budget update april 2020

Budget Update - April 2020 Meeting of the Abington School District - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Budget Update - April 2020 Meeting of the Abington School District Board of Directors May 12, 2020 Abington School District April 2019 & April 2020 Budget Comparison Actual v. Budget Final Budget April 2019 Percent Final Budget April

  1. Budget Update - April 2020 Meeting of the Abington School District Board of Directors May 12, 2020

  2. Abington School District April 2019 & April 2020 Budget Comparison Actual v. Budget Final Budget April 2019 Percent Final Budget April 2020 Percent 2018-2019 Actual of Budget 2019-2020 Actual of Budget REVENUE Local Real Estate Taxes $ 105,181,419 $ 105,215,013 $ 105,304,781 $ 105,350,137 100.03% 100.04% Earned Income Taxes $ 7,000,000 $ 5,348,374 76.41% $ 7,200,000 $ 5,463,070 75.88% Other Local Revenue $ 4,440,042 $ 4,376,317 98.56% $ 5,141,042 $ 3,993,873 77.69% $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Financing Sources Sub-total Local Revenue $ 116,621,461 $ 114,939,704 98.56% $ 117,645,823 $ 114,807,080 97.59% State $ 29,512,945 $ 16,103,928 $ 30,790,655 $ 16,109,677 54.57% 52.32% Property Tax Relief - Gaming Distribution $ 3,225,775 $ 3,225,775 100.00% $ 3,225,659 $ 3,225,659 100.00% $ 2,258,281 $ 2,258,281 $ 2,206,338 $ 2,206,338 Property Tax Relief - Sterling Act Reimbursements 100.00% 100.00% Sub-total State Revenue $ 34,997,001 $ 21,587,984 61.69% $ 36,222,652 $ 21,541,674 59.47% $ 1,156,509 $ 1,571,853 $ 1,753,941 $ 1,348,991 Federal 135.91% 76.91% Sub-total Revenue $ 152,774,971 $ 138,099,541 90.39% $ 155,622,416 $ 137,697,745 88.48% $ 7,734,433 $ 8,448,069 Allocated Fund Balance 0.00% 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE & FUND BALANCE $ 160,509,404 $ 138,099,541 86.04% $ 164,070,485 $ 137,697,745 83.93% EXPENSES Salaries $ 82,663,683 $ 55,790,657 67.49% $ 84,730,274 $ 57,554,209 67.93% Negotiated Benefits $ 15,307,178 $ 11,125,816 72.68% $ 14,640,129 $ 11,306,657 77.23% Mandated Benefits $ 35,511,130 $ 18,550,421 $ 36,722,669 $ 18,839,137 52.24% 51.30% Non-Salary/Non-Benefit $ 27,027,413 $ 19,956,673 $ 27,977,413 $ 19,959,357 73.84% 71.34% $ - $ - $ - $ - Reserve TOTAL EXPENSES $ 160,509,404 $ 105,423,567 65.68% $ 164,070,485 $ 107,659,360 65.62% Interfund Transfers Out to Capital Projects Fund $ 1,630,612 $ 1,630,612 100.00% $ 1,630,612 $ 1,630,612 100.00% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES AND TRANSFERS $ 162,140,016 $ 107,054,179 66.03% $ 165,701,097 $ 109,289,972 65.96% 4/20/2020 -2-

  3. DRAFT Proposed Final Budget Meeting of the Abington School District Board of Directors May 12, 2020

  4. Abington School District Summary of Enrollments and Staffing Projections 2020-2021 2020-21 / 2019-20 2020-21 Projected 2019-20 Actual Staffing Grey Box** Level Increase/ Enrollment Enrollment Adjustment Projections Decrease Elementary General 4,191 4,157 34 0 3** Elementary Itinerant 1** (Fine Arts) Junior General 1,726 1,659* 67 0 1** Senior General 1,575 1,562* 13 0 0 Elementary Special 432 482 -50 2 1** Junior Special 332 336 -4 1 0 Senior Special 325 319 6 1 0 TOTALS 8,581 8,515* 66 4 6** *Includes 19 students enrolled in ACE (6 Junior High School, 13 Senior High School). **Includes 3 grey boxes for elementary general education, 1 grey box for elementary fine arts, 1 grey box for secondary general education, and 1 grey box for elementary special education. 5/12/2020 -2-

