biomonitoring of urban air polycyclic aromatic

Biomonitoring of urban air Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Biomonitoring of urban air Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using Xanthoria parientina and Petunia hybrida in Bejaia city Dr. Fatima BENAISSA Research Laboratory of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biomathematics and Scientometrics

  1. Biomonitoring of urban air Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using Xanthoria parientina and Petunia hybrida in Bejaia city Dr. Fatima BENAISSA Research Laboratory of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biomathematics and Scientometrics "L3BS" Bejaia University, Algeria. Trieste 27/04/18

  2. Introduction: Context 2 27/04/18

  3. Introduction: Context 3 27/04/18

  4. Introduction: Context 4 27/04/18

  5. Introduction: Context 5 27/04/18

  6. Introduction: Context o Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties that can seriously threaten human health. o Investigations into the levels of PAHs in lichens have been performed in countries including Portugal, Spain, Poland, Italy and India. o Lichens were used to detect road traffic pollution in few region of Algeria but not in Bejaia. 6 27/04/18

  7. Introduction: Issue and Objective o In this context, this study aimed at testing the use of Petunia hybrida and Xanthoria parinentina biomonitoring techniques for detecting PAH pollution concentration in Bejaia. 7 27/04/18

  8. Plan Introduction 1. Effects of HAP in plants 2. Materiels and methods Stady area Petunia sites Lichens sampling Lichens preparation technique Analytical techniques 3. Results General overview Comparaison with control Comparaison with reference site Conclusion 8 27/04/18

  9. Effects of HAP in plants Types of Injuries to Plants o Necrosis - killing of leaf cells. o Abscission - premature dropping of leaves. o Epinasty -down curve of leaf. o Chlorosis - color change from chlorophyll destruction. o Acute - sudden, severe visible change. o Chronic - gradual change from long-term exposure. o Flower dropping and failure of flower to open properly. o Several hours at .01 ppm (Ethylene) caused loss of buds in tomatoes and peppers. 9 27/04/18

  10. PAH biomonitors plants o P etunia hybrida (Ethylene and formaldehyde) o Mouss (Scleropodium purum , Brachythecium rutabulum , Pleurosium schreberi et Hypnumcupressiforme) o Dosages in cuticular waxes (cabbages and needles) o Lichens ( Phaeophyscia hispidula, Xanthoria parietina) 27/04/18 10

  11. 2. Materials and methods 2.1.Study area Exposure station Imdan Control site 35 km east of Bejaia (Rural) 9 urban sites Bejaia (Urban) Taharacht site 60 km West of Bejaia (industriel ) 1 27/04/18 1

  12. 2. Materials and methods 2.1.Study area Climatological data comparing several parameters in the Bejaia city Daily mean Temperature (°C) MRH(%) (km/h) minimal maximal mean 23 March 10 20 15.12 78.33 20.4 30 March 9 20 14.04 72.24 25.9 8 April 12.8 17.6 15.42 84.51 22.2 20 April 15.05 17.15 16.06 64.25 22.2 27 April 16.5 26.4 20.08 75.19 29.6 04 May 13.75 22.5 19.25 80.82 16.7 11 May 17 24 20.17 73.67 25.9 MRH: Mean relative humidity (%) MWS: Max Wind speed(km/h) 27/04/18 12

  13. 2. Materials and methods 2.2.Procedure Petunia hybrida Plant exposue Six-week old 60 Plants of Petunia Hybrida (pots 20cm) 10 Sites 6 weeks: March 23 to Mai 11 2017 10 morphological parameters All parameter (ACP) At the end of sampling Statistical analysis 5 parameters (tests de Mann-Whitney) Full period 3 ,mes At the end of sampling GGP, FlD, NNL GGP, FlD, NNL, NFl FlD, DW Number of flowers, Flower diameter, General growth of plants, Leaf size Number of necrosis leaves, Length of the internodes, Number of aborted 13 buttons, Dry weight 27/04/18

  14. 2. Materials and methods 2.3. Lichens sampling strategy 14 27/04/18

  15. Datasheet Author No. of the sample Altitude Geographical coordinates Topography Place No. photo Station sheltered Croquis Open station Exposed station Hygrometry illumination Situation Ambiance de végétation Artificialisation nature of substrate Diam. cm pH Exposition N NE E SE S SW W NW Height from from the ground dm Largeur dm Surface dm 2 Total cover % Cover of lichens species % Crustacean …………… .Foliose ……………… .Fructicos …………

  16. 2. Materials and methods Sample preparation and analytical techniques - normes lichens : NF X43-904 (AFNOR) et pr EN 16413 (CEN) 27/04/18 16

