c a n a m s s c c i e e n n t t i i f f i i c

C A N A M S S C C I E E N N T T I I F F I I C - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C A N A M S S C C I E E N N T T I I F F I I C P R E S E N T S L I Q U I D G L A S S C O A T I N G S We are leaders in safe, sustainable, environmentally respectful, undetectable molecular glass coatings. What is

  1. C A N A M S S C C I E E N N T T I I F F I I C P R E S E N T S L I Q U I D G L A S S C O A T I N G S

  2. We are leaders in safe, sustainable, environmentally respectful, undetectable molecular glass coatings. What is Liquid Glass? Liquid glass is the informal name for coatings of pure, safe, quartz glass or silicon dioxide (SiO2). Silicon dioxide is the most abundant mineral on earth and the chief ingredient in glass. It is also found in many foods and liquid. Treated surfaces can be maintained with water only, reducing the need for soaps and chemical cleaners. Our treatments will not discolor or change the feel of a surface. Our coatings are bacteriostatic (biostatic) so they resist the formation of biofilms, bacteria, algae, and mold.

  3. Chairs and Sofas Upholstery & Fabric PROTECT O U R L I Q U I D G L A S S C O A T I N G S A R E I D E A L F O R P R O T E C T I N G S I L K , U P H O L S T E R Y , A N D F A B R I C S Silk Repel Well Upholstery & Fabric Protect is a revolutionary water based formula designed to protect fabric and upholstery from liquids, oils, dirt and stains. Once applied, rest easy knowing that an ultra-thin, flexible layer of protection has been formed between the environment and the surface you apply it to. This clear, protective shield will not change the color, texture, or breathability of your upholstery, fabrics, or leather, facilitating quick and easy clean-up. Our liquid glass is Superphobic which means that it is Oliophobic (repels oil and grease) and Hydrophobic (repels water). Drapes


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