  5. Abington School District Projected Elementary Enrollment and Sectioning 2020-2021 (a) Projected enrollment by grade. All sections based on district projections. (b) Number of staff members assigned by grade. (c) Projected size of sections. School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss TOTAL Copper Beech (a) 158 157 163 182 182 150 188 1,180 1,190 -10 (b) 8 7 7 8 8 6 8 52 51 1 (c) 20 23 24 23 23 25 24 20 23 24 23 23 25 24 20 23 23 23 23 25 24 Number of students 20 22 23 23 23 25 24 per section 20 22 23 23 23 25 23 20 22 23 23 23 25 23 19 22 23 22 22 23 19 22 22 23 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 22.7 School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss Highland TOTAL (a) 63 68 67 71 81 63 87 500 504 -4 (b) 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 23 23 0 (c) 21 23 23 24 21 21 22 Number of students 21 23 22 24 20 21 22 per section 21 22 22 23 20 21 22 20 21 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 21.7 School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss McKinley TOTAL (a) 98 89 106 89 108 747 747 0 130 127 (b) 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 33 33 0 (c) 20 23 22 23 26 26 22 20 22 21 22 26 26 22 Number of students 20 22 21 22 26 25 22 per section 19 22 21 22 26 25 21 19 21 26 25 21 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 22.6 -3-

  6. Abington School District Projected Elementary Enrollment and Sectioning 2020-2021 (Continued) School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss TOTAL Overlook (a) 69 72 73 96 87 68 88 553 574 -21 (b) 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 24 25 -1 (c) 23 24 25 24 22 23 22 Number of students 23 24 24 24 22 23 22 per section 23 24 24 24 22 22 22 24 21 22 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 23.0 School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss TOTAL Roslyn (a) 76 61 81 68 83 72 79 520 519 1 (b) 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 23 23 0 (c) 26 21 21 23 21 24 27 Number of students 25 20 20 23 21 24 26 per section 25 20 20 22 21 24 26 20 20 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 22.6 School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss TOTAL Rydal (a) 84 111 97 83 104 89 95 663 657 6 (b) 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 29 29 0 (c) 21 23 25 21 26 23 24 Number of students 21 22 24 21 26 22 24 per section 21 22 24 21 26 22 24 21 22 24 20 26 22 23 22 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 22.9 School K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss Willow Hill TOTAL (a) 61 65 78 75 58 73 50 460 448 12 (b) 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 21 21 0 (c) 21 22 20 25 20 25 25 20 22 20 25 19 24 25 Number of students per section 20 21 19 25 19 24 19 Av. Class Size, Gr. K-6 21.9 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Projected Sept -20 Actual Oct-19 Gain/Loss TOTAL STUDENTS PER 609 623 665 664 725 642 695 4,623 4,639 -16 GRADE Actual October 2, 2019 Enrollment 4,639 Projected September 2020 Enrollment 4,623 Student Increase/Decrease -16 Staff Increase/Decrease 0 Includes provision for 5 additional sections (grey boxes) 5/12/2020 -4-

  7. Abington School District Projected Secondary Enrollment 2020-2021 Suggested Staff School Grade Projected Sep-20 Actual Oct-19 Student Gain/Loss Addition/Reduction Junior High 7 609 574 35 0 8 577 553 24 0 532 9 540 8 1** Special 332 336 -4 1 1,995 TOTAL 2,058 63 Senior High 10 537 541 -4 0 510 11 537 27 0 12 501 511 -10 0 319 Special 325 6 1 TOTAL 1,900 1,881 19 SECONDARY 3,958 3,876 82 TOTAL ** Includes 1 grey boxes for secondary general education. 5/12/2020 -5-

