bondurant farrar s growing spanish program

Bondurant - Farrars Growing Spanish Program Allie Kerper, Lexie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bondurant - Farrars Growing Spanish Program Allie Kerper, Lexie Klein & Haley Vance Introductions Allie Kerper - Spanish II, III and ELL Lexie Klein - Exploratory Spanish, Spanish I and II Haley Vance - Spanish I, IV and ELL

  1. Bondurant - Farrar’s Growing Spanish Program Allie Kerper, Lexie Klein & Haley Vance

  2. Introductions Allie Kerper - Spanish II, III and ELL Lexie Klein - Exploratory Spanish, Spanish I and II Haley Vance - Spanish I, IV and ELL

  3. Elementary Spanish Program ● 5 week program (10 sessions) last spring ● Approximately 60 students participated ● Basic Spanish Vocabulary ○ Greetings ○ Colors ○ Numbers ○ Alphabet ○ Days of the week ○ Body parts ○ More! ● High school volunteers were fantásticos!

  4. Elementary Spanish students learning about días de la semana!

  5. Middle School Spanish ● Exploratory Spanish available for 7th and 8th grade students ○ Meets every other day for one semester ○ Students explore the language through storytelling, listening to music and doing MovieTalks ● Taking Spanish I for credit was offered to 8th grade students this year ○ 26 students chose to take advantage of the class ○ They are exceeding expectations!

  6. High School Spanish ● Numbers are increasing in each level ○ Added a section of Spanish II ○ About 12-15 more students in both Spanish III and IV ● Integrating comprehensible input across all levels ○ More practical and natural learning through real world examples ● Spanish III and IV have expanded speaking opportunities

  7. Nuestro futuro ● Offer the elementary Spanish program again this spring ● Continue to offer Spanish 1 for credit at the 8th grade level ● Continue to improve retention rates between each level ● Long term goal is to go fully CI (Comprehensible Input) as much as possible ● Flexible seating possibilities in the coming years

  8. ¿Preguntas?

  9. ¡Gracias!


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