
BffiTOT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS November 2018 (llnaudited) Table of - PDF document

BffiTOT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS November 2018 (llnaudited) Table of Contents Paqe Itllonthly Financial Highlights 2 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Current Month 3 Year-to-Date 4 2018 Monthly Activity 5 6-7

  1. BffiTOT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS November 2018 (llnaudited) Table of Contents Paqe Itllonthly Financial Highlights 2 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Current Month 3 Year-to-Date 4 2018 Monthly Activity 5 6-7 Comparative Balance Sheet Energy Statistical Data I Current Month I Year-to-Date kWh Sales - Monthly Activity 10-11 Plant Additions and Retirements Current Month 12 Year-to-Date 13 Statement of Cash Flows 14 Weather Statistics 15 Broadband Summary 16 Payroll Report 17

  2. u¡a *¿ffi; .* #.a.0 Financial llighlights .¡(sà&-{f .:. November 2018 ^ì -:-:5ê!t- Is$¿: l2iSlilE Reta¡l Rêvenues Net Marg¡n/Net lncome > Novembeis tempeÉture was 1 .3 degrees under the 5-year average and heat¡ng degree days > Net mãrgìn and net ¡ncome are tracking about or above budget. were '1 2olo above the five year average, retail revenues were 4 percent above budgèt estimates Cap¡tal > Capitalexpendituresare$15Mofthe$lSMbudget.Actualexpend¡turesforyear€ndareexpectedto ¡n part to October be¡ng ælder than average. > Retail revenues year to date are less thanl 7o under amendod budget amounts. underrun the budget. Net Power Expênsê O&i¡ Expense > Higherthannormalwatêrflow¡nthefirsthalfoftheyearresuttedinexcessgenerationând > November's O&M expense was 1olo âbove budget > O&M Expense ¡s sl¡ghUy under the amended budget year to date primar¡ly as a result of labor bêing ¡ncreased secondary market sales, the second half has seen lower than nomal water flow but h¡gher power ând secondary market pr¡ces. Power and gas swaps netted the Distr¡ct about under budget wh¡le increased jo¡nt use compl¡ance for publ¡c safety, and ¡nsurance assessment 9350k in November. payments ¡s balanc¡ng the underrun. > The Sl¡ce True-up ¡s approx¡matety $660k > BPA announced the Sp¡ll Surcharge for 2018 which w¡ll result in an additional $200k ¡n power expense > Net Power Expense ¡s prcjec{ed to æme ¡n about $0.7M above amended þudget by the end of the year Retail Revenues Net Power Expense (¡erl(thder) November Y'D NoEmbèt Foctors afiecting Revenues Fdr:f.ors dÍlecting Net Power Expense Days & over s-year Water Flow Projection % of Normal ¡an-Jut Runoff 5% aRaÈ[&var¡Êr at{d! Po¡È. (ilÞq -æ/. ú/o t¡ün{rlbt Ytt tEGlt NmmberHDD YTDHoD lncome/Net Margin YTD Over/{Underl Budget+ FoEGlt (in thousandsf Bil¡ed toad Over/{Underl Sl¡ce Generation Over/(Under) Budgetr {in aMWl 5963 ¡lst lvbrgin Nst {0) (5) ¡lürèrùrr Yto Nmmbot YTD Other Statisti6 Price v. Days Cash On Hand - Current Market Sales Budget* ($) Days Cash On Hand - Year-End Forecast* 138 Debt Service Coverage - Year-End Forecest 3. Fixed Charge Coverage - Year-End Forecast L7% Active Seß¡ce Locat¡ons 54073 YTD lncrease in Active Seruice Locatlons New Seru¡ce Connections - November t YTD lncrease in New seruice Connections Nryâmbêt YTD iDependent upoñ cåpiÞl spendinS O&M Expense before NESC Compliance and Capital Snp 15.01M 65% 4.53M s28 4.69M !07% 2.39rvr 6so/. 0.49M 7t% 1.07rM úú.rüNliú&¡Ðlû 43% 0.51M nFefiú (3i,ro:¡ 80% 1.09M qùrtlt0¡¡tl o&M oo/o 0.24M Cap¡taf (s¿000) 0 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 1.2 Novembêt l,¡dembet VTD WD the amended the Commiss¡on on 2A,ZOr8. 2

