Breaking Down Barriers to the Sharing of Behavioral Health Information Ch Chri rist sty A Avery ry, Client Service Manager Nich chola olas P s Pry rys, Behavioral Health Care Consultant October 2, 2019
DI DISC SCLAI LAIME MER By participating in this Altarum Institute webinar, you automatically agree to authorize recording of audio and visual content presented during this event and consent to subsequent use of the recording in the public domain by Altarum Institute. This recording may include questions and responses provided by you during the live event. This recording will be made available after the conclusion of this event as part of the Altarum Institute webinar archives, and will remain available indefinitely. If you do not wish to consent to the recording, please do not join this event. Altarum Institute webinars are intended solely to provide information to the public. The views and opinions expressed as part of these webinars do not necessarily state or reflect those of Altarum Institute. It is not intended, nor can it be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation, or to endorse any other organization or service. With respect to these webinars, neither Altarum Institute nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, services, products, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. The PHI Consent Tool has been prepared for educational purposes only. Nothing in the PHI Consent Tool is intended as or should be relied upon as legal advice. Any party that is contemplating the use or disclosure of protected health information for any purpose is encouraged to consult with its legal counsel.
Pres esen enter er’s ’s C Contac act Informat atio ion Christy A. Avery Client Service Manager Center for Appropriate Care | Altarum (734) 302-5680 Nicholas A. Prys, MSW Behavioral Health Care Consultant Center for Behavioral Health | Altarum (734) 302-5632
Polling Question
Agenda nda Physical and Behavioral Health Legislation Substance Use Disorder Legislation Use of Consent Forms PHI Consent Tool How to Increase Sharing with Health Information Technology
Beha ehavio ioral al Heal ealth h Consen ent P Projec ject Go Goal al Breaking down unnecessary barriers to sharing behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) protected health information (PHI) across the State of Michigan
Pres esen entat atio ion Go Goal als Develop a better understanding of state and federal laws that affect the sharing of behavioral health, SUD, and domestic violence PHI Increase familiarity with MDHHS-5515 Learn how to navigate the PHI Consent Tool Learn how one might leverage Health Information Technology to increase sharing of BH and SUD PHI
Ph Physic ical al an and Beha ehavio ioral al H Heal ealth L h Leg egis islat atio ion
Substan ance e Use e Dis isorder er L Leg egis islat atio ion Michi chiga gan n Mental Health C Code ode Title le 42 C 42 CFR FR Part rt 2 MDHHS-5515 (or equivalent) is required, unless the disclosure falls under any one of the following statutory exceptions: Medical emergencies De-identified information for research De-identified information for financial audits De-identified information for program evaluations Specific court orders
MDH MDHHS-551 515
MDHHS-551 MDH 515 What is MDHHS-5515? MDHHS-5515 is the Michigan Behavioral Health Standard Consent Form developed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Why was MDHHS-5515 created? Public Act 129 of 2014
When hen is is MDHHS HHS-5515 15 (or eq equiv ival alen ent) req equir ired ed? Behavioral health or mental health services for purposes other than: Treatment Payment Coordination of care Substance use disorders (SUDs) services for a r all: Diagnosis Referral Treatment
When hen is is MDHHS HHS-5515 15 (or eq equiv ival alen ent) not ot req equir ired ed? MDHHS-5515 (or equivalent) is not required when the disclosure falls under any one of the following exceptions: Medical emergencies De-identified information for research De-identified information for financial audits De-identified information for program evaluation Specific court orders (i.e., to determine if an individual is under treatment; treatment hearings for minors)
Polling Question
Domes estic ic Vio Violen ence e Leg egis islat atio ion Family Vi Viol olenc nce Prevention on a and nd Services A Act ct (FVP VPSA) Vi Vict ctims o of C Crim ime Act ct ( (VOCA CA) Vi Viol olenc nce Aga gain inst Wom omen A Act ct ( (VAWA) Specialized consent form is required, unless the disclosure falls under any of the following statutory exceptions: De-identified information for research “Duty to warn” situations Mandatory reporting Specific court orders
Spec ecial ializ ized ed Consen ent F Form Must be written and limited to a specific time and purpose Individuals should be fully informed about the form and timing of any disclosure The National Network to End Domestic Violence Sample Client Limited Release of Information form Federal domestic violence grantees Available in English and Spanish Designed to address the heightened safety and privacy concerns
Intr trodu ducti tion n to to P PHI C I Cons nsent t Tool PHI Consent Tool Addresses most common PHI requests Helps to determine if consent is required References both state and federal laws More protective law followed
Ex Exam ample #1: e #1: Adult Spouse requesting Behavioral health information without any mention of SUD
Ex Exam ample #2 e #2: Adult A health plan/Integrated Care Organization (ICO) forwarding a physical assessment to Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP)/CMH for BH assessment to be conducted. The PIHP/CMH must send the assessment summary/proposed care plan back to the ICO for creation of a comprehensive, integrated, person-centered care plan that supports both physical & BH. BH info without mention of SUD
Ex Exam ample #3 e #3: Adult asking for their own records BH without mention of SUD
Ca Caveat eats – Yello llow T Tri riangle gles In the Legislation Grids, a yellow triangle mean the law allows for sharing PHI if it is in the best interest of the individual and what may be shared will be based on the minimum necessary standard as well as what the law calls for. In each Caveat, the orange highlighted legislation(s) appears to be the most protective and, therefore, should be followed.
Ex Exam ample #4: e #4: Adult Facility operations SUD
Ca Caveat eats- Purple rple D Diamonds In the Legislation Grids, purple diamonds mean the sharing of PHI depends on whether the information requested deals with SUD treatment. In each Caveat, the orange highlighted legislation(s) appears to be the most protective and, therefore, should be followed.
Domes estic ic Vio Violen ence e Grid id
Polling Question
Shar hare e wit with H h Heal ealth I h Informat atio ion Tec echn hnology Patient Portal House copy of Standard Consent Form (MDHHS-5515) Print, sign, scan, send back Increased patient engagement Ease of health record access Direct Messaging Send copy of completed Consent to other entities Send PHI securely from one EHR system to another
Heal ealth h Informat atio ion Ex Exchan hanges es Facilitate sharing of health information Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) Improve communication surrounding patient care
Mi MiHIN eC eConsen ent Pil Pilot Project to collect electronic versions of MDHHS 5515 Please reach out to if interested in piloting the eCMS service.
Poten ential ial Impac acts o of Not S Shar harin ing Patient safety and cost of care Potential Negative Publicity “Ciitizen” reporting database (Yes: “ii”) CMS Wall of Shame Potential Financial Impact Information Blocking from 21 st Century Cures Act Medicaid PI MIPS
Rec ecap ap Consent tool house on MDHHS website 3 scenarios when consent is not required to share BH and general medical PHI: Treatment, Payment, & Coordination of Care 5 scenarios when consent is not necessary for sharing of BH PHI: Medical Emergencies, De-identified information: Financial Audits, Program Evaluation, Research, 2 Types of Specific Court Order 3
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