brindley s grand cross

Brindleys Grand Cross Of the 18th Century links, with the River - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brindleys Grand Cross Of the 18th Century links, with the River Mersey in the north, Liverpool and Manchester; with in the South Oxford and then the River Thames to London; with in the west W orcester and then the River Severn to

  1. Brindley’s Grand Cross Of the 18th Century links, with the River Mersey in the north, Liverpool and Manchester; with in the South Oxford and then the River Thames to London; with in the west W orcester and then the River Severn to Bristol; with in the north- east the River Trent Nottingham and then to the Humber and also the Roman Fossdyke Canal to Lincoln and the River W itham to the W ash

  2. The Grand Canal at W uxi in China

  3. The Grand Canal at W uxi in China

  4. The Grand Canal at W uxi in China

  5. From Torksey Lock looking up the Roman Fossdyke Canal towards Lincoln c. 1900

  6. Fossdyke Canal from Lincoln

  7. Fossdyke Canal from Lincoln

  8. Francis Egerton, the Third Duke of Bridgewater in his later days (1736 – 1803)

  9. J ames Brindley (1716 –1772)

  10. Canal surveying

  11. Barton Aqueduct over the River Irewell

  12. The W orsley Mine Entrance

  13. The decaying workings outside the W orsley mine

  14. Men with brazier in the limestone mine at the Black Country Museum

  15. J osiah W edgwood (1730 –1795)

  16. The sign post at Haywood J unction shows just how great Brindley’s plan was for the canals

  17. Brindley’s Grand Cross

  18. Coaching House – now The Wolseley Arms, where the first share-holders meeting was held 30th December 1765

  19. Digging a canal – mainly with picks, spades and barrows

  20. Brindley’s tunnel is barely visible to-day at the Harecastle’s southern portal

  21. Legging through a tunnel

  22. Learning to leg through a tunnel at the Black Country museum

  23. Thomas Telford (1757-1834)

  24. The southern end of Telford’s Harecastle Tunnel

  25. Bottle kiln at the potteries

  26. Saltersford Tunnel in Cheshire in 1910. It is 424 yards

  27. A wooden former is being used in a bridge repair at W atford in 1904

  28. Artist’s impression of the Flint W harf at Colton

  29. Rugeley Aqueduct over the River Trent

  30. Milepost at Colton

  31. Imagine that you are this child

  32. Bridge 68 – Colton turn-over bridge

  33. Colton W inding Hole

  34. W harf Cottage, Colton

  35. Bridge 69 Taft Bridge is an accommodation bridge

  36. Spillway opposite Bishton Hall with the canal on the left and the river far right

  37. Colwich Lock raises the level by 6’6”

  38. How to work a lock

  39. Shugborough Carriage Bridge – the road continued over another bridge over the river to Shugborough Hall

  40. Bridge 73 - Haywood Bridge & Lock

  41. The blacksmith (H. Beck) shoeing a horse belonging to the Oxford Canal Company in 1922

  42. W intertime at Haywood Roving Bridge

  43. Toll House at Great Haywood

  44. Fradley J unction past & present

  45. The Southern Road

  46. The Northern Road

  47. The monkey boat is in the centre with its cabin & the butty is on the left, note that the elum arm is pointing upwards, as the boat is moored

  48. A boathorse with his feed can, large wooden beads and crocheted earcaps to keep the flies off

  49. A boatwoman in her 8’ by 6’ 6” cabin

  50. Costume of a boatwoman

  51. A wooden ice-breaking Boat with men rocking the boat, whilst a team of horses tries to drag it through the ice

  52. The Inland W aterways of England & W ales


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