big projects affecting gwd

Big Projects Affecting GWD Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion North - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Big Projects Affecting GWD Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion North Valley Recycled Water High-Speed Rail Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion $459 million award from the State to Contra Costa WD

  1. Big Projects Affecting GWD • Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion • North Valley Recycled Water • High-Speed Rail

  2. Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion

  3. Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion $459 million award from the State to Contra Costa WD (Proposition 1) 46,000 acre-feet of refuge water on average each year (30,000 for GWD) Next Steps: - Federal Approval - Partner Financing - Water Rights

  4. North Valley Recycled Water

  5. North Valley Recycled Water $51 million State (Prop 1) and Federal (CVPIA) investment in refuge water Del Puerto WD received grants, constructed Modesto segment Status: - 5,500 acre-feet of refuge water in 2018 - Turlock segment under construction

  6. High-Speed Rail

  7. High-Speed Rail Estimates underway for noise shield Governor scales back project; dispute over federal funding Staff continue to work on environmental review


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