Ephesians 6:11b – 13 by Paul Lamey
Review: [It is] reliance on the power and protection of God, embracing the Word of God, specific obedience, fervent and focused prayer, and the aid of fellow believers. Spiritual warfare with the power of evil is a matter of consistently and repeatedly turning from darkness to light in the midst of assailing darkness. Christians fight spiritual warfare by repentance, faith, and obedience. (Powlison)
Review: 1. Recognize your strength in the battle (vs. 10)
Review: 1. Recognize your strength in the battle (vs. 10) 2. Recognize your resources in the battle (vs. 11)
1. Recognize your strength in the battle (vs. 10) 2. Recognize your resources in the battle (vs. 11) 3. Recognize your enemies in the battle (vv. 11b – 12)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 1. To be careless in our walk with Christ (Eph 4:11b; 1 Pet 5:8)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 1. To be careless in our walk with Christ (Eph 4:11b; 1 Pet 5:8) 2. To keep believers in perpetual immaturity (Eph 4:14)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 1. To be careless in our walk with Christ (Eph 4:11b; 1 Pet 5:8) 2. To keep believers in perpetual immaturity (Eph 4:14) 3. To exploit our anger and divide the church (Eph 4:26 – 27)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 1. To be careless in our walk with Christ (Eph 4:11b; 1 Pet 5:8) 2. To keep believers in perpetual immaturity (Eph 4:14) 3. To exploit our anger and divide the church (Eph 4:26 – 27) 4. To exalt pride in ministry (2 Cor 12:7; 1 Tim 3:6)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 1. To be careless in our walk with Christ (Eph 4:11b; 1 Pet 5:8) 2. To keep believers in perpetual immaturity (Eph 4:14) 3. To exploit our anger and divide the church (Eph 4:26 – 27) 4. To exalt pride in ministry (2 Cor 12:7; 1 Tim 3:6) 5. To disgrace the reputation of church leaders (1 Tim 3:7)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 6. To divide the church with false teachings (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13 – 15)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 6. To divide the church with false teachings (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13 – 15) 7. To fill the church with selfishness and worldliness (James 4:7)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 6. To divide the church with false teachings (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13 – 15) 7. To fill the church with selfishness and worldliness (James 4:7) 8. To foster temptations within marriage (1 Cor 7:5)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 6. To divide the church with false teachings (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13 – 15) 7. To fill the church with selfishness and worldliness (James 4:7) 8. To foster temptations within marriage (1 Cor 7:5) 9. To veil the gospel to the lost (2 Cor 4:3 – 4; Luke 8:12; Eph 2:2)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 6. To divide the church with false teachings (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13 – 15) 7. To fill the church with selfishness and worldliness (James 4:7) 8. To foster temptations within marriage (1 Cor 7:5) 9. To veil the gospel to the lost (2 Cor 4:3 – 4; Luke 8:12; Eph 2:2) 10. To destroy the person and work of Christ (Matt 4; Luke 4)
What are Satan’s Schemes? 11. To cast doubt upon the Word of God (Genesis 3; Matt 4; Luke 4)
1. Recognize your strength in the battle (vs. 10) 2. Recognize your resources in the battle (vs. 11) 3. Recognize your enemies in the battle (vv. 11b – 12)
1. Recognize your strength in the battle (vs. 10) 2. Recognize your resources in the battle (vs. 11) 3. Recognize your enemies in the battle (vv. 11b – 12) 4. Recognize your hope in the battle (vs. 13)
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