bella casa annual special meeting

Bella Casa Annual / Special Meeting February 22, 2020 4:00 pm - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bella Casa Annual / Special Meeting February 22, 2020 4:00 pm Apex United Methodist Church Agenda Item Lead Call to Order Tom Lovelace Website Dani Blackwell Board Introduction and Ground Rules Jennifer Wichowski Tom Lovelace Approval

  1. Bella Casa Annual / Special Meeting February 22, 2020 4:00 pm Apex United Methodist Church

  2. Agenda Item Lead Call to Order Tom Lovelace Website Dani Blackwell Board Introduction and Ground Rules Jennifer Wichowski Tom Lovelace Approval of February 20, 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes Tom Lovelace President’s Report Tom Lovelace Treasurer’s Report Bob Thomas • 2019 Financials / 2020 Budget • 2020 Budget Ratification Ratification of the 2020 Budget Jennifer Wichowski Election of Board Members Special Meeting to review and vote on changes to the Covenants Terry Mahaffey and By-laws Committee Reports: • Architectural Review Committee Kathryn Broaddus • Beautification Committee Mark Donaldson • Social Committee Dani Blackwell Election Results Jennifer Wichowski Open Forum (if time allows) Members Closing Remarks/ Adjourn Tom Lovelace 3 www.

  3. Email: 4 www.

  4. 5 www.

  5. Introduction Board of Directors (with current positions) ○ Tom Lovelace, President ○ Dani Blackwell, Vice President ○ Robert (Bob) Thomas, Treasurer ○ Mark Donaldson, Secretary ○ Terry Mahaffey, Member at Large www.

  6. Ground Rules ● Silence Cell Phones ● One Person Speaks, everyone listens Wait for a microphone to speak ○ ● Be Respectful Focus on the issue ○ Time is limited so please keep questions on topic and hold until a question slide appears. There will be an open question session at the toward the end of the www.

  7. Approval of 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes 8 www.

  8. President’s Report 1052 Homes (HOA Members) 18 still with Developer 32 Stormwater 3 Pools Control Measures 2 clubhouses 9 www. www.

  9. President’s Report ● What is an HOA? ● What are the Homeowner and HOA responsibilities around violations? ● Landscaping contract decision ● Pool Management contract decision 10 www.

  10. What is an HOA? ● The Bella Casa Home Owner’s Association (BC HOA) is a non-profit organization made up of individuals who own property in Bella Casa, Bella Casa Townes, and Townes at Bella Casa. The membership is based on the parcel owned. 1 vote per parcel. ● The BC HOA is bound by the Covenants and By-laws published by the Declarant during the formation of the HOA. These documents dictate the responsibility of the HOA and how those responsibilities are discharged. ● Each year, the HOA must gather at an annual meeting 11 to ratify the new budget and elect board members. www. www.

  11. Violations BC HOA Responsibilities. ● Ensure Homeowners follow rules and guidelines laid out by HOA documentation. ● Issue violations according to Covenants and By-laws. Violations can be escalated to fines, liens, and foreclosure if not resolved. Homeowner responsibilities. ● Follow Covenants, By-laws, and other guidelines put in place by the BC HOA Board ● Submit Architectural Applications at least 1 month 12 BEFORE commencing ANY Exterior modification www.

  12. Landscaping Maintenance Contract ● Mark Donaldson led this effort ● Robust RFP released to 6 firms 4 firms (Bland, Mutch, Yard-Nique, Heaven and Earth) submitted proposals ○ Bland proposal rejected due to lack of positive references. ○ Yard-Nique, Mutch and Heaven&Earth interviewed and questioned. ○ ● Decision (unanimous) to continue with Mutch Dedicated, full time local crew (4 10-hour days) ○ no H2B issues; no third party contracting. ○ 2020 price held for 2 years at 2019 pricing . ○ 13 www.

  13. Pool Management Contract ● HOA Board and Omega not fully satisfied with pool managment provided by AMG. ● RFP released to 2 firms; both firms (AMG and Triangle Aquatics) submitted proposals. ● After review, HOA Board agreed to award 2020 Pool Management Contract to Triangle Aquatics. Less expensive ○ Better response (thus far) ○ Early swim and Evans can be extended ○ 14 www.

  14. Questions 15 www.

  15. Treasurer’s Report 16 www.

  16. Income 17 www. www.

  17. Expenses 18 www. www.

  18. Expenses 19 www. www.

  19. Summary 20 www. www.

  20. Questions / Ratification of Budget 21 www.


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