c entre for innovation and s tructural c hange c

C entre for Innovation and S tructural C hange C onference 28 TH - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C entre for Innovation and S tructural C hange C onference 28 TH October 2010 NUIG B lue ocean s trategy is about creating uncontes ted market s pace. T oo many companies are s wimming in the red ocean of bloody competition where

  1. C entre for Innovation and S tructural C hange C onference 28 TH October 2010 NUIG

  2. B lue ocean s trategy is about creating uncontes ted market s pace. T oo many companies are s wimming in the red ocean of bloody competition where there is limited room for real growth. The image of the vas t blue ocean conveys the infinite pos s ibilities for profitable growth that exis t with this s trategy. - K im

  3. Innovation P artnerships S F I R E ME DI R esearcher S tudies NUIG / UL / Athlone / UC C T rinity / Maynooth R S C I / NC AD / NF B / C C AN

  4. S tage 3: Drug P latform S tage 2: Drug Delivery S tage 1: OE M Device


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