a current location of the communication device; and plurality of visual IVR menus associated with a plurality of comparing the dialed phone number to one or more desti- destinations. Further, the method comprises comparing the nation phone numbers stored in a database. The database dialed phone number with phone numbers stored in the may include at least one property associated with the des- device. Furthermore, the method comprises displaying, at tination phone numbers. Further, the method includes dis- the device, a form based on the comparison, wherein the 40 playing the at least one property associated with the one or form comprises one or more data request fields correspond- more destination phone numbers based on the comparison. ing to a visual IVR menu associated with the dialed desti- Embodiments of the invention provide an enhanced nation. device. The enhanced device comprises a processor and a Embodiments of the invention provide a device for sched- memory coupled to the processor. The memory comprises a 45 uling a call to a destination based on predefined calling database including one or more destination phone numbers information. The device comprises a database comprising at and at least one property associated with the destination least one visual IVR menu associated with each of a plurality phone numbers Further, the memory comprises instructions of destinations. The device also comprises means for dialing executable by the processor for identifYing a dialed phone a phone number of a destination of the plurality of destina- number of a destination, determining a location code asso- tions based on the predefined calling information, wherein 50 ciated with a current location of the device, comparing the the predefined calling information is selected from a visual dialed phone number to one or more destination phone IVR menu associated with the destination; means for receiv- numbers stored in a database, and displaying at least one ing information from the dialed destination based on the property associated with the one or more destination phone predefined calling information; and means for displaying the numbers based on the comparison. 55 received information. Embodiments of the invention provide an enhanced Embodiments of the invention disclose a method for device. The enhanced device comprises a database including providing scheduling a call to a destination based on pre- one or more destination phone numbers and at least one defined calling information. The method comprises dialing a property associated with the destination phone numbers. phone number of a destination of a plurality of destinations Further, the enhanced device comprises means for identifY- based on the predefined calling information, wherein the 60 ing a dialed phone number of a destination, means for predefined calling information is selected from a visual IVR determining a location code associated with a current loca- menu associated with the destination. Further, the method tion of the device, means for comparing the dialed phone comprises receiving information from the dialed destination number to one or more destination phone numbers stored in based on the predefined calling information. Furthermore, a database, and means for displaying at least one property 65 the method comprises displaying the received information. associated with the one or more destination phone numbers Embodiments of the present invention provide a device. based on the comparison. The device comprises a processor. Further, the device com-

  89. US 9,521,255 Bl 7 8 prises a memory coupled to the processor. The memory Another aspect of the present invention is to provide a comprises a database comprising at least one IVR menu method for displaying, at a device, a visual IVR menu associated with at least one IVR system. Further, the associated with a phone number of a calling device. Further, memory comprises instructions executable by the processor the method displays one or more communication options at for sending a first section of a data packet to a second the device. communication device. The first section comprising first Another aspect of the invention is to enable a user at the information is sent based on a visual IVR menu associated device to interact with the visual IVR menu of the calling with the second communication device. Further, the memory first party device without listening to the audible IVR menu comprises instructions executable by the processor for of the first party device. receiving an acknowledgement message from the second 10 Yet another aspect of the invention is to enable a portable communication device based on the first section of the data device or device to connect to an external device with better packet. Furthermore, the memory includes instructions display capabilities. executable by the processor for sending a second section of Further aspect of the invention is to provide the visual the data packet to the second communication device based 15 IVR menu of a first party device to a user of a device before on the acknowledgement message. The second section com- establishing a communication session between the device prises second information. and the first party device. Embodiments of the present invention