business continuity business continuity planning planning

Business Continuity Business Continuity Planning Planning Diane - PDF document

In nature the flow of a river can never be stopped. If an impediment is placed in its path its course will change immediately. Observe the same river in a year and the course will be different still. Come back in 10 years and the course of

  1. In nature the flow of a river can never be stopped. If an impediment is placed in its path its course will change immediately. Observe the same river in a year and the course will be different still. Come back in 10 years and the course of the river may be unrecognizable. The flow of a river is continual, uninterruptible and adaptable. So too must the natural flow of business. No matter what obstacles arise, successful enterprises must go over, around or under them. Business Continuity Business Continuity Planning Planning Diane Engstrom Presented by: Christian Brothers Risk Management Services 1

  2. Opening Prayer Opening Prayer Creator God, through your world Creator God, through your world and people that surround us, we and people that surround us, we pray that we may grow more aware pray that we may grow more aware this day of your life giving presence. this day of your life giving presence. Open our minds and hearts to apply Open our minds and hearts to apply the knowledge from today’s web the knowledge from today’s web conference for the good of all. We conference for the good of all. We ask these things in Jesus’ Name. ask these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen Amen Business Continuity Business Continuity Planning Planning Diane Engstrom Presented by: Christian Brothers Risk Management Services Envisioning the Future in an Uncertain World 2

  3. What should I do in an Emergency? How do I contact my employees? What do I tell my customers? Where do we go? I need supplies and a PC so I can start working again! The press keeps asking me all these questions. What do I tell them? All my files were destroyed! What should I do now? Am I getting paid? Contingency Planning A Process – Not a Product Executive Approval & Support 3

  4. 4 Step Planning Process 1. Establish a Planning Team Step 1 Establish a Planning Team Select Committee Members Designate a Coordinator 4

  5. 4 Step Planning Process 1. Establish a Planning Team 2. Gather Information Step 2 Gather Information Essential Functions Priority Essential Functions 1 Most important to functioning and survival. 2 3 4 5 Least important function, as viewed by consumers and 6 stakeholders. 5

  6. Resource Requirements Vital Records Vital Who Needs How Where Copies Format Record Access Often? Stored Available? If Yes Electronic On-site Yes Paper Off-site No Other Electronic On-site Yes Paper Off-site No Other Electronic Yes On-site Paper No Off-site Other Electronic On-site Yes Paper Off-site No Other Electronic Yes On-site Paper No Off-site Other Electronic Yes On-site Paper No Off-site Other Electronic On-site Yes Paper Off-site No Other Electronic Yes On-site Paper No Off-site Other Electronic Yes On-site Paper No Off-site Other Suppliers & Vendors Name Address Phone/Fax/Other Contact Name Materials/Service Supplier #1 Backup Supplier Supplier #2 Backup Supplier Supplier #3 Backup Supplier 6

  7. Software Inventory SOFTWARE INVENTORY LIST # OF LICENSE WHERE DATE PROGRAM VERSION USED BY LICENSES KEY PURCHASED PURCHASED 4 Step Planning Process 1. Establish a Planning Team 2. Gather Information 3. Develop the Plan Step 3 Develop the Plan 7

  8. Table of Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY II. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS & RESOURCE REQUIRMENTS III. THREAT ASSESSMENT IV. TEAMS & RESPONSIBILITIES V. EDUCATION & TESTS VI. APPENDIX I. Executive Summary • Mission of the Organization • What constitutes an emergency/disaster • The purpose of the Plan Objectives of the Plan 8

  9. Organizational Threats THREATS A - Z A cts of God - air conditioning failure - arson B lackouts - blizzards - boiler explosion - bomb threats - bridge collapse-brownouts - brush fires – Chemical accidents C hemical accidents - civil disobedience – communications failure- computer crime - corrosive materials - D isgruntled employees- Denial of service - E arthquakes - embezzlement - explosives – extortion - F alling objects - fires - floods - H ardware crash - high winds - heating or cooling failure - hostage situations - human error – hurricanes - I ce storms - interruption of public infrastructure services - J ust-in-time suppliers – K idnapping - L abor disputes - lightning strikes - M old contamination - N o business continuity plan - N o business continuity plan P ersonnel non-availability - plane crashes - phishing - public P ersonnel non-availability demonstrations- Q uirky software - R adiology accidents - railroad accidents - S abotage - sewage backups - snow storms - software failure - sprinkler failure - T elephone problems - (the) theft of data or computer-thunderstorms - tornados - transportation problems – (the) U nexpected - V andalism - viruses - W ater damage - workplace violence - X enon gas leaks - Y ellow fever outbreak - Z ombie (hacker attack) Threat Assessment BUSINESS IMPACT ANALYSIS Human Property Business Internal External TYPE OF EMERGENCY (or threat) Probability Total Impact Impact Impact Resources Resources High Low Weak Strong 5 1 Resources Resources High Impact 5 1 Low Impact 5 1 The lower the score, the better Plan Assumptions Who? How? Why? Where? What? 9

  10. Define Levels of Emergency • Incident – An event of short duration. • Problem – May be uncertain as to when normal operations will be able to resume. • Emergency – Major impact to your operations for an extended length of time. Who Declares an Emergency? Other Emergency Teams to Consider • First Response Team or Emergency Response Team • Life Safety Team 10

  11. Other Emergency Teams continued • Damage Assessment Team • Emergency Communications Team Job Descriptions for each Team � Check List for Team Member Responsibilities of the First Response Team • Pre-Emergency • Emergency • Post-Emergency 11

  12. Treasurer’s Checklist Task Treasurer's Responsibilities Remarks Status Approves and/or provides funding for emergency expenses and purchases. Provides expense forms. Tracks additional expenses related to the emergency for insurance purposes. Increases individual credit card limits as needed. Contact banking authorities to . . . . Appendix • Emergency Phone Numbers • Directions to Alternate Locations • Maps & Evacuation Routes • Expense Sheets & Purchase Order Forms • Activity Log • Insurance Information • Plan Distribution Schedule • Plan Maintenance Log Plan Distribution WHO Full Limited Format Off-site Name/Position Plan Edition Paper Electronic Storage Verified 12

  13. Plan Maintenance Log Date of Change Brief Description Section Page(s) Change Approval of Change 4 Step Planning Process 1. Establish a Planning Team 2. Gather Information 3. Develop the Plan 4. Education & Testing Step 4 Education & Testing I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. - Chinese Proverb 13

  14. Employee Awareness Training Tabletop Exercise Discussion Questions 1. No damage to property, employees are fine, however access to facility is restricted due to an external event. 2. Building has sustained damage, employees are fine. Unable to occupy facility for 2 – 4 weeks. 14

  15. Functional Test Test Script Date of Test: Conducted at: Department(s) / Individual(s) Involved: Description of Test: Resources Required: FUNCTION TO WHO’S DESIRED ACTUAL ACTION DIARY COMPLETED BE TESTED RESPONSIBLE OUTCOME OUTCOME ITEMS DATE “Thank God we had a Plan!” 15

  16. If you were to evacuate from your building today and they announced you could not work at that site for at least the next two weeks, Do you know what to do next? Do your employees? QUESTIONS For more information: For more information: Diane Engstrom Director of Business Continuity Planning / Director of Operations Christian Brothers Services/Christian Brothers Risk Management Services 800-807-0300 x 2512 16

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