Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA Beyond the Bubble Using Performance Assessments for Learning & Accountability Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. William & Mary Unintended Consequences of Conventional, Fixed-Choice Type, High-Stakes Accountability Testing Narrowing of the taught curriculum A “hidden curriculum” of test-taking skills (e.g., above- level testing) Overuse of drill-&-practice and coverage techniques Lack of “deep learning”/transfer experiences Overuse of fixed-choice/formulaic assessments— limited evidence of deeper learning or transfer Loss of instructional time to frequent benchmark testing/Excessive time expended on test preparation outside of school Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 1
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA House Bill 930 and Senate Bill 306 § 22.1-253.13:3.C of the Code of Virginia “Each school board shall annually certify that it has provided instruction and administered an alternative assessment, consistent with Board guidelines, to students in grades three through eight in each Standards of Learning subject area in which a Standards of Learning assessment was not administered during the school year.” Aims of Evolving Our Commonwealth’s Accountability Assessments Tap into deeper understandings & transfer skills Promote the instructional practices that engage students Promote the use of performance assessments of learning at the classroom, division, & state levels Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 2
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA Required Local Alternative Assessments • Grade 3 History • Grade 3 Science • Grade 5 Writing • US History to 1865 • US History from 1865 to Present PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Asks students to think and to produce--to demonstrate learning through work authentic to the discipline and/or real world. Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 3
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA Complex Project Curriculum Embedded Stand Alone Constructed Response Complexity Typical characteristics… CONSTRUCTED STAND CURRICULUM COMPLEX RESPONSE ALONE EMBEDDED PROJECT Number of A complex, Multiple, A cogent set of Intended 1 – 2 integrative set subject-specific subject-specific Learning ILOs of ILOs & ILOs ILOs Outcomes broad aims Integrated Level of Integrated Limited instruction, Instructional Limited to instruction, clarification & facilitation, Support during clarification facilitation, & facilitation feedback, & Administration feedback guidance Moderately Divergent Prescriptiveness Divergent (typically of Student Fixed/ Convergent Convergent (elements of multiple Response (typically little (limited choice) choice in content opportunities (Degree of choice) and/or format of for student Student Choice) response) choice) A portion of a 1 – 2 class Approximate Multiple class Multiple weeks class period periods (> 60 Duration periods / days or a term (≤ 60 minutes) minutes) Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 4
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA Your Task The driving record of a Connecticut driver is selected at random from the sample. What is the probability that the driving record belongs to an “at risk” driver? Based on the data, which age group has the highest probability of getting a traffic ticket? Show your work or explain how you found your answer. Under 21 Over 75 Other Ages (21-75) Traffic Ticket 24 11 218 No Traffic Ticket 29 84 634 The First Thanksgiving 1621 Artist: J.L.G. Ferris (American) Date: 1932 PART A: The painting The First Thanksgiving of 1621 helps historians understand the relationship between the Wampanoag Indians and the Pilgrim settlers in 1621. Do you agree or disagree? In a sentence or two, support your answer using your understanding of primary and secondary source documents. PART B: Then, in a response of at least one paragraph, explain how the historical era in which the painting was created may be reflected in the interpretation of the event being depicted. You should make specific reference to one or more details from the picture. Your response should include accurate historical detail to support your claim. Be sure to make use of good writing conventions (such as deliberate word choice, precise information, grammar, and mechanics) in order to effectively communicate your thinking. Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 5
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA The Agronomist’s Proposal You are an agronomist (that is, a food scientist) for a major food company called Greenco Foods. Your company has developed a new strain of wheat that is more nutritional and better tasting. The management of Greenco Foods would like to use the new wheat in its popular lines of breakfast cereals and sandwich bread. As a first step toward bringing this seed line into production, you have been assigned to lead a team of agronomists to determine the type of soil that would grow wheat to maturity the fastest. The company uses farms that have two different soil types. Greenco Foods refers to these two different soils as Alpha 7 and Bio 11. Your task is to design an experiment to determine which of the two soils is best for growing this strain of wheat faster. You are to prepare a written proposal for your supervisor to review. You have one week to prepare your proposal, and you will work on it each day this week as the company provides you additional training. (Remember, proposing an experiment but not conducting it at this time.) Use the attached Greenco Foods Experimental Design Template to write up your proposed experiment. Per company policy, you need to (a) complete each section of the template, (b) write in clear, complete sentences, and (c ) correctly use scientific terms and concepts. Specifically, your proposal must address all elements of experimental design and must accurately account for the relevant properties of soil and plant life. There are two types of soil available: Soil A and Soil B. Design an experiment to determine which type of soil would be best to grow a common houseplant. Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 6
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA Performance Assessment: “ Amusement Park” Your Task 1. Design your own ride. 2. Determine the trigonometric functions that model both the horizontal and vertical Option A: Giant Boat Swing position of your ride. Option B: Bungee Jump Option C: Ferris Wheel 3. Prepare a written report and PowerPoint Option D: Ferris Wheel and Cart presentation to a committee “We need a new philosophy of assessment in this country that never loses sight of the student. To build such an assessment, we need to return to the roots of authentic assessment, the assessment of performance of exemplary tasks.” --Grant Wiggins in Phi Delta Kappan (May 1989) Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 7
Beyond the Bubble: Using Performance Presented at the 2018 VASSP Conference Assessments for Learning & Accountability Hot Springs, VA “History suggests that a standard-by-standard approach to teaching and learning does not work. Instead, our advice, based on research on learning, is to focus on the big ideas of what students are expected to accomplish….Consider how specific standards and evidence targets can be integrated in the development and demonstration of these major competencies through appropriate performance tasks .” --Joan Herman & Robert Linn in Educational Leadership (March 2014) “We have a generation of teachers who have never known anything but the SOL tests.” “And the rest of us have been conditioned for the past 15 years.” --Conversation between two local teachers (September 2014) Christopher R. Gareis, Ed.D. (2018) 8
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