provide a method Additional aspect of the invention is an automatic learn- for communicating among a plurality of communication ing of caller choice and uses that for assisting the caller in devices. The method comprises sending, by a device, a first 20 his future calls. section of a data packet to a second communication device. The first section comprising first information is sent based BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS on a visual Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu associ- ated with at least one IVR system. Further, the method comprises receiving, at the device, an acknowledgement Having thus described the invention in general terms, message from the second communication device based on 25 reference will now be made to the accompanying drawings, the first section of the data packet. Furthermore, the method which are not necessarily drawn to scale, and wherein: comprises sending, by the device, a second section of the FIG. lA illustrates an exemplary environment where data packet to the second communication device based on various embodiments of the invention may function; the acknowledgement message. The second section com- FIG. lB illustrates another exemplary environment where prises second information. 30 various embodiments of the invention may function; Embodiments of the invention provide a method for FIG. lC illustrates yet another exemplary environment establishing a communication session in a communication where various embodiments of the invention may function; network. The method comprises dialing, by a device, a FIG. 2Aillustrates an exemplary audible Interactive Voice phone number of a second communication device. The Response (IVR) menu at a destination, in accordance with second communication device comprises an IVR system. 35 an embodiment of the invention; Further, the method comprises detecting, by the device, a FIG. 2B illustrates an exemplary visual IVR menu at a data network. Furthermore, the method comprises sending, device corresponding to the audible IVR menu of the by the device, a first section of a data packet to the dialed destination, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven- second communication device when the data network is 40 tion; detected. The first section comprises first information. FIG. 2C illustrate an exemplary visual IVR menu that Embodiments of the invention provide a communication display graphics for each option, in accordance with an device comprising a database comprising a plurality of embodiment of the invention; visual Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menus associated FIG. 2D illustrate an exemplary visual IVR menu that with a plurality of destinations. The communication device further comprises means for dialing a phone number of a 45 display tool tip when a curser is hovering an option for more destination, means for comparing the dialed phone number than certain time without action, in accordance with an with phone numbers stored in the database, and means for embodiment of the invention; displaying a form based on the comparison, wherein the FIGS. 3A and 3B illustrates exemplary components of the form comprises one or more data request fields correspond- device for implementing a Visuphone, in accordance with an ing to a visual IVR menu associated with the dialed desti- embodiment of the invention; 50 nation. FIG. 4 illustrates an exemplary display of the visual IVR A method for providing enhanced telephony is disclosed. menu on the device, in accordance with an embodiment of The method comprises dialing, at a communication device, the invention; a phone number of a destination. The communication device FIG. 5 illustrates exemplary components of the device for comprises a plurality of visual IVR menus associated with a 55 implementing the Visuphone, in accordance with another plurality of destinations. Further, the method comprises embodiment of the invention; comparing the dialed phone number with phone numbers FIG. 6 illustrates an exemplary display of the visual IVR stored in the communication device. Furthermore, the menu on the device, in accordance with another embodiment method comprises displaying, at the communication device, of the invention; a form based on the comparison, wherein the form com- FIG. 7 illustrates a webpage displayed on the device that 60 prises one or more data request fields corresponding to a may be used to initiate a connection to the destination, in visual IVR menu associated with the dialed destination. accordance with an embodiment of the invention; An aspect of the invention is to provide updates to the FIG. 8 illustrates an exemplary software architecture of visual IVR menus stored in the device. Visuphone, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven- An aspect of the invention is to provide the visual IVR 65 tion; menu when the call is forwarded from one destination to FIG. 9 illustrates exemplary components of the Visu- another. phone, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention;

