basin wide rapid sustainability assessment tool

Basin-Wide Rapid Sustainability Assessment Tool Initiative on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Basin-Wide Rapid Sustainability Assessment Tool Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower Mekong River Commission Secretariat Presentation by Mr. Voradeth Phonekeo, 1 WHAT IS THE BASIN-WIDE RAPID SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL (RSAT) ? A

  1. Basin-Wide Rapid Sustainability Assessment Tool Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower Mekong River Commission Secretariat Presentation by Mr. Voradeth Phonekeo, 1

  2. WHAT IS THE BASIN-WIDE RAPID SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL (RSAT) ? A multi-stakeholder dialogue and assessment tool to consider hydropower sustainability issues in a basin wide context. • Rapid • Stakeholders conduct the assessment • Action orientated • The sub-basin is assessed, not the hydropower project Existing dam Proposed dam

  3. Water Week, Stockholm September 2013 Why a basin wide hydropower sustainability assessment tool ? • Mekong context: dynamic development of multiple projects at different stages in a basin • Need for a rapid tool to address basin wide issues, beyond individual projects • Provide a basis for dialogue – develop common language and understanding of issues between key stakeholders • To support the MRC Basin Development Strategy strategic objectives • Complement existing more data intensive tools (SEA, CIA, EIA, IHA Protocol)

  4. Water Week, Stockholm September 2013 Governance Background of RSAT : Social • Addressing sustainability pillars Economic Environmental • World Commission Dams (2000) Technical • Research in hydropower sector internationally • International standards – sustainability • IWRM Principles • Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol • Safeguard policies – ADB, World Bank, IFC • Experiences in the Mekong Region • MRC Technical Review Group (TRG) Input • MRC Member country and expert feedback (trials) Designed for the Mekong context

  5. RSAT PRINCIPLES What are the core principles of the RSAT? • Co-operation in international river basins • Integrating river basin planning and hydropower regulatory and management frameworks • Ensuring robust governance for sustainability at all levels • Using collaborative and multi-disciplinary approaches to options assessment, hydropower scheme design and operation • Engaging and consulting stakeholders and protecting rights and entitlements • Equitably sharing costs and benefits of development • Addressing poverty and food security in hydropower basins • Maintaining basin wide ecosystem integrity 6

  6. SUMMARY The RSAT process brings together river basin and hydropower stakeholders to consider the sub-basin using a series of 10 hydropower sustainability topics from the perspective of: • River basin planning and management • Energy planning • Hydropower projects • Regulatory and governance 7

  7. 10 RSAT TOPICS Topic 1 Institutional setting Topic 2 Options assessment, siting and design Topic 3 Financial and economic viability of hydropower Topic 4 Equitable sharing of hydropower costs and benefits Topic 5 Social issues and stakeholder consultation Topic 6 Environmental management and ecosystem integrity Topic 7 Flows and reservoir management Topic 8 Erosion, sediment transport and geomorphological impacts Topic 9 Management of fisheries resources Topic 10 Dam and community safety 8

  8. Four criteria are used to analyse the RSAT topics River basin planning and management – Planning, management, basin wide baseline data, institutions Energy planning – Power sector planning and it relationship to river basin planning Hydropower projects – Plans, studies and management actions of all hydropower projects in the basin Regulatory and governance – Regulatory and institutional framework for hydropower development and water resources 9

  9. Government Line Examples of how Agencies/Ministries different  Scoping – stakeholders can  Performance monitoring  Gap analysis use the RSAT  Basin/cascade optimisation Provincial and local institutions and Hydropower developers and community groups their consultants RSAT  Identify local and provincial  Risk assessment hydropower risks and opportunities  Dialogue Design and siting  Assess benefit sharing  Sustainability optimisation arrangements  Stakeholder engagement  Analysis Improve local capacity for and dialogue sustainable development Action Planning Banks and investors River Basin Organisations (RBO’s) Monitoring  Financial and reputational  Support RBO establishment and risk assessment management  Investment risk evaluation  Capacity building  Basin hydropower status reports Mekong River Commission  River basin planning and  Initiative for Sustainable management for hydropower Hydropower capacity 1 building and decision support 0

