building on a holistic approach to ict icts

building on a holistic approach to ICT ICTs Building peace in the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to budget for ICT ICTs in Education - building on a holistic approach to ICT ICTs Building peace in the minds of men and women through Education Policies UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa Jaco du Toit

  1. How to budget for ICT ICTs in Education - building on a holistic approach to ICT ICTs Building peace in the minds of men and women through Education Policies UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa Jaco du Toit –

  2. Which questions do we ask for budgeting purposes? - How many computers are needed in a school? Who needs them? Building peace in the minds of men and women - Where should they be located? How to distribute them equitably? - How should the network architecture be structured?

  3. Accessible and inclusive ICT ICTs - Variety of devices, connectivity options that change constantly Building peace in the minds of men and women – - Scalable models that work within the context of a country/institution - Accessible ICTs are still unknown and not integrated as standard practice

  4. The starting point….. - What is the nation's vision of economic and social progress? Building peace in the minds of men and women How can education support that progress? - What transformational role can ICTs play in education? And how can ICTs accelerate the achievement of national Sustainable Development Goals?

  5. The importance of f an ICT ICT policy for Education - Objectives; Building peace in the minds of men and women - the availability of technologies; - applications and content; - teacher capacities; - combination of competencies; motivation and the characteristics of teachers’ working environment.

  6. Operational and conceptual fr framework for the integration of f ICT ICTs in education ICT for ICT facilities education provision to policy, goals educational Building peace in the minds of men and women and institutions incentives Trained Learners teachers on performance evaluation ICT-enabled pedagogy and monitoring Curriculum Usage of ICT development in teaching and digital and learning content functions provision

  7. Recognizing the contribution of ….. - Content development process, Building peace in the minds of men and women - Teacher training, - Technical support, - Monitoring. - Maintenance & up-grading of hardware and software

  8. Recognizing your assets - Existing digital content Building peace in the minds of men and women – available under Creative Commons Licenses; - Teachers and their ability to innovate; - The community.

  9. How to budget for ICT ICT in Education - building on a holistic ICT ICT in Education Policy Building peace in the minds of men and women UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa Jaco du Toit –


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