P1 Curriculum Evening at Broughton Primary School August 2016
Overview Welcome & School Vision A Curriculum for Excellence Primary 1 curriculum at Broughton Primary Questions Resources and Refreshments
Welcome Curriculum Evening /Meet the Teacher Class Newsletters School Newsletters School Website incl. Class Pages Whole School drop in sessions Parent Consultations- October & March Reports- June Parent Council & PSA
Broughton Primary School Vision Our School Motto: Re Reach ch for r the he Star ars! s! Our School Aims: • High Expectations • A caring, happy and secure environment • An engaging and challenging curriculum • Everyone supported to achieve their potential • Respectful and inclusive community • Working together and valuing partnerships • Preparing our learners for an ever changing world • Promoting a healthy lifestyle
Learning at Broughton is…
A Curriculum for Excellence The four capacities Four contexts for learning Active approach to learning teaching Children learn by doing - indoors & outdoors Engages and challenges children’s thinking using real life and imaginary situations Spontaneous and planned play Investigating and exploring Focus on “how” of Learning and Teaching
How? - Active Learning Ensuring depth, challenge and enjoyment Opportunities to develop number and sound awareness Providing choice and exploration Encourage collaboration and communication Developing creativity in thinking Motivating children and fostering interests Encouraging children to think about their learning Making links across the curriculum
Literacy More to reading than meets the eye! Synthetic phonics approach through - Literacy Rich Edinburgh (decoding and word building) Cursive Script Core Reading scheme – ORT (phonetic & whole word approach) Big Writing Listening and Talking
Maths/Numeracy SEAL Approach: Number Word Sequences Numeral Recognition and formation Addition Spatial Patterns Finger patterns Multiplication and Division Time, shape, measure, symmetry, pattern
Home Learning Routine and Partnership Why Home Learning? Expectations- Core – Literacy &Numeracy Challenge- Life Skills & Wider Achievements Celebrating Success
P1 Homework Date: Monday 8 th February 2016 All compulsory homework must be completed. A minimum of 3 homework challenges are recommended. Please check off the tasks you and your child complete. Completed tasks and the homework sheet should be returned to school on Friday 26 th February. Please send in homework folders daily. Homework is available to download on the school website: www.broughtonprimary.org Compulsory Homework Senses Talk Maths Task Spelling Task Prepare a short presentation Use your flash cards to make on what you have learned Complete the maths sheet. the words or write them: about one of the senses (smell, pain hair day say sight, hearing, touch, taste). Try to include at least 3 facts. feed deep teach read We will be listening to the presentations on Friday 26 th are they all some February.
Homework Challenges Handwriting Senses Scavenger Hunt Pancake Day Shrove Tuesday is on Tuesday 9 th February. Can Complete the senses Complete the number scavenger hunt sheet formation sheet on the you make a pancake with attached. back of this sheet. an adult? What toppings will you choose? Rhyme Challenge Website Shape Picture How many words can you Explore the website Can you draw a picture think of that rhyme with: with your parent: using 2D shapes e.g triangle, square? pat top man http://www.readwritecount Can you name the shapes .scot/ you have used? . Pupil Comment Parent Comment Teacher Feedback Did you enjoy this homework? Colour the face to show how you feel?
Morning Routine Independence Routine Soft Start
Wider Curriculum PE Topics- IDL PSE Music
Positive Ethos Welcoming and Inclusive Community Meeting all Pupils Needs Positive Behaviour Management policy House System In P1 class
General School bag to hold folder & healthy snack PE kit Names on everything! Lunches – School lunches ordered by Wednesday for following week Money to school in named envelope in book bag, cheques preferably
Communication Communication from school School bag E-mail Website- newsletters/homework Brown envelope issued Communication with Class Teachers
Thanks for all your support
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