broken or irrelevant

Broken or Irrelevant Andrew Warfield Citrix/UBC * in virtual - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

File Systems*: Broken or Irrelevant Andrew Warfield Citrix/UBC * in virtual environments (at least). FS QCOW FS Random Filter Driver LVM Dm-foo VMFS LVM RAID + = apache.vhd cerne-abbas-giant.html semantics sausages Storage

  1. File Systems*: Broken or Irrelevant Andrew Warfield Citrix/UBC * in virtual environments (at least).

  2. FS QCOW FS Random Filter Driver LVM Dm-foo VMFS LVM RAID

  3. + =

  4. apache.vhd cerne-abbas-giant.html

  5. semantics sausages

  6. Storage interfaces and FS layout is influenced by a legacy of performance concerns. (defrag, buffer caches, weak consistency) Building interesting things that operate on VMs from the outside probably means throwing this all out. Also we’d need to rewrite file systems and applications….


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