bee lieve in bethel schools

Bee-lieve in Bethel Schools Our Community is Worth It Ages of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bee-lieve in Bethel Schools Our Community is Worth It Ages of Bethel Local School Building (Most 50-100 years old) Master Plan (January 2014) Features of Master Plan Constructing New Space Planned 22 Classrooms (Technology and Science

  1. Bee-lieve in Bethel Schools Our Community is Worth It

  2. Ages of Bethel Local School Building (Most 50-100 years old)

  3. Master Plan (January 2014)

  4. Features of Master Plan  Constructing New Space  Planned 22 Classrooms (Technology and Science Labs)  Centralized Kitchen (Efficiency)  Renovating Existing Buildings  Technology Needs  HVAC Needs  Elevator  Improving Traffic Flow  Parent Drop Off Zone  Separate Bus Zone  Consolidated Parking  Security and Safety  Secure Entry Vestibules  Safe Playground Access

  5. Breakdown of Costs

  6. What will the levy cost? About 75 cents daily per day based on a home valued at $100,000.

  7. How Bethel compares to our neighbors As of November 2013

  8. In 5 years, Bethel will likely grow by 200-400 students.

  9. Frequently Asked Questions  How long does it take to build?  Minimum 2 ½ years  Where will we put 400 new students without this building?  Bethel is at capacity now.  Classrooms will become overcrowded.  Athletic facilities will be undersized.  Parking and traffic difficulties  How has Bethel made effective use of your tax dollars?  Bethel’s last new permanent academic classroom space was added nearly 50 years ago.  The original building was built nearly 100 years ago.

  10. For more Information For questions regarding the Bethel Local School District’s facility plan or bond levy campaign, contact: Scott Hawthorn – Facility Plan Spokesman 937-657-1454 or Lori Sebastian - Levy Campaign Chair 937-667-4893 or Joe Solch – School Board President 937-985-3889 or Dr. Larry Smith – Superintendent 937-845-9414 or

  11. Would you like to contribute to the Bethel Bond Levy Campaign? Checks can be made payable to: Yes for Bethel Schools Committee Mailed to: Janice Clark, Treasurer 6650 Scarff Road New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 This slideshow was prepared by: “YES for Bethel Schools” Committee; Treasurer - Janice Clark; 6650 Scarff Rd.; New Carlisle, OH 45344

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