blessed chosen sent

BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. 2016 Parish Stewardship Renewal Workshops - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. 2016 Parish Stewardship Renewal Workshops August 20 & 24, 2016 BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. Prayer for the Stewardship Journey Gracious and loving God, you are the giver of all good gifts. We recognize that all that

  1. BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. 2016 Parish Stewardship Renewal Workshops August 20 & 24, 2016

  2. BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. Prayer for the Stewardship Journey Gracious and loving God, you are the giver of all good gifts. We recognize that all that we are and have come from you, and make a renewed commitment to be good stewards of these many blessings. Lord Jesus, you show us God’s way of love and mercy. Nourished by your Body and Blood in the Eucharist, we dedicate ourselves anew to live as members of your Body in the world. Holy Spirit, you guide and inspire us in our daily living. Fill our hearts and minds with your wisdom. Strengthen our resolve to live as people who are blessed, chosen, and sent, sharing in Christ’s mission as good and faithful stewards. Amen.

  3. BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. • Introductions • How many have done this before? • What is your hoped for expectation?

  4. BLESSED. CHOSEN. SENT. • Stewardship Renewal in the Diocese of Orange: • 2009 – 2016 – 8 th Year for Diocesan-Wide Renewal • Recognized in 2015 by ICSC for Total Stewardship Effort! • Why do we do it annually?

  5. • To provide an annual process for the faithful to prayerfully discern their commitment to the parish • Do our parishioners know what the expectations of church membership are? • To encourage a faith response , rather than an obligation or giving out of guilt • To encourage the faithful to respond to THEIR need to give, rather than giving to a need

  6. • To increase engagement of those that are disengaged or minimally engaged in the life of the parish • To grow generosity in the parish, allowing the parish to fully support and increase ministries and outreach

  7. • Theme for 2016 – Blessed. Chosen. Sent. • We have been chosen by Christ, called to live as disciples, and are sent out in mission, to share God’s love and mercy. • We do this by sharing our faith, time, talent and treasure as good stewards.

  8. Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live our lives. Pastoral Letter on Stewardship, USCCB 2002

  9. • The Christian vocation is essentially a call to be a disciple of Jesus… • “Jesus’ call is urgent. He does not tell people to follow him at some time in the future but here and now – at this moment, in these circumstances. There can be no delay.” SDR

  10. • An Annual Renewal is an essential part of the 7 elements of Parish Stewardship • It is ONE tool in the overall Parish Stewardship Plan – but an essential one!

  11. • We have work to do… • Catholic Parishioner Engagement on average across the country • 16% Engaged 16% fully engaged 35% Actively • 49% disengaged Disengaged • 35% actively disengaged 49% Not Engaged • This is one important way we can invite more to become fully engaged

  12. • Is this something new? • Annual Commitments in Protestant faiths are common • Annual Stewardship Renewals are becoming more of a common practice in many Catholic dioceses and parishes across the country

  13. • Top Stewardship parishes across the country as recognized by the International Catholic Stewardship Council ALL conduct an annual Renewal or Recommitment as a key element of their Stewardship planning

  14. • It should be a part of your overall Stewardship strategic plan and calendar for the year

  15. Examples a measurable outcome of Parishes’ Ordinary Income that Incorporate Stewardship Renewal in Their Annual Calendar in addition to their outreach, evangelization and vibrant parish ministries (including tuition-free Catholic education) • St. Michael’s Church – Olympia, WA • 2800 registered families • $47,000 weekly offertory/$2.4 million annually • Queen of Peace Church – Gainesville, FL • 2,217 registered families • $34,000 weekly offertory/$1.8 million annually

  16. The annual renewal invites parishioners to prayerfully • consider what gifts they have received in the past year and invites them to commit specifically how they will share those gifts as stewards in the upcoming year To encourage faithful to respond to THEIR need to give, • rather than giving to a need If they are never asked, how will they know what the • expectations for parish membership are? How will they grow in their own faith journey? •

  17. • To build the ministry life of the parish through engaged parishioners • To increase the number of engaged parishioners who are fully living their faith • To build up the Kingdom of God in your parish