  90. US 9,521,255 Bl 9 10 FIG. 10 illustrates an exemplary remote server for storing FIGS. 31A, 31B, 31C and 31D illustrates exemplary information required by the Visuphone, in accordance with envirouments where communication device may exchange an embodiment of the invention; one or more messages/data packets for establishing com- FIG. 11 illustrates presentation of a visual IVR menu in munication session, in accordance with various embodi- case of call forwarding, in accordance with an embodiment ments of the invention; of the invention; FIG. 32 illustrates an exemplary packet sent from a device FIG. 12 illustrates the presentation of the visual IVR to a second communication device, in accordance with an menu when a phone connection is associated with a wide embodiment of the invention; band internet 'smart' modem; FIG. 33 illustrates an exemplary structure of a first section FIG. 13 illustrates the presentation of the visual IVR 10 of the packet sent to the second communication device, in menu when a telephone connection is established through an accordance with an embodiment of the invention; external telephone service by using a computer; FIGS. 34A and 34B illustrates a flowchart for communi- FIGS. 14A, 14B, and 14C illustrate a Visu-add-on that cating among a plurality of communication devices, in provides the features and functionality of the Visuphone; accordance with an embodiment of the invention; FIGS. 15A, 15B, 15C and 15D illustrate a flowchart 15 FIGS. 35A, 35B, and 35C illustrates an exemplary com- diagram for presentation, selection and update of visual IVR munication network where a call is received at a device from menus, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; a first party device, in accordance with various embodiments FIG. 16 illustrates exemplary components of a device for of the invention function; implementing a database construction system, in accordance FIG. 36 illustrates yet another exemplary communication with an embodiment of the invention; 20 FIGS. 17A, 17B, and 17C illustrate exemplary compo- network in which an IVR is displayed when a call is received nents of the database construction system, in accordance at a device, in accordance with an embodiment of the with an embodiment of the invention; invention; FIG. 18 illustrates a flowchart diagram for creating a FIG. 37 illustrates an exemplary visual IVR menu along database for visual IVR menus, in accordance with an 25 with one or more communication options at a device, in embodiment of the invention; accordance with an embodiment of the invention; FIG. 19 illustrates an exemplary set of IVR categories; FIG. 38 illustrates another exemplary visual IVR menu FIG. 20A illustrates an exemplary information process along with one or more communication options at a device, stored in a database; in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; FIG. 20B illustrates an exemplary web form generated for 30 FIG. 39 illustrates the presentation of the visual IVR the information process of FIG. 20A; menu when a phone connection is associated with a wide FIG. 21 illustrates an exemplary display of representa- band internet 'smart' modem; tions of destinations on the device, in accordance with an FIG. 40 illustrates a flowchart for providing enhanced embodiment of the invention; telephony when a call is received, in accordance with an FIG. 22 illustrates an exemplary visual IVR menu of the 35 embodiment of the invention; selected destination with added graphics at a device, in FIG. 41 illustrates an enviroument where a device may be accordance with an embodiment of the invention; connected to an external device, according to an embodi- FIGS. 23A, 23B, and 23C illustrate a flowchart diagram ment of the invention; for providing representation of destinations based on posi- FIG. 42 illustrates exemplary functioning of the device tion, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; 40 (portable device) in the enviroument of FIG. 41, in accor- FIG. 24 illustrates flowchart for presenting advertisement dance with an embodiment of the invention; along with the visual IVR menu on the device, in accordance FIG. 43 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable with an embodiment of the invention; device such as a smart phone connected to a laptop in the FIG. 25A illustrates an exemplary information process for enviroument of FIG. 41, in accordance with another embodi- an IVR menu stored in records database, in accordance with 45 ment of an embodiment of the invention; FIG. 44 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable FIG. 25B illustrates an exemplary web form generated for device connected to a large display screen in the environ- the information process of FIG. 25A, in accordance with an ment of FIG. 41, in accordance with another embodiment of embodiment of the invention; the invention; FIG. 26 illustrates a flowchart for submitting personal 50 FIG. 45 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable information of a caller by Visuphone, in accordance with an device such as the smart phone connected to a television embodiment of the invention; screen in the environment of FIG. 41, in accordance with FIG. 27 illustrates an exemplary representation of a visual another embodiment of the invention; IVR menu associated with the dialed phone number of the FIG. 46 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable destination along with a scheduling mode option, in accor- device connected to a picture