These lectures provide an account of the basic concepts of magneostatics, atomic magnetism and crystal field theory. A short description of the magnetism of the free- electron gas is provided. The special topic of dilute magnetic oxides is treated seperately. Some useful books: • J. M. D. Coey; Magnetism and Magnetic Magnetic Materials . Cambridge University Press (in press) 600 pp [You can order it from Amazon for £ 38]. • Magnétisme I and II, Tremolet de Lachesserie (editor) Presses Universitaires de Grenoble 2000. • Theory of Ferromagnetism, A Aharoni, Oxford University Press 1996 • J. Stohr and H.C. Siegmann, Magnetism , Springer, Berlin 2006, 620 pp. • For history, see
Basic Concepts in Magnetism J. M. D. Coey School of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. 1. Magnetostatics 2. Magnetism of multi-electron atoms 3. Crystal field 4. Magnetism of the free electron gas 5. Dilute magnetic oxides Comments and corrections please:
1 Introduction 2 Magnetostatics 3 Magnetism of the electron 4 The many-electron atom 5 Ferromagnetism 6 Antiferromagnetism and other magnetic order 7 Micromagnetism 8 Nanoscale magnetism 9 Magnetic resonance Available November 2009 10 Experimental methods 11 Magnetic materials 12 Soft magnets 13 Hard magnets 14 Spin electronics and magnetic recording 15 Other topics
1. Magnetostatics
1.1 The beginnings The relation between electric current and magnetic field Discovered by Hans-Christian Øersted, 1820. ∫ B d l = µ 0 I Ampère’s law
1.2 The magnetic moment Ampère: A magnetic moment m is equivalent to a current loop. Provided the current flows in a plane m = I A units Am 2 In general: m = (1/2) ∫ r × j ( r )d 3 r where j is the current density; I = j . A so m = 1/2 ∫ r × I d l = I ∫ d A = m Units: Am 2
1.3 Magnetization Magnetization M is the local moment density M = δ m/ δ V - it fluctuates wildly on a sub-nanometer and a sub-nanosecond scale. Units: A m -1 e.g. for iron M = 1720 kA m -1 More useful is the mesoscopic average, where δ V ~ 10 nm 3 M (r) δ m = M δ V M s It also fluctuates on a timescale of < 1ns. Take a time average over ~ µ s. e.g. for a fridge magnet ( M = 500 kA m -1 , V = 2 10 6 m 3 , m = 1 A m -1 M can be induced by an applied field or it can arise spontaneously within a ferromagnetic domain, M s . A macroscopic average magnetization is the domain average M = Σ i M i V i / Σ i V i The equivalent Amperian current density is j M = ∇ x M
1.4 Magnetic fields Biot Savart law currents d B = - µ 0 r x j d V 4 π r 3 = - µ 0 r x dl I 4 π r 3 units: Tesla µ 0 = 4 π x10 -7 TA -1 m magnets Dipole field m
Calculation of the dipole field sin ε = δ l/ 2 r , m = I ( δ l) 2 B A =4 δ B sin ε A ε r m δ l B I A So at a general point C, in spherical coordinates : C m θ m cos θ m sin θ B an the equivalent form:
Scaleability of magnetic devices Why does magnetism lend itself to repeated miniaturization ? B = ( µ 0 m /4 π r 3 ){2cos θ e r + sin θ e θ } A B A = 2M a 3 / 4 π r 3; If a = 0.1m, r = 4a, M = 1000 kAm -1 B A = 2 µ 0 M/ 16 π = 50 mT Magnet-generated fields are limited by M . They are scale-independent 2a m •A
Magnetic recording is the partner of semiconductor technology in the information revolution. It provides the permanent, nonvolatile storage of information for computers and the internet. ~ 1 exobit (10 21 bits) of data is stored perpendicular TMR Information Technology 1 µ m 2 1 µ m 2 GMR Semiconductors AMR Magnetism year capcity platt ers siz rpm e 1955 40 Mb 50x2 1200 24 ” 2005 160 Gb 1 2.5 18000 ” AMR GMR TMR
Already, mankind produces more transistors and magnets in fabs than we grow grains of rice or wheat in fields.
