big ideas cradle to cradle a new geological epoch

BIG IDEAS & Cradle to Cradle A NEW GEOLOGICAL EPOCH Humans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BIG IDEAS & Cradle to Cradle A NEW GEOLOGICAL EPOCH Humans have changed the planet so much since the industrial revolution that we've started a whole new geological era Anthropocene CRADLE TO GRAVE DESIGN PARADIGM Cobber runs out before

  1. BIG IDEAS & Cradle to Cradle

  2. A NEW GEOLOGICAL EPOCH Humans have changed the planet so much since the industrial revolution that we've started a whole new geological era Anthropocene


  4. Cobber runs out before oil

  5. Production of 1 ton Copper creates 600 ton of waste

  6. Phosphorus

  7. Materials disappear

  8. Outcome of our Cradle to Grave ’production concept’ Toxic chemicals and heavy metals all around us 40% af energy consumption Indoor air 3-8 worse than over 40% of our children have allergies outside air

  9. Plastic in the Pacific Ocean Tekst Albatrosses on the island of Midway, Central Pacific

  10. ‘Cradle to Grave’ : Target is 0 ECO-efficiency Reduce, avoid, minimize, prevent Is the purpose of being here to do less bad?

  11. Eco-Efficiency Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic

  12. What is the next Big Idea?


  14. As one process... - how do we communicate, collaborate, innovate? - what are our values, morals, ethics? -how do we design our life on earth? ( Cradle to Cradle provides an answer to the last question, but without a significant minority sharing evolutionary values, we are not likely to make it in time)

  15. Learning from the process Instead of Regulating the Past Organize the Future Focus is not on ‘doing things right’ - but on ‘doing the right things’


  17. The technical and biological metabolism

  18. Design Biological nutrients Climatex life cycle

  19. Design Technical nutrients Herman Miller Mirra Chair

  20. Cradle to Cradle product platform (Many hundred products assessed and developed over the past 25 years)

  21. IDENTIFY THE BEST: ABC-X CATEGORIZATION Cradle to Cradle is based on an advanced scientific methodology developed by EPEA and MBDC OPTIMAL OPTIMIZING TOLERABLE NOT ACCEPTABLE NOT CHARACTERIZED

  22. CRADLE TO CRADLE : THE GOAL IS QUALITY When the product is properly assessed down to 100 PPM we have taken the first step towards a positive agenda. The goal is better business where we ensure healthy material streams for future production and generations. Cradle to Cradle implementation does not happen over the night - it is a process that happens in a partnership with the client and what makes sense business wise. ECO-EFFECTIVENESS DEFINE, INCREASE, SUPPORT, OPTIMIZE ECO-EFFICIENCY

  23. The building industry consumes: 30-40% of our energy 15-20% of our water ressources 40-50% of our raw materials Burj Khalifa i Dubai i de Forenede Arabiske Emirater 828 meter verdens højeste menneskeskabte struktur

  24. C2C building manual with Realdania C2C in buildings Is it a biological or technical nutrient? Are the materials recyclable or compostable? Can it be taken apart? Does your energy come from renewable energy sources? Is the water cleaner when is comes out of your building than when it came in? Are you practicing social responsibility?

  25. C2C building manual with Realdania

  26. C2C building manual with Realdania

  27. Maersk container ships going Cradle to Cradle See video about Maersk C2C ambitions on their new container ships:

  28. CRADLE TO CRADLE APPROACH TO COST STRUCTURES COMPETITION OF STRATEGIES MN Costs for the M aintenance of N utrient status RR RD Costs for R esource Costs for R esource R eplacement D estruction Research for / Design of the situation MN < RR + RD

  29. The technical and biological metabolism


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