bounded model checking of hybrid systems

Bounded Model Checking of Hybrid Systems From Qualitative to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bounded Model Checking of Hybrid Systems From Qualitative to Quantitative Certificates and from Falsification to Verification Martin Frnzle 1 joint work with A. Eggers, C. Herde, T. Teige (all Oldenburg), N. Kalinnik, S. Kupferschmid, T.

  1. Bounded Model Checking of Hybrid Systems From Qualitative to Quantitative Certificates and from Falsification to Verification Martin Fränzle 1 joint work with A. Eggers, C. Herde, T. Teige (all Oldenburg), N. Kalinnik, S. Kupferschmid, T. Schubert, B. Becker (Freiburg), H. Hermanns (Saarbrücken), S. Ratschan (Prague) SFB/TR 14 AVACS 1 Dpt. of Computing Science · C. v. Ossietzky Universität · Oldenburg, Germany M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 1 / 65

  2. What is a hybrid system? Hybrid (from Greece) means arrogant, presumptuous. After H. Menge: Griechisch/Deutsch, Langenscheidt 1984 Hybrid stems from Latin hybrida ’off- spring of a tame sow and wild boar, child of a freeman and slave, etc.’ From the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2008 M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 2 / 65

  3. Hybrid Systems Plant disturbances ("noise") environmental observable state influence control Plant Control Analog switch Continuous controllers Loads of continuous selection computations A/D interleaved D/A with discrete setpoints part of decisions observable state Discrete setpoints supervisor task selection active control law Which one is the tame sow and which the wild boar? M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 3 / 65

  4. Hybrid systems are ensembles of interacting discrete and continuous subsystems: � Technical systems: � physical plant + multi-modal control � physical plant + embedded digital system � mixed-signal circuits � multi-objective scheduling problems (computers / distrib. energy management / traffic management / ...) � Biological systems: � Delta-Notch signaling in cell differentiation � Blood clotting � ... � Economy: � cash/good flows + decisions � ... � Medicine/health/epidemiology: � infectious diseases + vaccination strategies � ... M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 4 / 65

  5. A Networked Automation System (After Greifeneder and Frey, 2006) network inputs PLC−IO execution SA SB 24 lu/ts outputs PLC 699 lu 470 lu 0 lu uniformly distributed over {923 lu,..., 900 lu} M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 5 / 65

  6. A Networked Automation System network inputs PLC−IO execution SA SB outputs PLC uniformly distributed 699 lu 470 lu 0 lu over {923 lu,..., 900 lu} Questions: � May the carriage ever stop outside the designated range of drilling positions, or even fail to stop at all? � How likely is it to stop inside the designated range of drilling positions? � What is the expected value of the stopping position, etc.? M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 6 / 65

  7. Agenda 1 Qualitative analysis: 1 An appropriate computational model: hybrid automata 2 Bounded model checking of discrete-time HA: � reduction to arithmetic constraint formulae, � arithmetic constraint solving. 3 Bounded model checking of dense-time HA: � constraint solving for arithmetic formulae involving ODE. 2 Quantitative analysis: 1 An appropriate computational model: probabilistic hybrid automata 2 Bounded model checking of avoid probabilities � falsification by reduction to quantified arithmetic constraint formulae, � constraint solving involving randomized quantifiers. 3 Bounded model checking of expected avoid times � verification by reduction to quantified arithmetic constraint formulae. M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 7 / 65

  8. Bounded Model Checking of Hybrid Systems The Qualitative Case M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 8 / 65

  9. A Formal Model: Hybrid Automata x = 20.0 ∧ y = 0.0 20 y • x = y • y = − 9.81 10 x ≥ 0 0 x = 0.0 ∧ y ≤ 0.0 / y ′ = − 0.8 · y −10 x : vertical position of the ball y : velocity x y > 0 ball is moving up −20 y < 0 ball is moving down 0 5 10 15 20 M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 9 / 65

  10. SAT Modulo Theory An engine for bounded model checking of linear hybrid automata M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 10 / 65

  11. Bounded Model Checking (BMC) 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 P I � construct formula that is satisfiable iff error trace of length k exists � formula is a k –fold unwinding of the system’s transition relation, concatenated with a characterization of the initial state(s) and the (unsafe) state to be reached � � init ( x 0 ) ∧ trans ( x 0 , x 1 ) ∧ . . . ∧ trans ( x i − 1 , x i ) ¬ φ ( x 0 ) ∧ . . . ∧ φ ( x i ) ⇒ � use appropriate decision procedure to decide satisfiability of the formula � usually BMC is carried out incrementally for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . until an error trace is found or tired M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 11 / 65

