c tac model of

C-TAC Model of Advanced Il Illness Care Br Brad St Stuart MD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C-TAC Model of Advanced Il Illness Care Br Brad St Stuart MD Chie ief Medic ical l Office icer, C-TAC Br BradS@theCT CTAC.o .org @Br BradHSt Stuart 1 Coalition to Transform Advanced Care Over 150 healthcare system, specialty

  1. C-TAC Model of Advanced Il Illness Care Br Brad St Stuart MD Chie ief Medic ical l Office icer, C-TAC Br BradS@theCT CTAC.o .org @Br BradHSt Stuart 1

  2. Coalition to Transform Advanced Care  Over 150 healthcare system, specialty society members  C-TAC developed the advanced care model based on Advanced Illness Management (AIM)  CMS has now developed the Serious Illness Population (SIP) model based in part on the C-TAC advanced care model 2 For Discussion Only

  3. A Large-Scale Advanced Illness Intervention Informs Medicare’s New Serious Illness Payment Model Brad Stuart Praba Koomson Elizabeth Mahler

  4. The Challenge of Advanced Illness • As s fu functio ion declin lines, tr treatments lo lose se im impact • La Last 1-2 years of f li life fe • Ca Care is is driv riven by urg rgency, , not t patie ient pre refe ference • 4% of f Medic icare benefi ficia iarie ies, 25% of f cost sts • Avo void idable le, , unwanted hosp spit ital l admis issio ions • Hosp spic ice, pall llia iativ ive care re are re underutil iliz ized

  5. Advanced Illness Management (AIM) • 1999: : Su Sutt tter r Healt lth pil ilot, Nort rthern Ca Cali lifo fornia ia – Prim rimary ry physic icia ians deleg legate dutie ies to to RN-le led te teams • 2013: : $13M CMMI I gra rant, contro roll lled tria rial – ↓ hospital days by 1,361/1000 pts. (p<.001) – ↓ total cost of care in last 30 days of life by $5,657/benefic icia iary ry (p<.001) • 3.0 .0 FTE TE medic ical l dire irectors manage an ave verage dail ily census of f 2,2 ,214 pati tients in in 19 countie ies

  6. CMS Serious Illness Population (SIP) Payments • Se Separate tr track with ithin in Prim imary Care Firs irst model • Part rtic icip ipatin ing prim rimary care re pra ractic ices can use se new payments to to buil ild int interdis iscip ipli linary te teams • Or r hosp spic ice & pall llia iativ ive care re org rganiz izatio ions can partner with ith partic icip ipatin ing pra ractic ices

  7. The Advanced Care (and AIM) Model Inpatient Ambulatory Nurse-led Patient’s Home Interdisciplinary Team Goal: Move the focus of care from hospital to home 7

  8. The Recipe for Success 1. Care coordination must rise up to health system integration 2. Advance care planning must be baked into operations 3. Care management must wrap around the whole process

  9. 1. Care coordination = system integration Systematic deployment of services: • Initial visit while patient hospitalized • Home visits initially and with any health decline/transition • 24/7 access to clinical triage • Telephonic outreach, telehealth centralized or embedded in practice • Coordination of post-acute services, tests and procedures, primary and specialty physician visits 9

  10. 2. Systematic advance care planning Person-centered approach: • Take the handoff from the primary physician • Continue the conversation at home • Plan at the individual’s own pace • Initiate and revisit goals of care routinely • Communicate & discuss documented goals with family, caregivers and treating physicians 10

  11. 3. Wraparound care management • Postacute care (done well) becomes preacute care • Patient, family and caregivers gain trust & confidence in their ability to manage their own care at home • This prevents revolving-door readmissions near the end of life • …And significantly reduces total cost of care

  12. Notes on Cost Reduction • Cutting costs cannot involve denying services • Patient choice is key • Hospitalization is the biggest driver of cost • Thus the best way to cut costs is to support seriously ill people le at home until they realize they no longer need to be patie ients • This approach works best in advanced illness …why?

  13. Medicare spending by month prior to death (All diagnoses) 25% of 25 of all all Medicare doll ollars The e la last t mon onth th of of lif life are sp ar spent in in th the las last year of of lif life con onsumes 8% of of ALL LL $ per decedent Med edic icare spen endin ing 80% of of fin final-month th spending is is for or hos ospital tr treatment All ll oth other spendin ing decli eclines Months prior to death

  14. Quality Metrics We Recommended to CMS • Utilization • Care process • Patient experience of care

  15. Utilization • Percent of patients with no ICU days in last 30 days of life • Percent of patients who died in hospice • Median hospice length of stay for that cohort • Risk-adjusted ambulatory sensitive hospitalizations/1000 pt-months

  16. Care Process Metrics • Percent of patients with documentation of: - Functional assessment - Surrogate decision maker and preferences for life-sustaining treatment - CPR, other life supports and hospitalization - Screening for pain, dyspnea, nausea and constipation - Discussion of emotional needs or screening for depression and anxiety - Discussion of spiritual needs or screening for spiritual distress • Percent of patients with a home visit within 7 days of discharge • Percent of patients with med reconciliation within 7 days of discharge

  17. Patient Experience of Care Metrics (Survey) • Composite scores for questions in 6 domains: 1. Overall satisfaction/willingness to recommend 2. Timeliness of care 3. Getting help for symptoms (pain, trouble breathing, anxiety and sadness) 4. Effective communication 5. Care coordination 6. Shared decision making • Administered at multiple times - 1 month after enrollment - Every 6 months while enrolled - After discharge (including death)

  18. Now the action starts… • CMS has announced Primary Care First and Serious Illness initiatives • The Request for Applications (RFA) will contain important information needed by practices to help them decide whether to participate • The RFA has not yet emerged • CMS has committed to implement PCF/SIP on January 1, 2020 • Stay tuned!


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