Board of Education Meeting – April 22, 2013
The BIG Picture 21 st Century Teaching Safe, Secure and Inviting Schools and Learning Moving West Clermont Forward Communication Financial Stability
$5.2 million deficit at the end of 2014 Previous reductions 132 positions (92.6 teachers, 32.4 classified, 7 administrative) $7.4 million in reductions over the past 7 years
Tighten operations to improve efficiency Consider preliminary recommendations from State Auditor’s Performance Review Input from District Office Team
Salary adjustments Reduce one secretarial position Replace Superintendent’s Secretary Replace Assistant Superintendent with Director Continue outsourcing Human Resources Director through the CCESC Total Cost Reduction: $148,642
Reduce 7.0 positions Eliminate non ‐ instructional periods Class size average to 27 Reduce staff in Virtual/Credit Recovery Program Total Cost Reduction: $630,000
Implement Middle School Model Requires addition of 2.5 teachers Balance staffing Move to Middle School Principals No increase in number of administrators Total Cost Addition: $205,000
Reduce 2.0 teachers Based on enrollment needs Accomplished through attrition Replace the 5 th grade SAT assessment with Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) for grades 2 ‐ 7 Total Cost Reductions: $151,000
Reduce Special Education Staff Based on enrollment needs Total Cost Reductions: $312,000
Reduce 4 bus routes More efficient routing Looking at start/end times for 2013 ‐ 14 Reduce 5 bus monitors Better monitoring of vendor Total Cost Reductions: $308,000
Do not replace 3 currently open custodial positions Total Cost Reduction: $162,037
Reduce 1.0 position Cancel membership to SOITA Move Amelia Elementary fiber to HCCA/Cincinnati Bell Total Cost Reduction: $59,000
Area of Reduction Cost Change District Office $148,642 High Schools 630,000 Middle Schools (205,000) Elementary Schools 151,000 Special Education 312,000 Transportation 308,000 Operations 162,037 Technology 59,000 TOTAL REDUCTIONS $1,565.679
Negotiations with WCEA/HOPE State Allocations for West Clermont FY2013 FY2013 FY 2013 Final (June 30) FY 2011 FY2012 Governor’s* House** Senate $27,446,973 $25,146,570 $23,474,221 $24,105,898 ? ? * ‐ did not include transportation and career ed ** ‐ does include transportation and career ed
Do not need to vote on reductions Included in approval of budget Will need to vote on Suspension of Contracts If needed May 13, 2013 Regular Board meeting
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