budget feasible mechanisms for experimental design

Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Experimental Design Thibaut Horel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Experimental Design Thibaut Horel Joint work with Stratis Ioannidis and S. Muthukrishnan February 26, 2013 Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 1 / 1 Motivation Data mining engine Thibaut Horel () February 26,

  1. Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Experimental Design Thibaut Horel Joint work with Stratis Ioannidis and S. Muthukrishnan February 26, 2013 Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 1 / 1

  2. Motivation Data mining engine Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 2 / 1

  3. Motivation c1$ c2$ $ 3 c Data mining engine Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 2 / 1

  4. Motivation c1$ B$ p1$ c2$ $ 3 c $ 2 p Data mining engine Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 2 / 1

  5. Motivation B$ p1$ $ 2 p Data mining engine Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 2 / 1

  6. Challenges Value of data? How to optimize it? Strategic users? Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 3 / 1

  7. Challenges Value of data? How to optimize it? Strategic users? Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 3 / 1

  8. Challenges Value of data? How to optimize it? Strategic users? Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 3 / 1

  9. Challenges Value of data? How to optimize it? Strategic users? Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 3 / 1

  10. Contributions case of the linear regression deterministic mechanism generalization (randomized mechanism) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 4 / 1

  11. Contributions case of the linear regression deterministic mechanism generalization (randomized mechanism) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 4 / 1

  12. Contributions case of the linear regression deterministic mechanism generalization (randomized mechanism) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 4 / 1

  13. Contributions case of the linear regression deterministic mechanism generalization (randomized mechanism) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 4 / 1

  14. Outline Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 5 / 1

  15. Outline Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 6 / 1

  16. Reverse auction set of N sellers: A = { 1 , . . . , N } ; a buyer V value function of the buyer, V : 2 A → R + c i ∈ R + price of seller’s i good B budget constraint of the buyer Goal Find S ⊂ A maximizing V ( S ) Find payment p i to seller i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 7 / 1

  17. Reverse auction set of N sellers: A = { 1 , . . . , N } ; a buyer V value function of the buyer, V : 2 A → R + c i ∈ R + price of seller’s i good B budget constraint of the buyer Goal Find S ⊂ A maximizing V ( S ) Find payment p i to seller i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 7 / 1

  18. Reverse auction set of N sellers: A = { 1 , . . . , N } ; a buyer V value function of the buyer, V : 2 A → R + c i ∈ R + price of seller’s i good B budget constraint of the buyer Goal Find S ⊂ A maximizing V ( S ) Find payment p i to seller i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 7 / 1

  19. Reverse auction set of N sellers: A = { 1 , . . . , N } ; a buyer V value function of the buyer, V : 2 A → R + c i ∈ R + price of seller’s i good B budget constraint of the buyer Goal Find S ⊂ A maximizing V ( S ) Find payment p i to seller i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 7 / 1

  20. Reverse auction set of N sellers: A = { 1 , . . . , N } ; a buyer V value function of the buyer, V : 2 A → R + c i ∈ R + price of seller’s i good B budget constraint of the buyer Goal Find S ⊂ A maximizing V ( S ) Find payment p i to seller i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 7 / 1

  21. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  22. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  23. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  24. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  25. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  26. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  27. Objectives Payments ( p i ) i ∈ S must be: individually rational: p i ≥ c i , i ∈ S truthful: reporting one’s true cost is a dominant strategy budget feasible: � i ∈ S p i ≤ B Mechanism must be: computationally efficient: polynomial time good approximation: V ( OPT ) ≤ α V ( S ) with: � � � OPT = arg max V ( S ) | c i ≤ B S ⊂A i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 8 / 1

  28. Known results When V is submodular: randomized budget feasible mechanism, approximation ratio: 7 . 91 (Chen et al., 2011) deterministic mechanisms for: √ ◮ Knapsack: 2 + 2 (Chen et al., 2011) ◮ Matching: 7.37 (Singer, 2010) ◮ Coverage: 31 (Singer, 2012) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 9 / 1

  29. Known results When V is submodular: randomized budget feasible mechanism, approximation ratio: 7 . 91 (Chen et al., 2011) deterministic mechanisms for: √ ◮ Knapsack: 2 + 2 (Chen et al., 2011) ◮ Matching: 7.37 (Singer, 2010) ◮ Coverage: 31 (Singer, 2012) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 9 / 1

  30. Known results When V is submodular: randomized budget feasible mechanism, approximation ratio: 7 . 91 (Chen et al., 2011) deterministic mechanisms for: √ ◮ Knapsack: 2 + 2 (Chen et al., 2011) ◮ Matching: 7.37 (Singer, 2010) ◮ Coverage: 31 (Singer, 2012) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 9 / 1

  31. Outline Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 10 / 1

  32. Linear Regression x1 y1 x2 y2 Linear x3 y3 regression N users Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  33. Linear Regression x1 y1 x2 y2 Linear x3 y3 regression x i : public features (e.g. age, gender, height, etc.) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  34. Linear Regression x1 y1 x2 y2 Linear x3 y3 regression y i : private data (e.g. disease, etc.) Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  35. Linear Regression x1 y1 x2 y2 Linear x3 y3 regression Gaussian Linear model: y i = β T x i + ε i β ∗ = arg min � | y i − β T x i | 2 β i Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  36. Linear Regression c1$ x1 y1 c2$ $ 3 x2 y2 c Linear x3 y3 regression Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  37. Linear Regression c1$ B$ x1 y1 p1$ c2$ $ 3 x2 y2 c $ 2 p Linear x3 y3 regression Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  38. Linear Regression c1$ B$ x1 y1 p1$ c2$ $ 3 x2 y2 c $ 2 p Linear x3 y3 regression Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 11 / 1

  39. Experimental design Public vector of features x i ∈ R d Private data y i ∈ R Gaussian linear model: y i = β T x i + ε i , β ∈ R d , ε i ∼ N ( 0 , σ 2 ) Which users to select? Experimental design ⇒ D-optimal criterion Experimental Design � � � x i x T maximize V ( S ) = log det I d + subject to | S | ≤ k i i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 12 / 1

  40. Experimental design Public vector of features x i ∈ R d Private data y i ∈ R Gaussian linear model: y i = β T x i + ε i , β ∈ R d , ε i ∼ N ( 0 , σ 2 ) Which users to select? Experimental design ⇒ D-optimal criterion Experimental Design � � � x i x T maximize V ( S ) = log det I d + subject to | S | ≤ k i i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 12 / 1

  41. Experimental design Public vector of features x i ∈ R d Private data y i ∈ R Gaussian linear model: y i = β T x i + ε i , β ∈ R d , ε i ∼ N ( 0 , σ 2 ) Which users to select? Experimental design ⇒ D-optimal criterion Experimental Design � � � x i x T maximize V ( S ) = log det I d + subject to | S | ≤ k i i ∈ S Thibaut Horel () February 26, 2013 12 / 1


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