  8. Abington School District Special Education Enrollment - Elementary Level 2020-2021 2019-2020 ACTUAL 2020-2021 PROJECTED Enroll ■ T Enroll ■ Location Program Location Program AS 8 AS 1 S LS 22 M LS 20 ES 6 ES 6 C LS/AS/ES 6 LS/AS/ES 6 K ES/AS 9 T ES/AS 10 Copper Beech LS 12 Copper Beech LS 10 S LS 15 B LS 13 LS/ES/AS 14 LS/ES/AS 12 S AS 10 AS 1 H LS 18 LS 17 LS 21 K LS/ES 20 LS/ES/AS 11 LS/ES/AS 11 Luber AS/ES/LS 8 P AS/ES/LS 8 Highland LS 12 Highland LS 12 F LS 21 LS 17 F LS/ES/AS 7 M LS/ES/AS 7 AS 8 AS 7 F LS/ES/AS 11 LS/ES 9 C AS 8 C AS 7 AS/ES 6 AS/ES 6 McKinley McKinley LS/AS 20 C AS/ES 15 AS 8 AS 7 M AS 8 AS 7 P LS/ES/AS 3 LS/ES 3 ES 15 M AS 4 ES 11 ES 13 W Overlook LS 10 E ES 10 Overlook LS 19 Luca LS 10 LS 15 Lee LS 15 LSS/AS 9 M LS 14 Roslyn LS/LSS 7 LSS 10 B Roslyn LS 17 LS/LSS 10 D ? LS 19 LS 15 LS/AS 12 R LS 15 LS/AS 5 E LS/AS 11 Rydal LS/AS 10 LS/AS 5 H Rydal LS/AS 14 C LS/AS 10 LS 15 K LS/AS 14 LS-2 15 LS 13 Levi Willow Hill LS-2 9 LS-2 15 M Willow Hill LS 8 M LS-2 9 K LS 7 S TOTAL STUDENTS: TOTAL STUDENTS: 432 482 G r TOTAL TEACHERS: 40.5 TOTAL TEACHERS: 42 Itinerant (4.9) Gifted Itinerant (5.4) Gifted Itinerant (9.8) Speech Itinerant (10.8) Speech * Itinerant (3.1) Special Education Itinerant (2.6) Special Education ■ Students included < 95% in General Education * Includes one grey box KEY 5/12/2020 AS Autistic Support ES Emotional Support LS Learning Support LSS Life Skills Support LS-2 Learning Support - Level 2 -6-

  9. Abington School District Special Education Enrollment - Abington Junior High School 2020-2021 2019-2020 ACTUAL 2020-2021 PROJECTED Enroll ■ Enroll ■ Location Program Location Program LS/ES 21 LS/ES 17 LS2 15 LS2 11 LS/ES 15 LS/ES 17 20 LS/ES LS/ES 17 LS/ES 16 LS/ES 17 7 AS AS 8 ES 14 ES 12 12 ES ES 12 LS/ES 15 LS/ES 17 6 AS AS 8 Abington LS/ES 15 LS/ES 17 Junior High Abington Junior 18 LS/ES LS/ES 17 School High School LS/ES 15 LS/ES 16 LS2 13 LS2 17 LS/ES 18 LS/ES 16 AS 8 AS 8 LS2 14 LS2 10 LS/ES 20 LS/ES 16 LS/ES 19 LS/ES 15 LS/ES 21 LS/ES 16 LS/ES LS/ES 16 16 LS/ES LS/ES 17 18 336 LS/ES 15 TOTAL STUDENTS: TOTAL TEACHERS: 22 TOTAL STUDENTS: 332 TOTAL TEACHERS: 23 ■ Students included < 95% in General Education KEY 5/12/2020 AS Autistic Support ES Emotional Support LS Learning Support LSS Life Skills Support LS-2 Learning Support - Level 2 -7-


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