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Beta Presentation Multi-Video Case Management The Capstone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Beta Presentation Multi-Video Case Management The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Adam Gnott Noah Engerer Jonathan Little Yichen Zang Matt Wojno Sam Belcher Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State

  1. Beta Presentation Multi-Video Case Management The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Adam Gnott Noah Engerer Jonathan Little Yichen Zang Matt Wojno Sam Belcher Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University From Students… Spring 2019 …to Professionals

  2. Project Overview • Insurance claims have a lot of video content ▪ Time consuming to review multiple videos of one event • Building upon existing OpenContent Management Suite’s (OCMS) architecture • Adding two new actions ▪ Add videos from a map view ▪ Merge multiple videos together The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 2

  3. System Architecture The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 6

  4. Add Videos From Map Action The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 7

  5. Map View of Folder Contents The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 8

  6. Adding Annotations The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 9

  7. Merge Videos Action ( 4 videos) The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 10

  8. Merge Videos Action (3 videos) The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 10

  9. What’s left to do? • UI Enhancements • Additional client personalization with admin configurations • Blackout videos upon completion in merged video The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 9

  10. Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The Capstone Experience Team Technology Services Group Beta Presentation 10


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