basic concepts magnetism of electrons

Basic Concepts: Magnetism of electrons J. M. D. Coey School of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Basic Concepts: Magnetism of electrons J. M. D. Coey School of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. 1. Spin and orbital moment of the electron 2. Paramagnetism of localized electrons 3. Precession and resonance 4. The free

  1. Basic Concepts: Magnetism of electrons J. M. D. Coey School of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. 1. Spin and orbital moment of the electron 2. Paramagnetism of localized electrons 3. Precession and resonance 4. The free electron gas 5. Pauli paramagnetism 6. Landau diamagnetism Comments and corrections please:

  2. This series of three lectures covers basic concepts in magnetism; Firstly magnetic moment, magnetization and the two magnetic fields are presented. Internal and external fields are distinguished. The main characteristics of ferromagnetic materials are briefly introduced. Magnetic energy and forces are discussed. SI units are explained, and dimensions are given for magnetic, electrical and other physical properties. Then the electronic origin of paramagnetism of non-interacting electrons is calculated in the localized and delocalized limits. The multi-electron atom is analysed, and the influence of the local crystalline environment on its paramagnetism is explained. Assumed is an elementary knowledge of solid state physics, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.

  3. 1. Magnetism of the electron ESM Cluj 2015

  4. Einstein-de Hass Experiment Demonstrates the relation between magnetism and angular momentum. A ferromagnetic rod is suspended on a torsion fibre. The field in the solenoid is reversed, switching the direction of magnetization of the rod. An angular impulse is delivered due to the reversal of the angular momentum of the electrons- conservation of angular momentum. Ni has 28 electrons, moment per Ni is that of 0.6e Three huge paradoxes; — Amperian surface currents 100 years ago — Weiss molecular field — Bohr - van Leeuwen theorem ESM Cluj 2015

  5. The electron The magnetic properties of solids derive essentially from the magnetism of their electrons. (Nuclei also possess magnetic moments, but they are ≈ 1000 times smaller) . An electron is a point particle with: mass m e = 9.109 10 -31 kg charge -e = -1.602 10 -19 C intrinsic angular momentum (spin) ½ ħ = 0.527 10 -34 J s The same magnetic moment, m the Bohr Magneton, µ B = e ħ /2m e = 9.27 10 -24 Am 2 ← ← is associated with ½ ħ of spin I l angular momentum or ħ of orbital angular momentum (a) (b) Orbital moment Spin On an atomic scale, magnetism is always associated with angular momentum . Charge is negative, hence the angular momentum and magnetic moment are oppositely directed ESM Cluj 2015

  6. Origin of Magnetism 1930 Solvay conference At this point it seems that the whole of chemistry and much of physics is understood in principle. The problem is that the equations are much to difficult to solve….. P. A. M. Dirac ESM Cluj 2015

  7. Orbital and Spin Moment Magnetism in solids is due to the angular momentum of electrons on atoms. ← Two contributions to the electron moment: • Orbital motion about the nucleus (a) • Spin - the intrinsic (rest frame) angular m momentum. ← m m = - (µ B / ħ )( l + 2 s ) (b) ESM Cluj 2015

  8. Orbital moment Circulating current is I ; I = -e/ τ = -e v /2 π r The moment * is m = I A m = -e vr /2 Bohr: orbital angular momentum l is quantized in units of ħ ; h is Planck ’ s constant = 6.626 10 -34 J s; ħ = h/2 π = 1.055 10 -34 J s. | l| = n ħ Orbital angular momentum: l = m e r x v Units: J s Orbital quantum number l, l z = m l ħ m l =0, ± 1, ± 2,..., ± l so m z = - m l (e ħ /2 m e ) The Bohr model provides us with the natural unit of magnetic moment m z = m l µ B Bohr magneton µ B = (e ħ /2m e ) µ B = 9.274 10 -24 A m 2 In general m m = γ l γ = gyromagnetic ratio Orbital motion γ = -e/2m e * Derivation can be generalized to noncircular orbits: m = I A for any planar orbit . ESM Cluj 2015

  9. g-factor; Bohr radius; energy scale The g-factor is defined as the ratio of magnitude of m in units of µ B to magnitude of l in units of ħ . g = 1 for orbital motion The Bohr model also provides us with a natural unit of length, the Bohr radius a 0 = 4 πε 0 ħ 2 /m e e 2 a 0 = 52.92 pm and a natural unit of energy, the Rydberg R 0 R 0 = (m/2 ħ 2 )(e 2 / 4 πε 0 ) 2 R 0 = 13.606 eV ESM Cluj 2015

  10. Spin moment Spin is a relativistic effect. Spin angular momentum s Spin quantum number s s = ½ for electrons Spin magnetic quantum number m s m s = ± ½ for electrons s z = m s ħ m s = ± ½ for electrons m = -(e/m e ) s m z = -(e/m e ) m s ħ = ±µ B For spin moments of electrons we have: γ = -e/m e g ≈ 2 More accurately, after higher order corrections: g = 2.0023 m z = 1.00116µ B An electron will usually have both orbital and spin angular momentum m = - (µ B / ħ )( l + 2 s ) ESM Cluj 2015

