Bryce Canyon is home to 35,835 acres of land filled with nice dark night skies and is filled with lots of rock formations that are known as hoodoo rocks. Where this national park got its name was from a settler named Ebenezer Bryce who had set home next to this landmark. At Bryce Canyon it is also known to snow there. Bryce Canyon is in Utah, cannonville. One of the reasons why this place is so interesting is because it holds some of the most unique geology. Bryce Canyon has trails that can go up to many miles worth of distance. People that come in come back out amazed and dazzled in their tracks. Many will say that this is a place to visit and discover. Some people call Bryce Canyon monument valley for its tall pillars that look like monumental rocks. Did you know that not only is Bryce Canyon home to hoodoos but it also has a history that goes all the way back to when we were first having settlers. When this site was first discovered, it
was like walking through the earth's walls of history. Not to mention, Irregular columns of rocks exist on every continent, but here is the largest concentration found anywhere on earth. At this park you can even find wild life communities. With the many geological wonders of the world that we have, we can discover and learn many things about what we are standing on and how the earth formed over time. However,in the backcountry,when it becomes winter there, the forest will turn into a leafless sight of branches and stumps. There is no other state or country that you would find a place like this.
Just within the boundaries of this park there lay so many wonders. Though some places like this can be thought to be compared,they can’t. When we look at a canyon and say that it is just a maze of pillars of history they are a little more than just history. They are our past and our evolution to this day that we are on. Bryce Canyon is unique for its past and its beauty.
Some of the geologists that have studied this canyon would probably say that this canyon is its own unique place and nowhere else can be just as equal. Bryce Canyon will change over time slowly over the years due to erosion and canyon pillars falling apart. As things change the time we spend looking for something new
The most cool thing that I think is the best is that the trails that are miles long, they all go to an extraordinary place. This canyon was also probably here before the first settlers came and explored that spot. However, unlike most this canyon in particular has secrets of its own that some may never discover.
If anyone were to find fossils in that valley, I guarantee that they would probably say that it will be closed for the excavation of what they had found. Though it is probably unlikely to happen because it is illegal now it could still possibly happen. Based on what we know there are still things that we don’t know about the canyon.
No one has ever been sure of what can or what will happen to the canyon in future years to come but we can still enjoy the amazing sites of this canyon/valley. Although some of us have seen this canyon, I think it is one to visit and experience if you haven’t been there before.
If you have not experienced Bryce Canyon before and you want to go there you can book a trip and you can look it up on the internet and you can find a few brochures on Bryce Canyon and get some more information about its trails, times it’s open and much more thx for listening.
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