Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Built-in browser CS/SE Individual Practical Stephen Gilmore September 30, 2011 School of Informatics 11.55.57.png CS/SE Individual Practical 1 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 2 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos More places nearby Search is not always the best solution 11.56.52.png 11.53.49.png CS/SE Individual Practical 3 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 4 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Search can be slow DDMS perspective in Eclipse 12.05.14.png 12.08.33.png CS/SE Individual Practical 5 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 6 / 29
Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Set your location LogCat — a log of events on the phone CS/SE Individual Practical 7 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 8 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos File Explorer — see files on the phone Devices — see processes in the emulator 12.10.14.png 12.07.32.png CS/SE Individual Practical 9 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 10 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Allocation tracker Creating an emulator 12.10.28.png CS/SE Individual Practical 11 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 12 / 29
Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager Create a new AVD (Click New...) CS/SE Individual Practical 13 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 14 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Create new Android Virtual Device Start the new AVD 12.22.07.png 12.21.54.png CS/SE Individual Practical 15 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 16 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Launch Options Emulator launches ... 12.22.18.png 12.23.31.png CS/SE Individual Practical 17 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 18 / 29
Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Emulator home page is displayed Click to display options 13.03.13.png 13.03.14.png CS/SE Individual Practical 19 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 20 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Functions of the phone Useful functions 13.11.56.png 13.03.57.png CS/SE Individual Practical 21 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 22 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Developer Tools Running processes 13.04.23.png 13.05.16.png CS/SE Individual Practical 23 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 24 / 29
Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Useful functions API demos 13.11.56.png 13.05.43.png CS/SE Individual Practical 25 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 26 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos API demos API demos 13.06.09.png 13.06.17.png CS/SE Individual Practical 27 / 29 CS/SE Individual Practical 28 / 29 Eclipse DDMS perspective Creating an Android Virtual Device Starting the emulator Developer tools API demos Auto-complete contacts 13.09.29.png CS/SE Individual Practical 29 / 29
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