Big Data Management & Analytics EXERCISE 8 – TEXT PROCESSING, PCA 21st of December, 2015 Sabrina Friedl LMU Munich 1
Product Component Analysis (PCA) REVISION AND EXAMPLE 2
Goals of PCA Find a lower-dimensional representation of data to: ◦ Detect hidden correlations ◦ Remove (summarize redundant, irrelevant or noisy features ◦ Fascilitate interpretation and visualization (actually visualization is possible only for few dimensions) ◦ Make storage and processing of data easier d=2 d=3 3
Idea of PCA A good data representation retains the main differences between data points but eliminates irrelevant variances ◦ Given matrix 𝑌 : 𝑜 data points with 𝑒 dimensions (features) ◦ Find 𝑙 directions (linear combinations of dimensions) with highest variance = principal components: 𝑤 1 , 𝑤 2 , … 𝑤 𝑙 ◦ Project data points onto these directions ◦ General Form: 𝑌𝑄 = 𝑍 X = raw data matrix P = (v 1 , v 2 ,... v k ) transformation matrix (n x d) * (d x k) = (n x k) Y = k-dimensional representation of X 4
PCA – Graphical Intuition Center data Transform by P 5
How to get Principal Components? Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix Sigma here is the name of the matrix, not the sum symbol! = 𝐷𝑃𝑊(𝑌, 𝑌) Describes the pairwise correlation between all features For a centralized data matrix 𝑌 with µ = 0 we 𝟐 𝒐 𝒀 𝑼 𝒀 = can calculate the covariance matrix as: 6
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 7
Dimension Reduction For 𝑜 dimensions of 𝑌 we get 𝑜 eigevalues and eigenvectors. The transformation matrix is then constructed by putting the eigenvectors as columns into a matrix: T = 𝑤 1 , 𝑤 2 , … 𝑤 𝑜 Σ = covariance matrix T = (v 1 , v 2 ,... v n ) transformation matrix Eigendecomposition: Σ = 𝑈Ʌ𝑈 𝑈 Ʌ = diagonalised matrix with eigenvalues on diagonal To get a k-dimensional representation Y of (centered) data X we take only the first k eigenvectors (principal components) of T and call this matrix P . We calculate: 𝒀𝑸 = Y To transform back: Z = 𝑍𝑄 𝑈 8
PCA – Summary of Steps Center the data 𝑌 : 𝑦 𝑗 − µ 𝑗 1. Σ = 1 2. Calculate the covariance-matrix: 𝑜 𝑌 𝑈 𝑌 3. Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Σ Calculate eigenvalues λ by finding the zeros of the characteristic polynomial: det( Σ − λ 𝐽 ) ◦ ◦ Calculate the eigenvectors by solving ( Σ − λ 𝐽)𝑤 = 0 4. Select the 𝑙 eigenvectors with the biggest eigenvalues and create P = (𝑤 1 , 𝑤 2 , … 𝑤 𝑙 ) Transform the original (n x d) matrix 𝑌 to a (n x k) representation: 𝑌𝑄 = 𝑍 5. 9
Useful links o KDD II script: HDData.DimensionalityReduction.pdf o A tutorial about PCA: 10
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