  17. 2. Materials and methods 2.4. Sample preparation technique Mass lichen sample used 0.6 g Soxhlet extraction (2hrs) Normal Hexane 95% (100ml) Remove solvent using water bath Drying in the oven 95°C Maximum drying to eliminate moisture Desiccator Silica Gel Taking weight Electrical balance 2.5. Analytical techniques chromatography 17 27/04/18 GC-MS analytical technique was used

  18. 3- Résultats Lichens chlorophyll content 7 0.08 0,072 Chlorophyll ( µ g/g 6 0.07 ng/g of DM 5 0.06 DM) 0.05 4 0.04 3 0.03 2 0.02 0,0105 0,0098 0,0059 1 0.01 0.0001 0 0 Control Urban 1 Urban 2 Industriel Industriel Control Urban 1 Urban 2 Industriel Industriel 1 2 1 2 R=-0,93 HAP and Chlo Content on HAP Control 5, 68 µ g/g DM 1.27 µ g/g DM 27/04/18 18

  19. 3. Results 3.1. General overview General growth of plants 20 Growth of plants (cm) Control 18 Id 16 14 IO 12 Aw 10 Dd 8 6 Gr 4 Vl 2 TO 0 23-march 30-March 08-April 12-April 19-April 26-April 04-May 11-May SA Date (2017) Pt Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 19 27/04/18

  20. 3. Results 3.1. General overview Flower Diameter Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 20 27/04/18

  21. 3. Results 3.1. General overview Number of necrosis leaves Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 21 27/04/18

  22. 3. Results 3.2. Statistical comparison of the average growth rates of the different stations. R=-0.8 Sites PM 2.5 GP FD NFl NNL M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD Cont - - 17.7 1 8,3 0,3 11.2 5.7 0.0 0.0 IO 23.0 9.9 13.2 0.57 5.8 2,3 8.8 4.0 2.2 0.7 Id 28.6 10.8 13.5 0.7 7.6 0,3 10.9 6.6 1.4 1.1 Aw 29.1 9.0 11.3 1.15 5.9 1,4 5.6 4.2 1.3 0.6 Dd 32.9 12.0 10.0 6.08 6.3 3,8 3.5 2.3 1.7 2.0 Vl 40.2 18.1 15.0 5.13 7.1 0,3 10.7 7.7 2.3 0.6 TO 21.9 10.2 12.5 0.7 6.6 0,3 4.2 1.9 0.0 0.0 Ir 30.2 7.3 9.3 5.19 7.2 0,7 11.2 5.9 0.6 0.0 SA 25.3 11.5 17.0 2.08 7.1 0,1 5.7 3.8 0.7 0.0 Pr 26.5 10.9 11 1.41 7.2 0,1 11.2 4.2 0.0 0.0 NFl: number of flowers, M: mean FD: flower diameter, NNL: number of necrosis leaves 22 27/04/18

  23. 3- Results 3.3. Comparison with reference site Mean growth. 30-March 19-April 17-May Mean growth (cm) 25 20 15 * 10 * * * 5 * 0 Control Id TO Aw Dd SA Vl Pt IO Gr Date (2017) * Significantly different from control Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 23 27/04/18

  24. 3- Results 3.3. Comparison with reference site Mean Flower number . p<0,05. (1) 20 Mean number of flowers 18 16 14 12 * * 10 8 * * 6 4 2 0 Control Id TO Aw Dd SA Vl IO Gr Pt Station * Significantly different from control Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 24 27/04/18

  25. 3. Results 3.3. Comparison with reference site Mean Flower diameter . p<0,05. (1) * 9 Flowers diameter in the * * * 8 end of sampling 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Contro Id TO Aw Dd SA Vl Pt Gr Station *: Significativement différent de témoin Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 25 27/04/18

  26. 3.Results 3.3. Comparison with reference site Flower diameters (2) 30-mars 19-avr 17-mai 10 Flower diameters of the petunia plants (cm) 9 * * 8 * * 7 6 5 * 4 3 2 1 0 IO Id TO Aw Dd SA Vl Pt Gr Control Station Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 27/04/18 26

  27. 3.Results 3.3. Comparison with reference site Number of necrosis leaves Number of necrosis leafs 23- march 19-april 17-may 9 * 8 7 * 6 * 5 4 * * 3 * * * 2 1 0 Control Id TO Aw Dd SA Vl Pt Gr IO *: Significatively different from the control Station Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 27/04/18 27

  28. 3.Results 3.4. Comparison with reference site Dry weights of the petunia plants Ighil Ouazoug (IO), Ihaddaden (Id), Targa Ouzemour (TO), Aamriw (Aw), Daouadji (Dd), Sidi Ahmed (SA), ville (Vl), port (Pt), Gare routière (Gr) 27/04/18 28


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