  11. Quantized mechanics of spin In quantum mechanics, we represent physical observables by operators – differential or matrix. e.g. momentum p = -i ħ ∇ ; energy p 2 /2m e = - ħ 2 ∇ 2 /2m e n magnetic basis states ⇒ n x n Hermitian matrix, A ij =A * ji Pauli spin matrices Spin operator (for s = ½ ) s = σ ħ /2 Electron: s = ½ ⇒ m s =± ½ i.e spin down and spin up states Represented by column vectors: | ↓〉 = | ↑〉 = s | ↑〉 = - ( ħ /2 ) | ↑〉 ; s | ↓〉 = ( ħ /2 )| ↓〉 Eigenvalues of s 2 : s(s+1) ħ 2 The fundamental property of angular momentum in QM is that the operators satisfy the commutation relations: or Where [A,B] = AB - BA and [A,B] = 0 ⇒ A and B ’ s eigenvalues can be measured simultaneously [ s 2 , s z ] = 0 ESM Cluj 2015

  12. Quantized spin angular momentum of the electron z - m s H 1/2 S - ħ /2 s = ½ -1/2 g √ [s(s+1)] ħ 2 2 µ 0 µ B H - 1/2 ħ /2 1/2 The electrons have only two eigenstates, ‘ spin up ’ ( ↑ , m s = -1/2 ) and ‘ spin down ’ ( ↓ , m s = 1/2), which correspond to two possible orientations of the spin moment relative to the applied field. ESM Cluj 2015

  13. 2. Paramagnetism of localized electrons ESM Cluj 2015

  14. Spin magnetization of localized electrons Populations of the energy levels are given by Boltzmann statistics; ∝ exp{- E i / k Β T }. The thermodynamic average 〈 m 〉 is evaluated from these Boltzmann populations. 〈 m 〉 = [µ B exp(x) - µ B exp(-x)] 1.0 [exp(x) + exp(-x)] 0.8 1/2 where x = µ 0 µ B H /k B T . 2 0.6 ∞ Slope 1 , 〈 m 〉 = µ B tanh(x) 0.4 Note that to approach saturation x ≈ 2 0.2 At T = 300 K, µ 0 H . = 900 T At T = 1K , µ 0 H . = 3 K. 0 4 6 0 2 8 x Useful conversion 1 Tµ B = 0.672 (µ B /k B ) ESM Cluj 2015

  15. Curie-law susceptibility of localized electrons In small fields, tanh(x) ≈ x, hence the susceptibility 1/ χ χ = N 〈 m 〉 /H ( N is no of electrons m -3 ) χ = µ 0 N µ B 2 /k B T Slope C This is the famous Curie law for susceptibility, which varies as T -1 . In other terms χ = C / T , where C = µ 0 N µ B 2 /k B T is a constant with dimensions of temperature; Assuming an electron density N of 6 10 28 m -3 gives a Curie constant C ≈ 0.5 K. The Curie law susceptibility at room temperature is of order 10 -3 . ESM Cluj 2015

  16. 3. Spin precession and resonance ESM Cluj 2015

  17. Electrons in a field; paramagnetic resonance m s S h f s = ½ 1/2 g µ 0 µ B H - 1/2 At room temperature there is a very slight difference in thermal populations of the two spin states (hence the very small spin susceptibility of 10 -3 ). The relative population difference is x = g µ 0 µ B H/ 2 k B T At resonance, energy is absorbed from the rf field until the populations are equalized. The resonance condition is h f = g µ 0 µ B H [= ge ħ /2m e h = e/2 π m e ] f/ µ 0 H = g µ B /h Spin resonance frequency is 28 GHz T -1 ESM Cluj 2015

  18. Electrons in a field - Larmor precession B Z m = γ l [ γ = -e/m e ] Γ = m x B d l /dt Γ = d l /dt (Newton’s law) m m θ d m /dt = γ m x B Γ = m x B = γ e x e y e z d m x /dt = γ m y B z d m y /dt = - γ m x B z d m z /dt = 0 m x m y m z Solution is m (t) = m ( sin θ cos ω L t, sin θ sin ω L t, cos θ ) 0 0 B z where ω L = γ B z Magnetic moment precesses at the Larmor precession frequency f L = γ B/2 π d M /dt = γ M x B – α e M x d M /dt 28 GHz T -1 for spin ESM Cluj 2015

  19. Electrons in a field – Cyclotron resonance Free electrons follow cyclotron orbits in a magnetic field. Electron has velocity v then it experiences a Lorentz force F = -e v × B The electron executes circular motion about the direction of B (tracing a helical path if v || ≠ 0) Cyclotron frequency f c = v ⊥ /2 π r f c = e B /2 π m e Electrons in cyclotron orbits radiate at the cyclotron frequency Example: — Microwave oven Since γ e = -(e/m e ), the cyclotron and Larmor and epr frequencies are all the same for electrons; 28.0 GHz T -1 ESM Cluj 2015

  20. 4. The free electron gas ESM Cluj 2015

  21. Free electron model We apply quantum mechanics to the electrons. They have spin ½ , and thus there are two magnetic states, m s = ½ (spin up ↑ ) and m s = - ½ (spin down ↓ ), for every electron. Suppose the electrons are confined in a box of volume V , where the potential is constant, U 0 Electrons are represented by a wavefunction ψ ( r ) where ψ *( r ) ψ ( r )d V is the probability of finding an electron in a volume d V . Schrödinger ’ s equation H ψ ( r ) = E ψ ( r ) {p 2 /2m + U 0 } ψ ( r ) = E ψ ( r ) but p → -i � ∇ {- � 2 ∇ 2 /2m + U 0 } ψ ( r ) = E ψ ( r ) Solutions are ψ k ( r ) = (1/V 1/2 ) exp i k.r Normalization wave vector The wave vector of the electron k = 2 π / λ Its momentum; -i � ∇ψ ( r ) = � k ψ ( r ) , is � k . ESM Cluj 2015


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