Blue Horizons Project Setting the course for clean energy Battery Storage Technology Presentation
Battery Storage Introduction The electricity y gener erat ated ed by Duke e Utility y power er plants in Ashevi eville e City and Buncom combe be County nty will now start t to be stored d in battery y systems. s. Storing ng electricity y in batter ery y storage age system ems s connect ected ed to the utility y energy gy grids s allows for that energy gy to be used d at a later time. e.
How Does Battery Storage Work? A battery y stores s electrici city y to be used at any given n time of demand. and. The stored d electricity y can come e from any energy gy source, includ uding ng solar, wind, d, wave, e, tidal, geother hermal al as well as burni ning ng fossi sil fuel els. s. Electri ricity y produ duced ed by Duke e Energy rgy utility y power r plant nts s can charg rge e batter eries es when n energy gy demand and is low and redist stribut ute e it during ng peak load times es which decreases eases the cost of energy gy for custom omer ers and stabi bilize zes s the grid.
Benefits of Battery Storage Sunlight ht from m solar ar pane nels s can be stored red as as ● elec ectri tricity ty in a small all home me batt ttery ery that t powers ers your r elec ectri tric vehicle e and your r home me at night ht and durin ring utility ty power er outag tages. s. Larg rge e scale ale batt ttery ery stora rage e syste tems can n ● store re huge e amoun unts s of energ ergy from m renew ewab able e energ ergy any time me the e wind blows s or when n the e sun shine nes. s. Small all batt tteri eries es in homes mes and busi sine nesses sses as ● well as larg rge e scale ale batt ttery ery syste tems s make e the utility ty energ rgy grid more re stab able, e, efficien ent, t, lower er cost st and offer er clean ean, , renewa ewable e energ ergy for every ryone ne.
Battery Storage Financial Cost You can purchas hase e smal all batter ery y system em for your home, e, like the Tesla a Power er Wall, for $5,000 with 13 KWh, enough gh energy rgy to power r most st homes es for a week. Stored energy can be sold back to the utility’s electric grid, which reduces your cost for energy rgy. .
Battery Storage Modernizes the Grid Our Commun unity y in Ashevi eville e and Buncom ombe be Count nty y is committed ed to creating ng a cleaner ner, smart arter er and more e affordabl ordable e energy gy future ure. Taking g the initiat ative ve to start using g batter ery y storage age in our homes es and busines nesses, ses, espec ecial ally y those e power ered ed by renew ewabl able e energies es like solar and wind, helps s more e clean n energy gy find its way y to the grid to be distribu buted ed to all of our commun unity. y. Batter ery y storage age leads s to a bright hter er, cleaner ner world d of energy gy for all of us.
Want to Know More? Frequently Asked Questions 1. Are there any batteries cheaper than $5,000? Yes you can purchas hase e batter eries es for storing g solar energy gy for just a few hundr dred ed dollars. s. They may y only power your home e for a few hours. s. The batter ery y system em cost will increase ease with the amoun unt of energy rgy that can be stored. ed. 2. Can I use the Federal Tax rebate for solar power on my battery? Yes, s, as long as the batter eries es are charged ed by solar panels s at the home e or business. ness. 3. How does the battery connect to other renewable energy sources? Wind turbines nes along g with wave e and tidal gener erat ators rs can be connec ected ed in a similar ar way to solar energy. gy. Geother hermal al energy gy would d be a little more e complex ex. FAQ Page 1
Want to Know More? 4. Where can I get advice on which battery will work with my home or business energy setup? The best choice e would d be to contac act a local solar r instal allat ation on compan any in your r area a and ask them to come e out and review ew your monthly y utility y bills and offer er the he best solution on for your budget. get. FAQ Page 2
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