by issuer by issuer

by Issuer by Issuer Corporate Government by Underlying by Issuer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

by Issuer by Issuer Corporate Government by Underlying by Issuer Corporate Government by Underlying by Issuer Zero coupon bond Corporate Zero coupon convertible bond Government Variable rate bond Deferred interest bond by Underlying

  1. by Issuer

  2. by Issuer Corporate Government

  3. by Underlying by Issuer Corporate Government

  4. by Underlying by Issuer Zero coupon bond Corporate Zero coupon convertible bond Government Variable rate bond Deferred interest bond

  5. by Underlying by Issuer Zero coupon bond Corporate Zero coupon convertible bond Government by Collateralisation Variable rate bond Deferred interest bond

  6. by Underlying by Issuer Zero coupon bond Corporate Zero coupon convertible bond Government by Collateralisation Variable rate bond Deferred interest bond Debenture bonds Mortgage bonds Income bonds Collateral trust bonds Subordinated debentures Serial bonds Guaranteed bonds

  7. Climate-Aligned Bond Universe Unlabelled Climate- Aligned Bonds (83%) Labelled Green Bonds (17%)

  8. $576 bn Climate-Aligned Bond Universe Unlabelled Climate- Aligned Bonds (83%) Labelled Green Bonds (17%)

  9. $576 bn Climate-Aligned Bond Universe $118 bn Unlabelled Climate- Aligned Bonds (83%) Labelled Green Bonds (17%)

  10. Sector Division Oustanding bonds Energy (19%) Transport (67%) Multi-sector (8%) Water (3%) Building&Industry (2%) Agriculture & Forestry (1%) Waste&Pollution COnstrol (1%)

  11. Sector Division Currency Division Oustanding bonds Oustanding bonds USD (25%) CNY (33%) Energy (19%) Transport (67%) EUR (16%) GBP (9%) Multi-sector (8%) Water (3%) CAD (3%) RUB (3%) Building&Industry (2%) Agriculture & Forestry INR (2%) KRW (2%) (1%) CHF (2%) SEK (1%) Waste&Pollution COnstrol Other (4%) (1%)

  12. renewable energy

  13. renewable energy including production, transmission, appliances and products

  14. pollution prevention and renewable energy control including production, transmission, appliances and products

  15. pollution prevention and renewable energy control including waste water treatment, greenhouse gas control, soil remediation, recycling and waste to including production, energy, value added products from waste and transmission, appliances and remanufacturing, and associated environmental products monitoring analysis

  16. terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including waste water treatment, greenhouse gas control, soil remediation, recycling and waste to including production, energy, value added products from waste and transmission, appliances and remanufacturing, and associated environmental products monitoring analysis

  17. terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including the protection of coastal, marine and watershed environments including waste water treatment, greenhouse gas control, soil remediation, recycling and waste to including production, energy, value added products from waste and transmission, appliances and remanufacturing, and associated environmental products monitoring analysis

  18. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including the protection of coastal, marine and watershed environments including waste water treatment, greenhouse gas control, soil remediation, recycling and waste to including production, energy, value added products from waste and transmission, appliances and remanufacturing, and associated environmental products monitoring analysis

  19. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable including the protection of coastal, marine and infrastructure for clean watershed environments and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and including waste water treatment, greenhouse gas river training and other control, soil remediation, recycling and waste to forms of flooding mitigation including production, energy, value added products from waste and transmission, appliances and remanufacturing, and associated environmental products monitoring analysis

  20. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable including the protection of coastal, marine and infrastructure for clean watershed environments and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and eco-efficient products river training and other forms of flooding mitigation

  21. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable including the protection of coastal, marine and infrastructure for clean watershed environments and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and eco-efficient products river training and other forms of flooding mitigation

  22. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable including the protection of coastal, marine and infrastructure for clean watershed environments and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and eco-efficient products river training and other forms of flooding mitigation development and introduction of environmentally friendlier, eco labelled or certified products, resource efficient packaging and distribution

  23. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable including the protection of coastal, marine and infrastructure for clean watershed environments and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and eco-efficient products river training and other forms of flooding mitigation development and introduction of environmentally friendlier, eco labelled or certified products, resource efficient packaging and distribution

  24. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable energy efficiency infrastructure for clean and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and eco-efficient products river training and other forms of flooding mitigation development and introduction of environmentally friendlier, eco labelled or certified products, resource efficient packaging and distribution

  25. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control including sustainable energy efficiency infrastructure for clean and/or drinking water, sustainable urban drainage systems and eco-efficient products river training and other forms of flooding mitigation development and introduction of environmentally friendlier, eco labelled new and refurbished or certified products, buildings, energy resource efficient storage, district packaging and heating, smart grids, distribution appliances and products

  26. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control sustainable management of living nature resources energy efficiency eco-efficient products development and introduction of environmentally friendlier, eco labelled new and refurbished or certified products, buildings, energy resource efficient storage, district packaging and heating, smart grids, distribution appliances and products

  27. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control sustainable management of living nature resources energy efficiency eco-efficient products including sustainable infrastructure development for clean and/or drinking water, and introduction of sustainable urban drainage systems environmentally and river training and other forms of friendlier, eco labelled new and refurbished flooding mitigation or certified products, buildings, energy resource efficient storage, district packaging and heating, smart grids, distribution appliances and products

  28. sustainable water terrestrial and management aquatic biodiversity conservation pollution prevention and renewable energy control sustainable management of living nature resources energy efficiency clean transportation eco-efficient products including sustainable infrastructure development for clean and/or drinking water, and introduction of sustainable urban drainage systems environmentally and river training and other forms of friendlier, eco labelled new and refurbished flooding mitigation or certified products, buildings, energy resource efficient storage, district packaging and heating, smart grids, distribution appliances and products


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