frame in the environment of 55 dance with an embodiment of the invention; FIG. 41, in accordance with another embodiment of the FIG. 28 illustrates another exemplary representation of a invention; visual IVR menu associated with the dialed phone number FIG. 47 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable of the destination along with a scheduling mode option, in device connected to a Global Positioning System (GPS) accordance with an embodiment of the invention; 60 navigation system in the environment of FIG. 41, in accor- FIG. 29 illustrates an exemplary display at the device after dance with another embodiment of the invention; switching to a scheduling mode, in accordance with an FIG. 48 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable embodiment of the invention; device such as the smart phone connected to a projector in FIGS. 30A and 30B illustrates a flowchart for providing the environment of FIG. 41, in accordance with another enhanced telephony by presenting a scheduling mode option 65 embodiment of the invention; to the caller, in accordance with an embodiment of the FIG. 49 illustrates exemplary display of an Interactive invention; Voice Response (IVR) menu on a large display screen

  91. US 9,521,255 Bl 11 12 connected to a portable device such as the smart phone, in FIG. 69 illustrates a flow diagram illustrating an exem- accordance with an embodiment of the invention; plary functioning of the Visuphone for displaying one or FIG. 50 illustrates block diagram of the portable device, more contact options at a device, in accordance with an in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; embodiment of the invention. FIG. 51 illustrates another block diagram of the portable DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE device, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; INVENTION FIG. 52 illustrates an environment where a portable device may be connected to a user device, in accordance Illustrative embodiments of the invention now will be with an embodiment of the invention; FIG. 53 illustrates an environment where a portable 10 described more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which some, but not all embodi- device may be connected to a user device, in accordance ments of the invention are shown. Indeed, the invention may with another embodiment of the invention; be embodied in many different forms and should not be FIG. 54 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein; device connected to a mobile phone in the environment of 15 rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclo- FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in accordance with an embodiment of sure will satisfY applicable legal requirements. Like num- the invention; bers refer to like elements throughout. FIG. 55 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable FIG. lA illustrates an exemplary environment where device connected to a mobile phone and a projector in the 20 various embodiments of the invention may function. A environment of FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in accordance with device 1 02a can be used by a caller 106 for connecting to another embodiment of the invention; destinations l08a-n. Device 102a can be a telecommunica- FIG. 56 illustrates another exemplary functioning of the tion device that can connect directly to a Public Switched portable device connected to a mobile phone and a large screen in the environment of FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in Telephone Network (PSTN) 110. A person skilled in the art accordance with another embodiment of the invention; 25 will appreciate, that device 102a can also connect to a FIG. 57 illustrates another exemplary functioning of the private telephone exchange. Examples of device 102a portable device connected to a mobile phone and a television include, but not limited to, a mobile phone, a Smartphone, in the environment of FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in accordance with a telephone, or any other device capable of voice or data another embodiment of the invention; communication. Each of destinations l08a-n may include FIG. 58 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable 30 one or more Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menus. device connected to a mobile phone and a laptop in the Further, each of destinations l08a-n may have one or more environment of FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in accordance with associated phone numbers. When caller 106 dials a phone another embodiment of the invention; number of a destination and connects to any destination FIG. 59 illustrates another exemplary functioning of the from destinations l08a-n, an audible IVR menu may be portable device connected to a picture frame and a wired 35 played to caller 106. Each of destinations l08a-n can have telephone in the environment of FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in different and more than one audible IVR menus. For accordance with another embodiment of the invention; example, IVR menus of bank may be completely different FIG. 60 illustrates exemplary functioning of the portable from that of a hospital. Typically, the audible IVR menu device connected to