Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework Mon Mar 13 09:36:25 CST 2017 Business Correspondence – Tone! Dr Bean ( 高來圭 ) at Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework Tone Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework What is tone? The way you say things culture ▶ Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework courteousness and sincerity courteousness sincerity ▶ handshake ▶ interpersonal relationships ▶ working together ▶ from the heart Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework 2 emails Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework Work is stressful. emails is impolite and would be stressful for the reader. Don ’ t put more pressure on the people you talk to. One of these 2 Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework one I got the email. Send me your catalogue. Your price is too high. But, send me 10 boxes of LED lights, No 3425. We expect the order to be sent today. Don ’ t make a mistake with the order. Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework two Thank you for your email. Please send me your catalog. We think your prices are rather high. But, could you send me 10 boxes of LED lights, No 3425. We hope you can send the order as soon as possible. Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework Strategies for improving tone Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework 1. confjdence Don't be humble Be confident, aggressive reader. I wish the students would ask questions. But don ’ t be arrogrant, or presumptuous. That antagonizes the Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework 2. courteous & sincere, passive Think about avoiding responsibility. Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails 3 (5) typographical emphasis receive the least emphasis. it in middle paragraphs of your message, because these paragraphs You can subordinate an idea (put it in the background) by placing emphasis, followed by information placed in the last paragraph. Ideas placed in the fjrst paragraph of a document receive the most (background information). consider most important by using emphasis and subordination You can help your readers understand which of your ideas you emphasis explanation Emphasized: last paragraph/sentence Subordinated: Middle paragraphs/sentences Emphasized: 1st paragraph/sentence placed in middle paragraphs. impression. They are subordinated or in the background, by being In a three-paragraph essay, some ideas are remembered by readers, Conditional placing them in the last paragraph. These ideas are also Strategies for improving tone These ideas are remembered best. They also emphasize ideas by Writers emphasize ideas by placing them in the fjrst paragraph. subordination to control what makes an impression on the reader remembered well. Read the following essay: The following 3 questions are about emphasis and subordination. emphasis paragraphs 3. emphasis Homework and others aren ’ t. Writers are aware of this and use emphasis and and what doesn ’ t. Ideas placed in middle paragraphs don ’ t make much of an An example of its own advice. It ’ s doing what it ’ s saying. Business Correspondence – Tone! ▶ Trump shouting
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework Conditional Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework 3 (or 4) types Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework I would be tired, if you called me at midnight OK I would be happy if you gave me a gift. I would be delighted if you called me at midnight. I would be angry if you called me at midnight. NOK I would be tired, if you called me at midnight. OK ▶ Man: What ’ s a good time to call? How about midnight? ▶ Woman: I would be tired, if you called me at midnight. Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone 2 emails Strategies for improving tone Conditional Homework Homework Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone "You will have the opportunity to take this class again with me next year." Look at the examples on pp 86-88. 4. Choose vocabulary with positive connotations 3. Use conditional sentences and suggest hypothetical situations 2. Give clear reasons and explanations 1. Choose the positive, avoid the negative Look at the 4 approaches on 10-2, p86 1. Choose the positive, avoid the negative "You failed this course." 2 emails For example, Say which of the 4 approaches your 2 example sentences follow. is less negative, less unwelcome, but which has the same meaning. Write or fjnd 2 sentences one which is more negative and one which Improving the tone Homework Conditional Strategies for improving tone Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone used. Shaw feels bad, even though Chen is speaking the truth. Chen could say, "I don't want to speak at your symposium." Shaw feels good, even though Chen doesn't mean it. Chen is polite. Chen says, "I feel honored by your invitation." Or, The teacher is more polite. The student feels less bad. The teacher could say, "Kindly leave the room." The teacher feels bad. The student feels bad. A teacher says to a student, "Out! Get out!" For example, Say how the efgect could be made difgerent if a difgerent tone were 2 emails Talk about the efgect of the message on people. Take a message (1-2 lines) you found somewhere or wrote yourself. I want you to show some awareness of tone. depends on how you say it. Tone is how you say things. The efgect on people of what you say Homework: the problem of tone Homework Conditional Strategies for improving tone ▶ Business Correspondence – Tone!
Tone itself Emphasizes what is important is the action and the object of the action "I am honored by your invitation" Like, Choose one of the descriptions and add it to the sentence. Find or write a sentence that uses a passive to set the tone. ▶ ▶ ▶ 2 emails ▶ ▶ Think about the options: php?attempt=183618&cmid=4121 Look at the exercise, use of passive , at: Homework: the use of passives in tone Homework Conditional Strategies for improving tone ▶ a. Emphasizes what is important is the object of action, or action b. Is more diplomatic (make reader feel less bad) c. Avoids blaming the person who took the action d. The person who took the action is unknown e. It ’ s not important who took the action Business Correspondence – Tone!
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