  3. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO,I OF BE}ITON COUNTY STATEMEi¡T OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AilD CHANGE IN NET POSITIOiT NOVEilIBER 20,t8 11t30t18 11t30t17 AMENDED PCT PCT ACTUAL BUDGET VAR VAR ACTUAL OPERATIi¡G REVEN¡UES Energy Sales - Retail 9,487,434 9,1 53,146 9,199,759 4o/o 3o/o City Occupation Taxes 462,863 477,459 464,402 '3o/o 0o/o Bad Debt Expense (15,ooo) (18,379) -18o/o (15,000) .0% Energy Secondary Market Sales 4,842,458 1,057,860 >20Ûo/o 1,552,873 >200o/o Transmission of Power for Others 166,792 77,907 144,468 114o/o 1 5o/o Broadband Revenue 192J62 195,492 181,718 -2o/o 60/o Other Revenue 145,032 128,794 81,679 13o/o 78o/o 11,609,899 32% TOTAL OPERATIi{G REVEiIUES 15,281,711 11,072,278 38% OPERATIi¡G EXPET{SES Purchased Power 9,272,750 6,464,956 40% 43o/o 6,617,680 Purchased Transmission & Ancillary Services 1,082,786 1,037,375 1,073,362 4o/o 1o/o Conservation Program 125.233 220,104 434/o 1 90,400 -34o/o 7,881,442 33a/o Total Power Supply 10,480,770 7,722,436 364/o Transmission Operat¡on & Maintenance 59,467 't2,074 >2$0o/o 7,158 >200o/o Distribution Operation & Maintenance 712,871 770,605 904,901 -7o/o -21o/o Broadband Expense 105,363 98,221 7% 41,754 152o/o Customer Accounting, Collection & lnformation 443,684 403,387 393,737 10o/o 13o/o Administrative & General 577,428 586,626 633,754 -2o/o -9o/o Subtotal before NESC Compliance / Public Safety 1,898,812 1,870,914 1,981,304 4o/o 1o/o NESC Compliance (Net District Expense) (27,524) 39,920 -169% nla Subtotal beforê Taxes & Depreciation 1,871,289 1 ,910,834 1,981 ,304 -2o/o -6o/o Taxes 1,012,928 1 ,021,743 1,003,974 -1o/o 1o/o Depreciation & Amortization 830,213 839,802 -1o/o 861,943 4o/o Total Other Operating Expenses 3,714,429 3,772,380 3,847.221 -3% -2o/o TOTAL OPERATIT{G EXPENSES l¿f,195,199 11,49¡r,8f 6 21% 11,728,663 23o/o oPERATING ¡i¡COfltE (LOSS) 1,086,512 >-2OOo/" (118,764) >-200o/o 1122,537t, Ì{OilOPERAÏilG REVET{UES & EXPET{SES lnterest lncome 113,140 45,865 57,017 98% 147o/o Other lncome 34,763 34,235 3't,346 2o/o 11o/o Other Expense nla nla lnterest Expense (224,006) (1 94,302) 15% (234,816) -5o/o Debt DiscounUPremium Amortizat¡on & Loss on Defeased Debt 38,127 37,365 41,348 2o/o -8o/o MtM Gain/(Loss) on lnvestments 15,643 nla ß2,080) -149o/o TOTAL N¡OilOPERATING REVEÌ{UES & EXPEI{SES (76,837) -81% 122,3311 -71o/o t137.185t INGOME (LOSS) BEFORE CAPTTAL CO?{TR|BUT|OI{S 1,064,208 (¡199,375) >-200o/o (255,949! >-200o/o CAPITAL COilTRIBUTIONS 484,603 110,740 >200o/o 146,558 >200o/o I {388'6351 >-200o/o CHANGE IN NET POSITION >-200% 1 PAGE 3 UNAUDITED STATEMENTS

