berkeley modular

BERKELEY MODULAR 27 th September 2018 2018 ANNUAL REPORT How? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BERKELEY MODULAR 27 th September 2018 2018 ANNUAL REPORT How? Project teams - review off-site opportunities on each site and capture off-site spend Group - develop new approach for every site to follow Deliver the Berkeley Modular

  1. BERKELEY MODULAR 27 th September 2018

  2. 2018 ANNUAL REPORT How? • Project teams - review off-site opportunities on each site and capture off-site spend • Group - develop new approach for every site to follow Deliver the Berkeley Modular facility and ensure that 30% of construction value is delivered through off-site assembly by 2020

  3. WHY ARE WE CHANGING Challenges facing residential development sector driving strategic change Skills shortages Quality of labour Lack of innovation and Workforce size investment in R&D / demographic Low productivity Safety performance Cost of labour Lack of collaboration / Low levels of improvement culture productivity Programme surety Labour and materials logistics Source: The Farmer Review

  4. BERKELEY MODULAR FACTORY Construction of a new manufacturing facility is underway 150,000 sq ft production space 15,500 sq ft office space 220,000 sq ft yardage / parking space RAR KV Northfleet

  5. WHAT ARE WE BUILDING Noteworthy facts and figures regarding volumetric modules Maximum: • Length  12.0m • Width  4.5m • Height  3.5m • Weight  20 - 22 tonnes Applications • Apartments (2 - 20 storeys) • Houses


  7. Fully Tested – Higher Performing


  9. WHAT WE DO We build homes for Our business is about Our strategy is based Everything we set out everyone placemaking not just on adding value to do is long-term housebuilding


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