30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition 30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Bu Build ildin ing Valu lue for r th the Cu Customer Exp xperi rience Th Through “ Voic ice of f th the Customer” In Intell llig igence presented by: Lisa Hick Lis Hicks, Vice ice Pres esid iden ent, Maia ia Str trateg egy Group Co Corbin Mille iller, Sen enio ior Manager, Maia ia Str trategy Group Paul l Santil tilli, i, Senio ior Manager, WW OEM Bu Busin iness In Intell llig igence and Cu Customer In Insig ights ts, He Hewle lett Pack ckard www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Dur During this s sess sessio ion we e will ll pr provide a a fu fundamental un understanding of of B2B B2B Voic ice of of the Cus Customer Prim rimary ry Qu Qualitative Res esearch Key takeaways will ill include: • An understanding of the stages of a VOC research program • How to design the research plan/scope • How to construct research questions that encourage thoughtful candid responses • A discussion on effective interviewing techniques • Examples of how to quantify qualitative findings • A review of the types of deliverables that are most meaningful to stakeholders www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Agenda • Impetus Behind HP OEM’s VOC research • Vendor Se Sele lection Process • Str Structure of of th the Research Scope • Methodology of of th the Research • Methodology of of th the Analysis is • Key Le Learnin ings • Str tructure of of th the De Deliv iverable les www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA HP’s OEM Division Places Significant Value on Customer Feedback www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Key St Steps of of the the Eng ngagement 6. Interim 1. Design of the 7. Complete Research Research Scope Research Updates 2. Development 8. Conduct 5. Initiate of Discussion Analysis of Research Guides Findings 3. Kick-off with 4. Identify 9. Create Final the Team Participants Deliverables www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA De Developin ing the the Pro roject Stru tructure re • Understand the key objectives of the project • Balance priorities along with budget and time constraints Discuss Objectives • What geographic coverage was required? • What nuances by region would be important to understand? Determine Geographic Reach • What did HP want to learn? • What drill-downs were required? Develop Discussion Guide www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Executin ing the the Res esearch • 45 45-60 min inutes wer ere allo llowed ed per er in inter erview • A set t of of 6 dis iscu cussion top opic ics, ea each ch with ith sever eral dril rill-down ques esti tions wer ere devel eloped – All l 6 6 to top-level l dis discuss ssion to topics would ld be be ad addressed wit ith every ry par partic icipant – Dril rill-down qu questi tions would ld be be ad addressed as as ap appropria iate • HP OEM Acc HP ccount Managers wer ere tasked with ith id iden entify tifyin ing willi illing part rticip ipants Wit ith on only ly 10 10 min inutes to to ad address s eac each qu questi tion an and su sub-questio ions, it was as cr crit itic ical l to to ba bala lance capturing de depth of of eac each res esponse ag again inst com omple leting the en enti tire interv rvie iew www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA De Development of of the the Dis Discussion Gu Guid ide Purpose of the Discussion Guide Characteristics of Strong Questions • • Establish a Es a se set of of to topics to to be be covered Encourage res En espondents to to pr provide in- in all all interv rviews depth, de , candid res esponses • – Maxim Ma imiz ize the the use use of of op open en-ended Guid Gu ide di discuss ssions s to to ens ensure that question qu ons so o as as to o en encou ourage can andid res espondents ad address s the rese esearch un unfil filtered fee eedback objectives obj – Develop “sub - questions” that drill - • Ens Ensure consis istency fr from om res espondent do down wn to o und understand: to res to espondent o Why y the the ans answer is imp mpor ortant • Faci acili litate an analysis is of of per perspectiv ives an and o In n wha what ways do does es it t imp mpact the the identificatio ion of of trends customers’ business o Wha hat wou ould ld be be the the ide deal l solut olutio ion o Wha hat unm unmet nee needs exist www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Que uestion Exam amples • How an Ho and why did did you sele select HP HP as as you our OE OEM pr provider? – Please desc describ ibe you our sele electio ion and and de decisio ion-makin ing pr proc ocess – Wha hat wer ere you our mo most imp mpor ortant sel electio ion crit riteria ia? • Ho How did did HP HP com ompare to to ot other vendors s you ou wer ere consid idering? – Wha hat ar are the the fact actor ors tha that di differentia iated HP HP fr from om othe other pr provid iders? – In n wha what ar areas was as HP HP at t a a di disadvantage com ompared to o othe other competit itor ors? – How did HP’s hardware offering compare to that of other competitors? • What wou ould ha have made HP HP a a mor ore compell lling or or attractive ch choic ice? – Wha hat sho houl uld HP HP do do di differently ly? – Wher here was as HP HP com ompetit itiv ive/n /not com ompetit itiv ive? www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA In Intervi rview Form rmat Project Overview & Background Re-familiarize the respondent with the project goals and objectives provided in advance of the call Respondent Anonymity To encourage candor, the respondent was reminded that responses would be kept anonymous and used in aggregate ~45-60 minutes Ask Questions & Drill-down / Follow-up Questions Typically follows the order of the discussion guide, but may deviate depending on the flow of conversation Beyond the Discussion Guide Provide the respondent with the opportunity to share any topic not covered Conclude the Call Ask if they would be open to an additional interview if further clarification would be helpful www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
30 th Anniversary SCIP International Conference & Exhibition GAME CHANGERS: Exploring Innovative Intelligence MAY 11 – 14, 2015 | ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS | ATLANTA, GEORGIA Deliv De livera rables Interim Updates Executive Summary Guides Success Tells “The Story” of what was Learned • Customer Response Rate • Key Findings Summary • Interviews Completed • Heat Maps of Positive / Negative • Detailed Findings-to-Date Feedback • Challenges • Pareto Charts / Analytical Frameworks • Progress Against Plan • “Calls to Action” • Reprioritization • Catalog the feedback collected across the • Needs for Clarification entire interview set • Watch for common themes - Segment as appropriate (e.g., by -If there is no consistency region) across early interviews, you • Depending on sample size, determine a may need to refocus the threshold for inclusion in the executive discussion guide summary - This ensures that singular perspectives are not presented as “themes” www.SCIP2015GameChangers.com #SCIP
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