Genesis 2:1-3 By Paul Lamey
Why study the Sabbath?
Why study the Sabbath? “For the Christian it remains a compelling matter for examination because it involves the consideration of God’s claim upon one’s life and time, and, in this light, it becomes of great importance to ascertain whether the Bible gives any guidelines about the ordering of one’s time, particularly the religious observance of one day a week .” (A. T. Lincoln)
Overview : What the Bible says about the Sabbath:
Overview : What the Bible says about the Sabbath: 1. God Alone is Your Creator (Genesis 2:1-3)
Overview : What the Bible says about the Sabbath: 1. God Alone is Your Creator (Genesis 2:1-3) 2. God Alone is Your Redeemer (Deuteronomy 5)
Overview : What the Bible says about the Sabbath: 1. God Alone is Your Creator (Genesis 2:1-3) 2. God Alone is Your Redeemer (Deuteronomy 5) 3. God Alone is Your Rest (Hebrews 4)
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3)
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2)
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2) B. His creation is sanctified (vs. 3)
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2) B. His creation is sanctified (vs. 3) C. So What?
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2) B. His creation is sanctified (vs. 3) C. So What? 1) The creation was perfect and complete, unmarred by sin.
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2) B. His creation is sanctified (vs. 3) C. So What? 1) The creation was perfect and complete, unmarred by sin. 2) The Creator is to be celebrated.
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2) B. His creation is sanctified (vs. 3) C. So What? 1) The creation was perfect and complete, unmarred by sin. 2) The Creator is to be celebrated. 3) The Genesis Sabbath is not a command but a pattern.
1. God Alone is Your Creator (Gen 2:1 – 3) A. His creation is complete (vv. 1-2) B. His creation is sanctified (vs. 3) C. So What? 1) The creation was perfect and complete, unmarred by sin. 2) The Creator is to be celebrated. 3) The Genesis Sabbath is not a command but a pattern. 4) God the Creator is related to us by the Supreme agent of creation.
“ For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together .” - Colossians 1:16 – 17
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