a mobile phone and a GPS navigation provided by destinations l08a-n comprises audible options system in the environment of FIG. 52 or FIG. 53, in 40 or instructions. Caller 106 may be required to select various accordance with another embodiment of the invention; options from the audible IVR menu to obtain the required FIG. 61 illustrates an exemplary display of an Interactive information or resource or service from the dialed destina- Voice Response menu (IVR) on a large display screen tion. Various types of destinations l08a-n that implement the connected to a portable device and a user device such as smart phone, in accordance with an embodiment of the 45 audible IVR menu include, for example, banks, hotels, invention; fast-food outlets, utility services providers, corporate offices, FIG. 62 illustrates a block diagram of portable device and so forth. 5202, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; In an embodiment, device 102a includes a Visuphone 104 FIG. 63 is a flowchart illustrating the functioning of that can display a visual IVR menu on device 102a corre- portable device 4102, in accordance with an embodiment of 50 sponding to the audible IVR menu based on a phone number the invention; of the destination to be connected. Visuphone 104 may be FIGS. 64A and 64B illustrates a flowchart for implement- hardware, an application stored as software, a firmware on ing the portable device in the environment of FIG. 52 and device 102a, or a combination thereof. Thereafter, caller 106 FIG. 53, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven- can select the options of the audible IVR menu from the tion; 55 visual display without the requirement to listen to the FIG. 65 illustrates an exemplary functioning of Visu- audible instructions. Further, Visuphone 104 may display phone for displaying one or more contact options at a device, one or more options based on the dialed destination. Exem- in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; plary audible IVR menu at destination 108a and a corre- FIG. 66 illustrates change of display at user device 102, sponding visual IVR menu are explained in detail in con- when a user selects a contact option, in accordance with an 60 junction with FIGS. 2A and 2B. embodiment of the invention; In an embodiment of the invention, device 102a can FIG. 67 illustrates an exemplary functioning of Visu- request for updates from a server through a communication phone for displaying one or more contact options at a device, network. The server may maintain the updated information in accordance with another embodiment of the invention; of destinations and their associated properties. This may FIG. 68 illustrates change in display at device 102 based 65 happen in a case when requested information is not available on selection of a contact option by a user of device 102, in on the dialed destination. The communication network can accordance with an embodiment of the invention; and include more than one device. Examples of the communi-

  92. US 9,521,255 Bl 13 14 cation network include, but are not limited to, the Network, graphical display. For explanation, assuming that destination PSTN, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network 108a is a pizzeria that provides home delivery and takes (WAN), and so forth. away services. Caller 106 connects to destination 108a by FIG. 1B illustrates another exemplary environment where dialing a board phone number 202a. Subsequently, various various embodiments of the invention may function. As options of audible IVR menu 222a are played to caller 106. shown, device 102b can be a device that can be connected The various options include an option 204a that plays an directly to a network 112. Examples of device 102b include, audible instruction, "press 2 for pizza order", an option 206a but are not limited to, a personal computer, a laptop, a that plays an audible instruction, "press 3 for order status", mobile phone, a smart-phone, a fixed line telephone, Voice an option 220a that plays an audible instruction, "press 0 for Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone or other devices 10 main menu". Caller 106 can select an option by pressing capable of voice or data communication. Device 102b may from device 102, a button corresponding to the instructions include various applications or computer programs that in the audible IVR menu. Subsequently, the selected options enable caller 106 to use device 102b for connecting to any are transmitted to the destination and the menu is advanced of destinations 108a-n through PSTN 110 over network 112. if there are any further options. Alternatively the display can For example, the applications may be VOIP applications, 15 present the next layer of menu options to give the caller such as but not limited to, Skype, Magic Jack, Google Talk better view of the option domain and allow even faster and so forth. A gateway 116 can be used to interconnect interface between caller and the IVR. PSTN 110 and network 112. Network 112 may include any For example, selection of option 204a presents an option 208a that plays an audible instruction, "press 1 for veg" and wired or wireless network. Examples of network 112 include, but are not limited to, a Local Area Network (LAN), 20 an option 210a that plays an audible instruction, "press 2 for a Wide Area Network (WAN), a Wi-Fi network, and so forth. non-veg" is played. Similarly, selecting option 208a or 210a As discussed with reference to FIG. 1A, destinations 108a-n presents or option 214a that plays an audible instruction, can present the audible IVR to caller 106. Device 102b "press 1 for home delivery", an option 216a that plays an includes Visuphone 1 04b that displays a visual IVR menu on audible instruction, "press 2 for take away". Similarly, device 102b corresponding to the audible IVR menu based 25 selection of option 206a presents an option 212a that plays on a phone number of the destination to be connected. an audible instruction, "press 1 to talk to an executive". Further, Visuphone 104 may display one or more options for Options 204a, 206a, 208a, 210a, 212a, 214a, and 216a communication on device 102b. are part of a main menu 218a. Main menu 218a can be FIG. 1C illustrates yet another exemplary environment repeated by selecting option 220a by caller 106. Caller 106 where various embodiments of the invention may function. 30 may repeat main menu 218a for example, in case of a As shown, device 102c can be connected to PSTN 110 mistake in selection. Therefore, caller 106 directly interact- through network 112 or through the cellular network 111. ing with audible IVR menu 222a may be required to listen Various service providers provide multiple or overlapping to all or various audible options before executing a desired services to customers. For example, cable television service action. However, the interaction is simplified by Visuphone provider may also provide phone and Internet service, 35 104, that presents a visual IVR menu 222b to caller 106 optical Internet provider may also provide phone or televi- corresponding to audible IVR menu 222a, as explained with sion services, WiMax service providers that provide phone reference to FIG. 2B. service, and so forth. Network 112 may be any service Further, each of destinations 108a-n may have more than provider that provides such services, for example, but not one audio IVR menus. Therefore, different visual IVR limited to, cell phone services, wireless services, Internet 40 menus corresponding to one or more audio IVR menus can services, cable television services, or various combinations be available for each of destinations 108a-n. In an embodi- of the above or other type of services. As discussed with ment, device 102 may include more than one visual IVR reference to FIG. 1A, destinations 108a-n presents the menus for each destination of destinations 108a-n based on audible IVR to caller 106. Device 102c includes Visuphone the time. Herein after device 102 collectively refers to 104 that displays a visual IVR menu on device 102b 45 device 102a, 102b and 102c. Therefore, different visual IVR corresponding to the audible IVR menu based on a phone menus corresponding to a destination 108 might be pre- number of the destination to be connected. Further, Visu- sented to caller 106 depending on the time of dialing to phone 104 may display other communication options to destination 108. caller 106. In an exemplary scenario, in a hotel, the food items in a In an embodiment of the invention, Visuphone 104 may 50 daytime menu card may be different from a night menu card. call the dialed destination based on the predefined calling Accordingly, the options in the visual IVR menu may differ. information automatically. In an embodiment, Visuphone Therefore, the visual IVR menus for daytime and night can 104 may keep on calling to the dialed destination until the be different for the hotel. When caller 106 dials the phone requested information is received. In an embodiment, the number of the hotel in daytime, a daytime visual IVR menu dialed destination may request the information requested by 55 can be displayed at device 102a, and if caller 106 calls at Visuphone 104 of device 102c (or 102a or 102b), from a night, a different menu can be displayed at device 102a. server of the communication network. Thereafter, the dialed Therefore, a visual IVR menu of the hotel displayed at the destination may send the information received from the calling device for a call made at noon may be different then server to Visuphone 104 of device 102c. Further, Visuphone the visual IVR menu displayed for another call made at 104 may save and/or display the received information at 60 evening. device 102c. FIG. 2B illustrates an exemplary visual IVR menu 222b FIG. 2A illustrates an exemplary audible IVR menu 222a corresponding to an audible IVR menu 222a, in accordance 08a, in accordance with an embodiment of at destination 1 an with an embodiment of the invention. Visual IVR menu invention. A person skilled in the art will appreciate that 222b may be displayed on a screen of device 102b that may audible IVR menu 222a is an exemplary graphical repre- 65 connect to destination 108a through network 112 and PSTN sentation of the audible instructions presented by destination 110. In an embodiment, visual IVR menu 222b can be 108a for the sake of explanation and is not an actual displayed before a connection is established with destination


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