Neural Module Networks BV LC Jacob Andreas, Marcus Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell, Dan Klein
Visual ques>on answering What color is yellow the neck/e? 2
Visual ques>on answering Is there a red yes shape above a circle? 3
Neural module networks Is there a red shape above a circle? ↦ red ↦ true exists ↦ above 4
Neural module networks Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 5
Neural module networks yes Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 6
Nearest neighbors Structured neural models • [Socher et al. 2011, BoIou et al. 1997, Mnih et al. 2014] Probabilis7c formal seman7cs / predicate learning • [Beltagy et al. 2013, Lewis & Steedman 2013, Malinowski & Fritz 2014] 7
Represen>ng meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 8
Represen>ng meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 9
AIen>ons encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 10
AIen>on transforma>ons encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 11
Set transforma>ons encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 12
Sentence meanings are computa>ons Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above circle 13
Sentence meanings are computa>ons Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above circle 14
Composi>ons of vector func>ons are neural nets 15
Outline yes Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 16
Outline yes Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 17
Outline yes Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 18
The [find] module red 19
The [find] module necktie 20
The [find] module red 21
The [find] module red 22
The [find] module red red 23
The [find] module 0.9 red red 24
The [find] module 0.9 red red 25
The [find] module 0.1 red red 26
The [describe] module red color 27
The [describe] module neck/e what 28
The [describe] module red color 29
The [describe] module red . . . color 30
The [describe] module red . . . color 31
Outline yes Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 32
Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? be and shape there shape red above any red above circle circle a [Reddy et al. 2016] 33
Learning yes blue exists color and right_of red above circle circle Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 34
Learning yes blue Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 35
Parameter tying yes blue circle circle Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 36
Parameter tying yes blue circle circle Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 37
Extreme parameter tying exists exists color shape and and right_of right_of red above above red circle square circle left_of circle 38
Learning with fixed layouts is easy! Σ p( | ; W ) arg max , yes W (where every root module outputs a distribu>on over answers and W is the set of all module parameters) 39
Learning module behaviors Module specializa>on is driven en>rely right_of by context! square 40
Experiments 41
Experiments: VQA dataset What color yellow is the neck/e? What is in the tag sheep’s ear? [Antol et al. 2015] 42
Experiments: VQA dataset 60.00 59.4 58.9 56.67 57.4 55.9 53.33 Noh Yang Zhou Ours (2015) (2015) (2015) 50.00 43
Experiments: VQA dataset 60.00 59.4 58.9 56.67 57.4 55.9 53.33 Noh Yang Zhou Ours (2015) (2015) (2015) 50.00 44
Experiments: VQA dataset What color is color white she wearing? and wear 45
Experiments: VQA Dataset What color is color white she wearing? and wear 46
Experiments: VQA Dataset what What is in the tag and and sheep’s ear? sheep ear 47
Experiments: VQA Dataset what What is in the tag and and sheep’s ear? sheep ear 48
Experiments: VQA Dataset what What is in the tag and and sheep’s ear? sheep ear 49
Experiments: SHAPES dataset Is there a red yes shape above a circle? Is a green shape no above le< of a red shape? c.f. [Xu and Saenko, 2016] 50
Experiments: SHAPES dataset 100.00 87.50 90.6 75.00 76.5 62.50 65.3 *Zhou *Yang Ours 50.00 51
Experiments: SHAPES dataset find[red] attend[red] yes combine[and] exists combine[and] measure[is] relate[above] find[circle] attend[circle] re-attend[above] 52
Neural module networks yes Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 53
Neural module networks Linguis7c structure dynamically generates model structure Combines advantages of: exists and • Representa>on learning (like a neural net) red above circle • Composi>onality (like a seman>c parser) 54
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