  10. Water Week, Stockholm September 2013 Nam Ou RSAT Trials Nam Kam Nam Ngum 2010-11 3S Basin • Nam Ngum – Lao PDR (transboundary) • Nam Ou - Lao PDR • Sre Pok Lower - Cambodia • Sre Pok Upper - Vietnam • Nam Kam – Thailand • 3S Basin - transboundary Sre Pok Upper and Lower

  11. EXAMPLES OF RSAT RECOMMENDATIONS from Training in 2011 Case study: Lower Sre Pok • • Develop EIA guidelines and Build co-operation at national checklists hydropower and transboundary level • • Improve IWRM capacity and Develop capacity building plan for knowledge sustainable hydropower • • Economic evaluation of indirect Establish formal mechanisms for costs conflict resolution and information sharing • Baseline data on river • morphology and water quality Integrate fisheries management and hydropower into IWRM • Improve co-ordination between • ministries Develop warning system for water releases • Develop standards for sediment • management Develop dam safety monitoring framework • Policy framework and regs required for benefit sharing 12

  12. Water Week, Stockholm September 2013 Examples of RSAT assessment objectives Stakeholders agree on assessment objectives Methods and participants are chosen to match the objective Examples : – Dialogue between stakeholders – Scope more detailed studies (CIA, SEA) – Watershed management planning – Assessment of basin wide risks and opportunities – Prioritise actions for RBO’s – Capacity building and training – Monitor performance and identify gaps

  13. NEXT STEPS: • Explore an RSAT version Trans Boundary based on Feedbacks from previous workshops. • Trial in workshops in MRC member states 1 4

  14. Contribution of ISH Outputs to the Hydropower Planning Cycle Electricity demand market assessment resource assessment Data base of power options, Other Sector inputs RSAT Screening Analysis Construction & RSAT Economic Analysis Operations (EMP, SEA, CIA SMP, RMP) ISH02 Valuation and ISH0306 Risks Evaluation ISH01 Ecologically and ISH11 Information for HP Planning and Management Sensitive Sub-Basins Mitigation Power Development Plan ISH0306 Risks and ISH0306 Risks Mitigation RSAT and Project Selection and ISH02 Valuation & Mitigation Refinement of Hydropower Approval Process Evaluation ISH0306 Risks ISH01 Ecologically Project Portfolio (ESIA, and Sensitive Sub-Basins cascades, multipurpose use) Mitigation ISH01 Ecologically RSAT Sensitive Sub-Basins ISH02 Multi purpose Valuation

  15. Mekong Agreement 1995 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Hydropower Not legally binding Mekong Basin wide but serving as a application guidance for national application Risk Mitigation Preliminary Design Guidelines for Joint Cascade Strategic Planning General Principles Guidelines for Mainstream and Operations and Guides Mainstream Dams Tributary Community Safety Hydropower  Cooperation on General Mitigation International River • Alternative Design Basins • Navigation • • Planning around options Cooperation on  Robust Governance at • Fish Passage • Fish Ecologically Sensitive transboundary basins all levels • Sediment Transport and • Sediment and River • areas (ISH01) Joint operations for  Base line data informs River Morphology • Multi-purpose Morphology cascades decisions [ISH11] • Water Quality and • Water Quality • evaluation of HP Emergency Response  Multidisciplinary Aquatic Ecology portfolios (ISH02) • Biodiversity and Community Safety approach • Safety of Dams • Operational Flexibility  Engage stakeholders – protect rights and entitlements  Equitable share benefits and costs  Address Poverty and Food Security  Maintain Basin wide ecosystem integrity Hydropower Sustainability Dialogue and Assessment (Rapid Basin-wide Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Tool (RSAT))

  16. Thank you for your attention


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