  4. PUBLIC UTILITY DI$TRICT I{O.1 OF BENTOi¡ COUT{TY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPEiISES, Ai¡D CHANGE IT{ NET POSITION YEAR TO DATE 11t30t't8 AMENÐED PCT PCT AClUAL BUDGET VAR ACTU.AL VAR OPERATIi¡G REVENUES Energy Sales - Retail 113,481,595 't 13,846,645 114,127,256 0o/o -1o/o City Occupation Taxes 5,407.738 5,455,070 5,595,409 -1o/o -3o/o Bad Debt Expense (196,000) (213,375) (202,000) -8o/o -3o/o Energy Secondary Market Sales 19,017,433 16,201,764 12,659,652 17o/o 50o/o ïransmission of Power for Others 1,309,932 'l8o/o 1 ,108,823 1,156,731 13o/o Broadband Revenue 2,055,847 2,107,568 -2% 1,982,548 4o/o Other Revenue 't,638,642 1,469,709 11o/o 1,390,787 18ø/o TOTAL OPERATING REVEiIUES 112,715,188 139,976,205 136,7r0,383 lo/" 2o/o OPER^AÏN¡G EXPEI¡SES Purchased Power 78,701,809 81 ,777,731 7s,880,902 4o/o 8o/o Purchased Transmission & Ancillary Services 12,618,145 '12,227,118 12,131,603 4% 3o/o Conservation Program 59,524 756,276 650,269 '92o/o -91o/o Total Power Supply 94,455,400 91,685,203 88,662,774 3o/o 7o/o ïransmission Operat¡on & Maintenance 165,000 178,339 '7o/o 199,821 -17o/o Distribution Operation & Maintenance 8,947,435 8,877,958 9,248,647 1o/o -3o/o Broadbarid Expense 870,282 852,204 2% 786,004 11o/o Customer Account¡ng, Collection & lnformation 4,095,313 4,028,834 3,459,479 2o/o 18o/o Adm¡nistrative & General 6,516,470 096 6,749,525 4o/o -3o/o Subtotal oefore ÑESC Comptiance / pubtic Safety 20,594,499 20,746,431 20,443,476 -'lo/o 1o/o NESC Compliance (Net District Expense) 586,206 527,381 nla 1 1o/o Subtotal before Taxes & Depreciat¡on 21,180,704 21,273,812 20,443,476 0o/o 4o/o Taxes 12,614,099 12,627,564 0% 12,868,856 -2o/o DeÞrec¡at¡on & Amortization 9,022,'t16 9,195,822 -2o/o 9,300,377 -3o/o Total Other Operating Expenses 42,816,920 43,097,598 42,612,709 -1o/o 0o/o TOTAL OPERATII¡G EXPEI{SES 137,272,320 131,782,801 131,275,183 2% 60/o oPERAT|t{c tr{coilE (Loss) 5,4¡f2,868 5,193,404 5,43¡t,900 5o/o ïalo NOI{OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES lnterest lncome 1,032,126 754,135 544,647 90% 37o/o Other lncome 349,623 341,835 53't,447 2o/o -34o/o Other Expense nla nla lnterest Expense (2,574,085) (2,517,ô91) (2,667,374) 2o/o -3o/o Debt Discount/Premium Amortization & Loss on Defeased Debt 419,393 416,345 1% 454,833 -8To MtM Gain/(Loss) on lnvestments 28,573 nla (35,452) -181o/o TOTAL NONOPERAT¡NG REVEiIUES & EXPENSES Í44.3711 {1.005.376t (1,171,899t -260/o -360/o ili¡coME (LOSS) BEFORE CAP|TAL CONTRTBUTTONS 4,698,496 4,r88,028 4,263,001 12o/o 10To CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIOI¡S 1,957,874 1,505,r16 1,725,229 30o/o 13o/o CHANGE IT{ T{ET POSITION 5,693,1¡14 5,988,230 17o/o 11o/o TOTAL NET POSITIOi¡, BEGINÌIII{G OF YEAR 121.1 55,023 124,155,023 1 16,035,853 -2Yo 0o/o TOTAL NET POSITION, END OF YEAR 130.81 1,394 129,848,167 122,024,083 0.1o/o 4o/o PAGE 4 UNAUDITED STATEMENTS
