blueberry ipm in florida

Blueberry IPM in Florida Oscar E. Liburd, PhD Associate Professor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Blueberry IPM in Florida Oscar E. Liburd, PhD Associate Professor Entomology and Nematology Department University of Florida Chronological Order of Blueberry pests Blueberry bud mite Blueberry gall midge Flower thrips Cranberry fruitworm

  1. Blueberry IPM in Florida Oscar E. Liburd, PhD Associate Professor Entomology and Nematology Department University of Florida

  2. Chronological Order of Blueberry pests Blueberry bud mite Blueberry gall midge Flower thrips Cranberry fruitworm Spotted wing drosophila Flea beetle

  3. Flower Thrips, Frankliniella bispinosa Ovipositional Injury •Travel along wind currents • Multiple generations per year

  4. Size of thrips populations in relation to flower phenology Percentages of opened flowers 1 10 70 90 20 250 200 x column 1 vs y column 1 Average # of Thrips captured Col 1 vs Col 2 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Days after blooming

  5. Flower thrips (left); Chilli thrips (right) ( Scirtothrips dorsalis )

  6. Injuries resulting from chilli thrips

  7. Management of thrips  Monitoring for adults White sticky boards floral tapping on white paper  Conventional insecticides Delegate 3-6 oz per acre (biological Insecticide) Malathion (organophosphate) Assail (Neo-nicotinoid)  Organic insecticide Entrust

  8. Blueberry gall midge, Dasineura oxycoccana (Johnson)

  9. Blueberry gall midge

  10. Management of blueberry gall midge  Monitoring for adult emergence Bucket traps  Conventional insecticides Delegate 3-6 oz per acre (Biological Insecticide) Malathion (organophosphate) **Assail (Neo-nicotinoid)  Organic insecticide Entrust, Pyganic

  11. Blueberry bud mite, Acalitus vaccinii (Keifer) Feeds on the under-scale of buds The mite is whitish, elongate and very small (1/125 of an inch long)

  12. Blueberry bud mite injury Fewer fruits with Pimpeling Confused with frost damage Bud scale under dis Mcro.

  13. Management of blueberry bud mite  Removal of infected branches through pruning  Pruning old canes  Post-harvest application insecticide/miticides such as endosulfan  Summer oils

  14. Cranberry Fruitworm, Acrobasis vaccinii Riley

  15. Cranberry Fruitworm Larvae are light green with a dark head capsule Mature larvae are about ½ inch in length Silk webbing deformed

  16. Management of cranberry fruitworm  Monitoring for adults Conventional Insecticide Delegate Assail Confirm 2F (tebufenozide) Organic Insecticide Entrust Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)

  17. Blueberry maggot

  18. Management of blueberry maggot  Monitoring for adults Conventional Insecticide Assail Imidan Monitoring trap for BMF Organic Insecticide Entrust

  19. Spotted Wing Drosophila  Several generations per year  Larvae develop inside fruit  Fruit becomes soft and un- marketable

  20. Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila  Monitoring for adults Conventional Insecticide Delegate Mustang Organic Insecticide Monitoring trap for SWD Entrust

  21. Bait Solution Spotted Wing Drosophila Yeast-Sugar Bait Solution Recipe: 2 teaspoons of bakers yeast 4 teaspoons of sugar 2 cups of water Mix and pour ≈1 ½ inches of yeast bait into cup

  22. Flea beetles in Blueberry Blueberry leaf beetle Colaspis pseudofavosa Damage

  23. Flea beetles in Blueberry Red-headed flea beetle Systena frontalis Damage

  24. Management of flea beetles  Monitoring for adults Conventional Insecticide Assail Mustang Monitoring for flea beetles Organic Insecticide Entrust

  25. Common Beneficial Insects Coleoptera - Coccinellidae; lady beetles Aphids thrips - Carabidae; ground beetles Weed seeds Lepidoptera eggs

  26. Common Beneficial Insects Hemiptera Minute pirate bug, Orius spp. Bigeyed bug, Geocoris spp.

  27. Common Beneficial Insects Diptera Neuroptera Hover or Flower flies Green lacewings

  28. Acknowledgements Small Fruit and Vegetable IPM Lab Florida Blueberry Growers Association for our funding research (352) 273-3918

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