  12. BMC of Linear Hybrid Automata Initial state: x = 0 2 ∧ x 0 = 0.0 σ 0 1 ∧ ¬ σ 0 σ 1 2 ≤ dx dt ≤ 3 Jumps: → ( x i ≥ 12 ) ∧ ( x i + 1 = 0.5 · x i ) ∧ t i = 0 σ i 1 ∧ σ i + 1 x ≤ 12 2 Flows: x ≥ 12 / x ≤ 0 /  ( x i + 2 t i ) ≤ x i + 1 ≤ ( x i + 3 t i ) x ′ = 1 x ′ = − 6  2 · x ( x i + 1 ≤ 12 ) σ i 1 ∧ σ i + 1 → ∧ 1  ( t i > 0 ) ∧ σ 2 − 2 ≤ dx dt ≤ − 1 x ≥ 0 Quantifier−free Boolean combinations of linear arithmetic constraints over the reals 12 Parallel composition corresponds to conjunction of formulae 6 0 No need to build product automaton −6 0 10 20 30 M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 12 / 65

  13. Reduction of Matlab/Simulink to Constraints Translation to HySAT 4 a −1 3 o1 i1 v h a_brake 200 i2 o2 2 len brake a xh 1 i3 o3 2 v s 1 xo timer 1 s xo xr 4 xr_l 400 s 3 a_free 2 v_init 1 xr_init – Switch block: Passes through the first input or the third input – based on the value of the second input. brake -> a = a_brake; !brake -> a = a_free; M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 13 / 65

  14. Reduction of Matlab/Simulink to Constraints Translation to HySAT 4 a −1 3 o1 i1 v h a_brake 200 i2 o2 2 len brake a xh 1 i3 o3 2 v s 1 xo timer 1 s xo xr 4 xr_l 400 s 3 a_free 2 v_init 1 xr_init – Relay block: When the relay is on, it remains on until the input – drops below the value of the switch off point parameter. When the – relay is off, it remains off until the input exceeds the value of – the switch on point parameter. (!is_on and h >= param_on ) -> ( is_on’ and brake); (!is_on and h < param_on ) -> (!is_on’ and !brake); ( is_on and h <= param_off) -> (!is_on’ and !brake); ( is_on and h > param_off) -> ( is_in’ and brake); M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 14 / 65

  15. Ingredients of a Solver for BMC of LHA BMC of LHA yields very large boolean combination of linear arithmetic facts. Davis Putnam based SAT-Solver: efficient handling of CNFs and thus (by definitional translation) arbitrarily structured Boolean formulae propositional variables only Linear Programming Solver: solves large conjunctions of linear arithmetic inequations efficient handling of continuous variables ( ≫ 10 6 ) no disjunctions Idea: Combine both methods to overcome shortcomings. � SAT modulo theory M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 15 / 65

  16. (Simplified) SAT Modulo Theory Scheme: LinSAT Davis Putnam Linear Programming Input formula: y 2e + C + D ≥ 2 Φ = ( e → C ∧ D ) 2f + A + B ≥ 2 � � ∧ f → A ∧ B f + g + e ≥ 1 � � ∧ f ∨ g ∨ e � � g + f ≥ 1 ∧ g ∨ f ∧ ( e → ( C ∨ D ) ∧ g ) 3e + 2g + C + D ≥ 3 x ∧ ( A → ( 4x − 2y ≥ 9 )) ∧ ( B → ( 2x − 4y ≤ − 7 )) ∧ ( C → ( x + y ≤ 5 )) ∧ ( D → ( x ≤ 7 )) DPLL search 1 traversing possible truth-value assignments of Boolean part 2 incrementally (de-)constructing a conjunctive arithmetic constraint system 3 querying external solver to determine consistency of arithm. constr. syst. M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 16 / 65

  17. (Simplified) SAT Modulo Theory Scheme: LinSAT Davis Putnam Linear Programming D y e e A Deduce g, f, A, B Deduce Deduce from conflict cl. C, D C Deduce D B f f x Deduce Deduce A, B g, g Learned conflict clause: A + B + C ≥ 1 DPLL search 1 traversing possible truth-value assignments of Boolean part 2 incrementally (de-)constructing a conjunctive arithmetic constraint system 3 querying external solver to determine consistency of arithm. constr. syst. M. Fränzle (University of Oldenburg) BMC of Hybrid Systems MoVeP 2010 16 / 65

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