block iterative eigensolvers for sequences of dense

Block Iterative Eigensolvers for Sequences of Dense Correlated - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Block Iterative Eigensolvers for Sequences of Dense Correlated Eigenvalue Problems Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Motivation and Goals Reverse Simulation total

  1. Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Block Iterative Eigensolvers for Sequences of Dense Correlated Eigenvalue Problems Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli

  2. Motivation and Goals Reverse Simulation  total energy  ⇐ = Mathematical model   band energy gap   ← − Simulations conductivity = ⇒ Algorithmic structure    forces, etc.  Goal Increasing the performance of large legacy codes by exploiting physical information extracted from the simulations that can be used to speed-up the algorithms used in such codes Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 2

  3. Outline Stating the problem: how sequences of generalized eigenproblems arise in all-electron computations Eigenvectors angle evolution A LGORITHM ⇐ S IM – Exploiting eigenvector collinearity: block iterative eigensolvers Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 3

  4. Outline Stating the problem: how sequences of generalized eigenproblems arise in all-electron computations Eigenvectors angle evolution A LGORITHM ⇐ S IM – Exploiting eigenvector collinearity: block iterative eigensolvers Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 4

  5. The Foundations Investigative framework Quantum Mechanics and its ingredients n n Z α 1 h 2 H = − ¯ ∇ 2 ∑ i = 1 ∑ ∑ | x i − a α | + ∑ i − Hamiltonian 2 m | x i − x j | α i = 1 i < j Φ ( x 1 ; s 1 , x 2 ; s 2 ,..., x n ; s n ) Wavefunction � n � R 3 ×{± 1 Φ : 2 } − → R high-dimensional anti-symmetric function – describes the orbitals of atoms and molecules. In the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, it is the solution of the Electronic Schrödinger Equation H Φ ( x 1 ; s 1 , x 2 ; s 2 ,..., x n ; s n ) = E Φ ( x 1 ; s 1 , x 2 ; s 2 ,..., x n ; s n ) Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 5

  6. Density Functional Theory (DFT) 1 Φ ( x 1 ; s 1 , x 2 ; s 2 ,..., x n ; s n ) = ⇒ Λ i , a φ a ( x i ; s i ) 2 density of states n ( r ) = ∑ a | φ a ( r ) | 2 3 In the Schrödinger equation the exact Coulomb interaction is substituted with an effective potential V 0 ( r ) = V I ( r )+ V H ( r )+ V xc ( r ) Hohenberg-Kohn theorem ∃ one-to-one correspondence n ( r ) ↔ V 0 ( r ) = ⇒ V 0 ( r ) = V 0 ( r )[ n ] ∃ ! a functional E [ n ] : E 0 = min n E [ n ] The high-dimensional Schrödinger equation translates into a set of coupled non-linear low-dimensional self-consistent Kohn-Sham (KS) equation � � h 2 − ¯ 2 m ∇ 2 + V 0 ( r ) ˆ ∀ a H KS φ a ( r ) = φ a ( r ) = ε a φ a ( r ) solve Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 6

  7. Kohn-Sham scheme and DFT Self-consistent cycle Typically this set of equations is solved using an iterative self-consistent cycle Solve KS equations Initial guess Compute KS potential ˆ n init ( r ) = ⇒ V 0 ( r )[ n ] − → H KS φ a ( r ) = ε a φ a ( r ) ↑ No ↓ Converged? Compute new density OUTPUT Yes | n ( ℓ + 1 ) − n ( ℓ ) | < η n ( r ) = ∑ a | φ a ( r ) | 2 ⇐ = ← − Energy, forces, ... In practice this iterative cycle is much more computationally challenging and requires some form of broadly defined discretization Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 7

  8. Generalized eigenvalue problems Ax = λ Bx A common way of discretizing the KS equations is to expand the wave functions φ a ( r ) on a basis set ∑ c G φ a ( r ) − → φ k , ν ( r ) = k , ν ψ G ( k , r ) | G + k |≤ K max This expansion is then inserted in the KS equations H KS c G ′ c G ′ ψ ∗ k , ν ψ G ′ ( k , r ) = λ k ν ψ ∗ G ( k , r ) ∑ ˆ G ( k , r ) ∑ k , ν ψ G ′ ( k , r ) , G ′ G ′ and, by defining the matrix entries for the left and right hand side respectively as Hamiltonian A k and overlap matrices B k , � ˆ � [ A k B k ] GG ′ = ∑ d r ψ ∗ H KS ˆ � G ( k , r ) ψ G ′ ( k , r ) 1 α one arrives at generalized eigenvalue equations parametrized by k ( A k ) GG ′ c G ′ ( B k ) GG ′ c G ′ ∑ k ν = λ k ν ∑ ≡ A k x i = λ i B k x i . P k : k ν . G ′ G ′ Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 8