1.5 B and H The equation used to define H is B = µ 0 ( H + M ) H m is called the; — stray field outside the magnet — demagnetizing field, H d , inside the magnet Units: Am -1 The total H -field at any point is H = H´ + H m where H´ is the applied field
Maxwell’s equations ∇ . B = 0 From a long view of the history of ∇ . D = ρ mankind, there can be little doubt that the ∇ × H = j + ∂ D / ∂ t most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as Maxwell’s discovery of the laws ∇ × E = - ∂ B / ∂ t of electrodynamics. Richard Feynmann Written in terms of the four fields, they are valid in a material medium. In vacuum D = ε 0 E , H = B / µ 0 , ρ is charge density (C m -3 ), j is current density (A m -2 ) In vacuum they are written in terms of the two basic fields B and E Also, the force on a moving charge q, velocity v f = q( E + v × B ) Units: H A m -1 B kg C -1 s -1 ≡ tesla (T)
1.5.1 The B field - magnetic induction/magnetic flux density ∇ . B = 0 There are sources or sinks of B i.e no monopoles Magnetic vector potential B = ∇ x A The gradient of any scalar ∇ φ may be added to A without altering B Gauss’s theorem: The net flux of B across any closed surface is zero ∫ S B .d A = 0 Magnetic flux d Φ = B .d A Units: Weber (Wb) Sources of B • electric currents in conductors • moving charges • magnetic moments • time-varying electric fields. (Not in magnetostatics )
The equation ∇ x B = µ 0 j valid in static conditions gives: Ampere’s law ∫ B. d l = µ 0 I for a closed path Good for calculating the field for very symmetric current paths. Example: the field at a distance r from a current-ca rrying wire B = µ 0 I/2 π r B interacts with any moving charge: Lorentz force f = q ( E + v x B )
• The tesla is a very large unit • Largest continuous field acheived in a lab is 45 T
Human brain 1 fT Earth 50 µ T Helmholtz coils 0.01 T Electromagnet 1 T Magnetar 10 12 T Superconducting magnet 10 T
Sources of uniform magnetic fields Helmholtz coils Long solenoid B = µ 0 n I B =(4/5) 3/2 µ 0 N I /a Halbach cylinder B = µ 0 M ln(r 2 /r 1 )
1.5.2 The H field The magnetization of a solid reflects the local value of H. B = µ 0 H In free space. ∇ x B = µ 0 ( j c + j m ) where ∇ x H = µ 0 j c ∫ H. d l = I c Coulomb approach to calculate H H has sources and sinks associated with nonuniform magnetization ∇ . H = - ∇ . M Imagine H due to a distribution of magnetic charges q m. H = q m r /4 π r 3 Scalar potential When H is due only to magnets i.e ∇ x H =0 Define a scalar potential ϕ m (Units are Amps) Such that H = - ∇ ϕ m The potential of charge q m is ϕ m = q m /4 π r
1.5.3 Boundary conditions Gauss’s law ∫ S B . d A = 0 gives that the perpendicular component of B is continuous. ( B 1 - B 2 ). e n =0 It follows from from Ampère’s law ∫ loop H .d l = I c = 0 (there are no conduction currrents on the surface) that the parallel component of H is continuous. ( H 1 - H 2 ) x e n =0 Conditions on the potentials Since ∫ S B . d A = ∫ loop A . d l ( Stoke’s theorem ) ( A 1 - A 2 ) x e n =0 The scalar potential is continuous ϕ m1 = ϕ m2
Boundary conditions in LIH media In LIH media, B = µ 0 µ r H Hence B 1 e n = B 2 e n H 1 e n = µ r2 / µ r1 H 2 e n So field lies ≈ perpendicular to the surface of soft iron but parallel to the surface of a superconductor. Diamagnets produce weakly repulsive images. Paramagnets produce weakly attractive images. Soft ferromagnetic mirror Superconducting mirror
1.6 Field calculations Three different approaches: Integrate over volume distribution of M Sum over fields produced by each magnetic dipole element M d 3 r. Using Gives (Last term takes care of divergences at the origin)
Amperian approach Consider bulk and surface current distributions j m = ∇ x M and j ms = M x e n Biot-Savart law gives For uniform M , the Bulk term is zero since ∇ x M =0
Coulombian approach Consider bulk and surface magnetic charge distributions ρ m = - ∇ . M and ρ ms = M . e n H field of a small charged volume element V is δ H = ( ρ m r /4 π r 3 ) δ V So For a uniform magnetic distribution the first term is zero . ∇ . M =0
1.7 Demagnetising field The H-field in a magnet depends M ( r ) and on the shape of the magnet. H d is uniform in the case of a uniformly-magnetized ellipsoid . ( H d ) i = - N ij M j i,j = x,y,z N x + N y + N z = 1 Demagnetizing factors for some simple shapes Long needle, M parallel to the long axis 0 Long needle, M perpendicular to the long axis 1/2 Sphere, M in any direction 1/3 Thin film, M parallel to plane 0 Thin film, M perpendicular to plane 1 General ellipsoid of revolution (a,a,c) N c = ( 1 - 2 N a )
Demagnetizing factors for general ellipsoids Demagnetizing factors for ellipsoids of revolution Major axes (a,a,c)
Measuring magnetization with no need for demagnetization correction Apply a field in a direction where N =0 H = H´ + H m ( H d ) i = - N ij M j H ≈ H’ - N M
It is not possible to have a uniformly magnetized cube When measuring the magnetization of a sample H is taken as the independent variable, M = M ( H ).
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