Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security WS 06/07 Seminar Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Dittmann & Dr.-Ing. Claus Vielhauer with support from Tobias Scheidat Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Arbeitsgruppe AMSL 1
Organisational part Organisational part � Presentation meetings and consultancy & discussion meetings Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Work is organized for one person or in groups with no more than 2 students � Please register and sign on here: � Web Site lehre/06_07_WiSem/biosec_s/ 2
Organisational part Organisational part � 5 Milestones until delivery: Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � M1. 2006-10-25 � Registration � M2. 2006-12-06 � Literature list, short presentation, interim report � M3. 2006-12-20 � Review � M4. 2007-01-10 � Submission of final report � M5. 2007-01-10, 2007-01-17, 2007-01-24 � Final presentation 3
Organisational part Organisational part � Short presentation and interim report Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � 5-10 minutes � Report must have 8-10 pages � Review will be done by other students � Final presentation � Language: German or English, Slides: English � 20-25 minutes presentation + questions � Final report � must have 12-15 pages � Language: German or English 4
Organisational part Organisational part Review Review � Reviewer's familiarity Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Evaluation of Work and Contribution � Originality and Novelty � Quality of Presentation � References � Technical Correctness � Overall Rating 5
Topics Topics 1. Evaluation of biometric Systems 2. Biometrics and Cryptography Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security 3. Biometrics and Data Protection 4. Development and Aging of Handwriting 5. Multi-biometric Fusion 6. Biosecure Signature Reference System 7. Synthetic Handwriting 8. Biometric Databases 9. Soft Biometrics 10. Spoofing in biometrics X. Free Topic 6
1. Evaluation of biometric Systems 1. Evaluation of biometric Systems � Biometric error rates � Definition, determination, dependencies, … Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � FAR/FRR/EER, FNMR/FMR, DET, ROC, ... � Types of distribution of feature distances � Genuine Distribution, Inter-Template Distribution, Impostor Distribution � Evaluation of handwriting authentication systems � Types of forgeries � References: J. L. Wayman, Technical Testing and Evaluation of Biometric Identification � Devices A. Wahl et al.: Generation and Evaluation of Brute Force Signature Forgeries � F. Zöbisch, C. Vielhauer: A test tool to support brute-force online and offline � signature forgery tests on mobile devices G. Lassmann, Bewertungskriterien zur Vergleichbarkeit biometrischer Verfahren � 7 („Kriterienkatalog“) (in German)
2. Biometrics and Cryptography 2. Biometrics and Cryptography � Literature survey: � Generating cryptographic keys from biometric data Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Problems using biometric data for key generation � How to generate cryptographic keys from fuzzy data? � Protection of biometric data using cryptographic methods � Hiding biometric data � Watermarking � References: � Y. Dodis, L. Reyzin, A. Smith: Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data � U. Uludag, A.K. Jain: Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault � M. Freire-Santosa, J. Fierrez-Aguilara, J. Ortega-Garciaa: Cryptographic key generation using handwritten signature 8
3. Biometrics and Data Protection 3. Biometrics and Data Protection � Legal aspects which have to taken into account for: � Acquisition Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Storing � Usage � Transfer � of biometric data in European countries: � Germany, Greece, Norway, UK � References: � General links: � Greece: amended.doc � Norway: regelverk/lov_forskrift/ lov-20000414-031-eng.pdf � UK:, 9
4. Development and Aging of Handwriting 4. Development and Aging of Handwriting � Development of handwriting � From child to young people Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Changes caused by illness, injury and aging � E.g. ageing of body parts and nervous system � Other aspects � Ideas to simulate changes of handwriting data � References: � Hecker, M.R.: „Forensische Handschriftenuntersuchung: Eine systematische Darstellung von Forschung, Begutachtung und Beweiswert“, Kriminalistik Verlag Heidelberg, 1993 (in German) � Seibt, A.: „Forensische Schriftgutachten: Einführung in Methode und Praxis“, Verlag C.H. Beck, München, 1999 (in German) � Michel, L.: „Gerichtliche Schriftvergleichung: Eine Einführung in Grundlagen, Methoden und Praxis“, Walter de Gruyter Verlag Berlin, 1982 (in German) 10
5. Multi- -biometric Fusion biometric Fusion 5. Multi � Literature survey on biometric fusion strategies � Terms and definitions Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � E.g. fusion level, fusion strategies � Type of fusion � Multimodal vs. � Multi-algorithmic vs. � Multi-sensor � Examples of multi-biometric fusion systems � References: � K.W. Bowyer et al.: Multi-Modal Biometrics: An Overview � A. Ross, A.K. Jain: Multimodal Biometrics: An Overview � A.K. Jain, A. Ross: Multibiometric Systems � T. Scheidat, C. Vielhauer, J. Dittmann: Distance-Level Fusion Strategies for Online Signature Verification 11
6. Biosecure Biosecure Signature Reference System Signature Reference System 6. � Systematic evaluation of an existing signature reference system Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � System is based on 5 signature verification algorithms � Exchangeable modules for process steps � Test and comparison of several system configurations, e.g. � 2 preprocessing modules � Feature selection (with/without) � Fusion of algorithms � … � References: � Reference system documentation 12
7. Synthetic Handwriting 7. Synthetic Handwriting � Literature study on synthetic handwriting � Creation of handwriting based on Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Existing offline or online handwriting data � Bézier curves, splines, action description, … � Dynamic information extracted from static handwriting data � References: � I. Guyon: Handwriting synthesis from handwritten glyphs � H. Bunke, T. Varga: Effects of Training Set Expansion in Handwriting Recognition Using Synthetic Data � T. Varga, D. Kilchhofer, H. Bunke: Template-based Synthetic Handwriting Generation for the Training of Recognition Systems � Y. Qiao, M. Yasuhara: Recovering Dynamic Information from Static Handwritten Images 13
8. Biometric Databases 8. Biometric Databases � Literature and web survey regarding biometric databases � Aspects: Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � uni-modal or multi-modal � royalty free or commercial � used for biometric competitions or evaluation campaigns � modalities contained � Number and kind of individuals, samples, devices, … � References: � J. Ortega-Garcia et al.: MCYT baseline corpus: a bimodal biometric database � B. Dumas et al: MyIdea - Multimodal Biometrics Database, Description of Acquisition Protocols � Web sites of: BANCA, MCYT, biometric competitions (SVC, FVC,…), … 14
9. Soft Biometrics 9. Soft Biometrics � Additional information about bearer of biometric characteristic and environment Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Classification of soft biometrics � Creation and usage of user groups based on soft biometrics � Evaluation results using soft biometrics � References: � A.K. Jain, S.C. Dass, K. Nandakumar: Soft Biometric Traits for Personal Recognition Systems � M. Castrill´on-Santana et al.: Gender and Identity Classification for a Naive and Evolving System � T. Scheidat, F. Wolf, C. Vielhauer: Analyzing Handwriting Biometrics in Metadata Context 15
X. Free Topic X. Free Topic � Choose a topic related to biometrics and security you are interested in Biometrics and Security Biometrics and Security � Precondition: � Related to biometrics and security � Different from other topics in this course � References: � � � ... 16
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