built environment

Built Environment, Health and Mental Health Gerard Clancy, MD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Built Environment, Health and Mental Health Gerard Clancy, MD President University of Oklahoma, Tulsa 2 The baby- boomers are bailing ..moving out of the labor force Who will replace them? What is the level of talent of these

  1. Built Environment, Health and Mental Health Gerard Clancy, MD President University of Oklahoma, Tulsa

  2. 2

  3. The baby- boomers are bailing …..moving out of the labor force – Who will replace them? What is the level of talent of these replacements?

  4. Older Americans Consume Less…… For many US cities – a perfect storm of increasing number of retirees and no new young talent to continue to support tax base and basic infrastructure

  5. Regional Vision Drives Regional Planning Efforts The Emerging “Science of Cities” - Findings: 1. Boomers retiring with insufficient backfill of talented employees. • How do we keep them active and contributing to the vitality of the community? 2. Increasing Diversity. 3. Broader variation in educational level of next workers. 4. Young, diverse, creative talent as the regional economic development currency. 5. Young, diverse talent on the move – looking for…… • Other young, creative, motivated talent. “Cool” – Entertainment, Recreation, Arts, Diversity, Green, Walkable , Bicycles…..

  6. OUR Emerging Vision….. • “The Tulsa region will be an economically strong major metropolitan area based on a collaborative entrepreneurial spirit and focused attention on the development, recruitment, retention and mentorship of highly motivated, young, creative, engaged talent.”

  7. Health as Economic Development When you move your company here, be sure to pack your hiking boots. • The region’s outstanding quality of life translates into a productive workforce that experiences less absenteeism and places fewer demands on the healthcare system. • Colorado has the nation’s lowest rate of obesity and is among the four lowest states for deaths caused by heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. • While no state is immune to rising obesity rates, we’re curbing the gradual expansion of our waistlines by re-adjusting our culture. Metro Denver is aiming to become "America’s Healthiest Community" by instituting strategies that support worksite wellness, school policy, and the creation of interlinked, walkable communities.

  8. 1,250$ 1968 Iowa (11) Florida (12) 1,200$ Wisconsin (13) Montana (14) OKLAHOMA (15) COLORADO (16) Arizona (17) 1,150$ Connecticut (18) Washington (19) Texas (20 ) 1,100$ 1,050$ Age-adjusted 1,000$ Death Rates 950$ 2010 Arkansas (45) 900$ Louisiana (46) Kentucky (47) OKLAHOMA (48) West Virginia (49) Alabama (50) 850$ Mississippi (51) 800$ 750$ 2010 Minnesota (4) New York (5) Massachusetts (6) 700$ COLORADO (7) New Hampshire (8) New Jersey (9) Washington (10) 650$ 1968$ 1972$ 1976$ 1980$ 1984$ 1988$ 1992$ 1996$ 2000$ 2004$ 2008$ Years

  9. Death Rates; Oklahoma = 5 th Worst

  10. United Health Foundation 2013 Rankings: Oklahoma = 7th Worst

  11. Well-Being Scores - 2013 9 th worst

  12. COMMONWEALTH FUND: 2009 Rankings of Health System Performance 2 nd worst

  13. COMMONWEALTH FUND: 2011 Ranking Child Health System Performance 7 th worst

  14. County-Level: Leisure Time Physical Inactivity, CDC Tulsa County: • 49% do not meet daily aerobic activity recommendations. • 10% no leisure time activity in past month. Blue is bad…… 14

  15. Adult Obesity Rates Tulsa County: 27.8% Obese Oklahoma is ranked 6 th in percentage of obesity 15 Bright red is bad….