  9. Discretized Kohn-Sham scheme Self-consistent cycle Solve a set of Initial guess Compute KS potential eigenproblems n start ( r ) = ⇒ V 0 ( r )[ n ] − → P k 1 ... P k N ↑ No ↓ Converged? Compute new density OUTPUT Yes | n ( ℓ + 1 ) − n ( ℓ ) | < η n ( r ) = ∑ k , ν | φ k , ν ( r ) | 2 ⇐ = ← − Energy, ... Observations: 1 A and B are respectively hermitian and hermitian positive definite 2 eigenproblems across k index have different size and we consider them independent from each other (for the moment) 3 eigenvectors of problems of same k are seemingly uncorrelated across iterations i 4 k = 1:10-100 ; i = 1:20-50 Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 9

  10. Outline Stating the problem: how sequences of generalized eigenproblems arise in all-electron computations Eigenvectors angle evolution A LGORITHM ⇐ S IM – Exploiting eigenvector collinearity: block iterative eigensolvers Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 10

  11. Sequences of eigs: an A LGORITHM ⇐ S IM case Sequences of eigenproblems Consider the set of generalized eigenproblems P ( 1 ) ... P ( ℓ ) P ( ℓ + 1 ) ... P ( N ) � = ( P ) N � P ( ℓ ) � Could this sequence of eigenproblems evolve following a convergence pattern in line with the convergence of n ( r ) ? Numerical study: studied the evolutions of the angles b/w eigenvectors of successive iterations developed a method that establishes systematically a one-to-one correspondence b/w eigenvectors collected data on eigenvectors deviation angles 1 analyzed deviation angles at fixed λ for all k s 2 analyzed deviation angles at fixed k for all λ s below Fermi Energy Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 11

  12. Angle evolution fixed k Example: a metallic compound at fixed k Evolution of subspace angle for eigenvectors of k − point 1 and lowest 75 eigs 0 10 AuAg Angle b/w eigenvectors of adjacent iterations − 2 10 − 4 10 − 6 10 − 8 10 − 10 10 2 6 10 14 18 22 Iterations (2 − > 22) Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 12

  13. Correlation and its exploitation ∃ correlation between successive eigenvectors x ( ℓ − 1 ) and x ( ℓ ) Angles decrease monotonically with some oscillation Majority of angles are small after the first few iterations Note: Mathematical model � correlation. Correlation ⇐ systematic analysis of the simulation . A LGORITHM ⇐ S IM The stage is favorable to an iterative eigensolver where the eigenvectors of P ( ℓ − 1 ) are fed to the solve P ( ℓ ) Next stages of the investigation: 1 Establish which eigensolvers can exploit the evolution (Implicit Restarted Arnoldi, Krylov-Schur, Subspace Iteration, Davidson-like, etc.) 2 Investigate if approximate eigenvectors can speed-up iterative solvers 3 Understand if iterative methods be competitive with direct methods for dense problems Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 13

  14. Outline Stating the problem: how sequences of generalized eigenproblems arise in all-electron computations Eigenvectors angle evolution A LGORITHM ⇐ S IM – Exploiting eigenvector collinearity: block iterative eigensolvers Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 14

  15. Block Iterative Eigensolvers Two essential properties the iterative algorithms have to comply with: 1 the ability to receive as input a sizable set of approximate eigenvectors; 2 the capacity to solve simultaneously for a substantial portion of eigenpairs. Block iterative methods constitutes the natural choice: they accept a variable set of multiple starting vectors; these methods have a faster convergence rate and avoid stalling when facing small clusters of eigenvalues; when augmented with polynomial accelerators their performance is further improved. ALGORITHMS: Block Krylov-Schur – Block Chebyshev-Davidson – Chebyshev Subspace Iteration – LOBPCG Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 15

  16. Experimental tests setup Matrix sizes: 2,000 ÷ 5,700 Num of fixed-point iterations: 15 ÷ 30 Num of k-points: 6 ÷ 27 B ill-conditioned B is in general almost singular. Examples: size ( A ) = 50 → κ ( A ) ≈ 10 4 size ( A ) = 500 → κ ( A ) ≈ 10 7 We used the standard form for the problem A ′ = L − 1 AL − T A ′ y = λ y y = L T x Ax = λ Bx − → with and Numerical Study: Approx. vs Random solutions against Iteration Index Approx. vs Random solutions against Spectrum Fraction Numerical tests were performed using Matlab version R2011b ( running on an Intel i7 CPU with 8 cores at 2.93 GHz. Four cores and 8 Gb of RAM were fully dedicated to computations Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 16

  17. Speed − up vs. iterations for CaFe 2 As 2 (n=2612) 100 90 ChSI 80 70 BChDav 3% BChDav 7% ChSI 3% Speed − up (%) 60 Lobpcg ChSI 7% Lobpcg 3% 50 Lobpcg 7% 40 30 20 BChDav 10 0 3 7 11 14 17 20 23 Iteration Index Figure: Comparison between the 3 most effective block iterative eigensolvers for CaFe 2 As 2 with respect to the outer-iteration index Birkbeck University, London, June the 29th 2012 Edoardo Di Napoli Folie 17


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