  18. • Each commitment from a family or individual is for a year • Circumstances may change with availability for ministry/outreach • Financial circumstances can change May need to decrease pledge or may be able to increase pledge 

  19. Why do we need to complete a commitment card? • • A gift that we collectively give to our parish family • Helps parish to identify the gifts of individuals to apply toward the needs inside and outside of the parish • Helps parish with budget planning

  20. • Resources Available: • Resources will be available at: under Stewardship Resources • Stewardship Renewal Complete Guidebook including timeline and templates • Brochures available in 3 languages to order (Eng/Sp/VN) • Stewardship Renewal Themed Brochure • Separate commitment cards / 3 options available (Adult, Youth and Child)

  21. Material Order Form – due by 9/20/16

  22. New Theme and Brochure Design Available in 4 languages

  23. Adult Commitment Form

  24. God Owns It All …We are Called to Share

  25. God Owns It All …We are Called to Share • Goals for Today: Introduce Theme for 2013 Stewardship Renewal • Review Materials for 2013 • Key Elements of a Stewardship Parish • Why Stewardship Renewal? • Review the timeline • Talk about options • Review materials • Set goals •

  26. • What has your parish experience been? • Experienced with Stewardship Renewal? • First Time? • Just thinking about it?

  27. • Practical Steps • The timeline and details behind a successful renewal Prep Steps • Core Program – 3 weeks • Maximum Results • Moving Toward Increased Engagement

  28. Prep Steps for Best Results Page 10 of Guidebook

  29. Core Program Page 11 of Guidebook

  30. Steps for Maximum Results Page 12 of Guidebook

  31. Core Program -3-Week Renewal • Announcement Weekend (Oct 29-30) • Pulpit announcement announcing all parishioners to receive a letter that coming week • Pastor/Presider ties Sunday homily to Stewardship • Lay Witness Speakers • Bulletin inserts • Prayers of the Faithful (2 provided) • Stewardship Prayer

  32. Week in between Announcement and Commitment Weekend: • Stewardship brochure from pastor is mailed (previous Friday if bulk mail/Monday if first class) to all registered parishioners with brochure and commitment card • Parishioners are asked to prayerfully discern and bring their commitment card with them to Mass the following weekend

  33. • Commitment Weekend (Nov 5-6) • Cantor announcement before Mass • This is Stewardship Renewal Sunday …(announcement in liturgy notes - pg. 22) • Pastor gives Stewardship homily at all Masses/leads congregation through completing commitment cards • Allow 2-3 minutes of silent time for this (background music) • Congregation together reads Covenant Prayer on brochure (if desired or at end of Mass) • Invitation by pastor for families or individuals to come forward when ready and place commitment card in basket in front of altar (Instrumental music playing in background during this process)

  34. Liturgy helps in guidebook • Bulletin announcements • Prayers of the Faithful • Homily Helps • Pulpit Announcement • Remind people that they can bring their commitment card the following Sunday either at Mass or to the parish office

  35. Liturgy Highlights • Step-by-Step guide to walking through commitment card process during liturgy at homily time • Importance of making a commitment in the context of a sacred ritual • Becomes a sacrificial offering/a covenant between the individual and God • All present (even those who do not turn in a card will be impacted by the act of coming to the altar) • Invite families to come up together

  36. • Thank You/Celebration Weekend – Nov 12-13 • Bulletin announcement (thanks to all who participated by turning in a commitment card) • Consider publishing names in bulletin (alphabetically) • Special hospitality celebration that day • Prayers of the Faithful • Pulpit Announcement

  37. • Alternative for Parishioners to Submit Their Renewal Pledge • Consider setting up an online form through your parish website with commitment form • The more options the better!

  38. Important! • Probably the most important factor that will affect your outcome • Thorough Follow-up and Follow-Through This will make all the difference in reaching your goals!

  39. • Plans for entering data into parish database asap! • Thank you letters • Letters to non-responders • Telephone follow-up – guide in guidebook • Mid-Year Follow-Up Letter

  40. • Options: Can be adapted to your individual parish needs • Abbreviated or customized Program • Full Program Recommended!


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