  16. Adult Diabetes Rates Tulsa County; 13.6% with Diabetes Dark blue is bad… 16

  17. Dark red is bad….. Oklahoma leads the nation in deaths due to Heart Disease 17

  18. Commonwealth Fund 2012, Overall Health System Performance: Top 10% and Bottom 10% Cities – All 3 Oklahoma metropolitan centers rate in the bottom 10 th percentile Of the 306 US Hospital Referral Regions: • Tulsa = # 281 • Lawton = # 286 • OKC = # 298 18

  19. 19

  20. The Role of the Social Determinants of Health  Health is much more than health care.  Must pay attention to broader determinants of health.  Lifestyle  Environment  Education Level  Health Literacy  Genetics  Addiction  Remember…..  Adverse environments change your genetics as a child and as an adult.  Built environment has influence over all these determinants Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Report 20

  21. Hot Spotting Personal Relationships with Neighborhoods and Sophisticated Predictive Analysis  Know What Will Happen Before It Happens…. Hot Spotting Decreases Violent Crime Hot Spotting Decreases Emergency Room Use Camden, NJ - Non-urgent use of Emergency room by census tract

  22. Hot Spotting Tulsa Clinical Services Distribution Age-Adjusted Death Rate in Tulsa 40% of Tulsa = 14 year Population has difference in access to 4% Life Expectancy of Physicians 22 22

  23. Young Talent Development… Recruit Talent… Retain Talent………   Prenatal care – Healthy Women, Healthy Futures Tulsa Young Professionals – 9,000 strong  United Way Emerging Leaders Programs    Early Childhood – Head Start, Educare I, II, III… Tulsa # 1 for young entrepreneurs – Forbes Schooling Options Across Region    K-12 Oklahoma Innovation Institute Safety Initiatives    Teacher Leader Effectiveness Tulsa Research Partners Safe suburbs    Teach For America The Forge Community / Neighborhood Policing    Knowledge Is Power Program Tandy Community Super Computer Low Cost Of Living Housing Options    Model Charter Schools Innovation Competitions Rural    Tulsa Area Community Schools Initiative MOSAIC – Diversity as Economic Development Surrounding Communities    Magnet Schools – BTW, Carver, Zarrow, Oklahoma Equality Center Tulsa Core   Eisenhower, Thoreau, Edison Prep “Cool” Vibe Spots Traffic Ease Brookside, Cherry Street, 6 th and    Rogers Collegiate High School Transportation Infrastructure Improving   Union Collegiate Academy Peoria Rapid Transit    Diverse Public and Private Education Main Streets – Broken Arrow, Jenks, West Loop Turnpike  Options Collinsville Extraordinary Entertainment Variety    Youth Sports Network Riverwalk - Jenks Many Recreation / Parks Options    Leadership Youth Tulsa Downtown Core Owasso, Skiatook, Bixby,    Youth Philanthropy Initiative Blue Dome, Brady, CAIN’s, BOK Leading Work Sectors:   Camp Any Town Center, ONEOK Field, Guthrie Green, Small Business, Energy, Aviation,  Youth Services of Tulsa Philbrook, Zarrow, 108, Woody Manufacturing, Health Care   Child Abuse Network Guthrie, HAHA, Performing Arts Emerging Work Sectors   Parent Child Center Center, Jazz Hall of Fame Tech Development – Health   Family and Children’s Services Housing Options Information Systems, Neurosciences,   Family Safety Center Walkable Materials Engineering    Tulsa Technology Center River Parks Inter-modal Transportation Hub    Tulsa Community College Urban Wilderness – Turkey Mountain Tourism / Convention / Conference Options    Tulsa Achieves Events Water    Complete College Oklahoma Broken Arrow Performing Arts Ctr Supply – Spavinaw    Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program Glenpool, Bixby Spirit Event Ctr Arkansas River – River Parks    Finish For Greater Tulsa Hard Rock, River Spirit, Million Dollar Numerous Lakes   Higher Education Undergraduate Collaborative Elm Event Centers Tulsa Port of Catoosa, Kerr Channel    Langston, TU, NSU, ORU, OSU, OU, RSU, Center of the Universe, Mayfest Special Places:   TCC Tulsa Tough, Tulsa Run, Rte 66 Run John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park    Higher Education Graduate School and Research NCAA / Amateur Tournaments Gilcrease, Philbrook Museums   Collaborative Drillers, Shock, Golden Eagles, Golden Gathering Place, Guthrie Green  Small Area Plans – 36 th Street North  TU, NSU, ORU, OSU, OU, Langston Hurricane

  24. Next…… • like other great cities, increase walkability, bicycling to create an environment where exercise is part of daily routines – My past life….bike to school, bike to work, bike as part of work…. ‘Psych on a Bike’ • Connectivity of trials to get from one place to the next • 8 to 80 years old…..


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