
banking TAIMUR BAIG , DBS TAOJUN XIE, Singapore Management University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Digital currencies, banking, and central banking TAIMUR BAIG , DBS TAOJUN XIE, Singapore Management University Digital currencies, past, present, and future Western Union began using its telegraph network for wiring money in 1872 More

  1. Digital currencies, banking, and central banking TAIMUR BAIG , DBS TAOJUN XIE, Singapore Management University

  2. Digital currencies, past, present, and future • Western Union began using its telegraph network for wiring money in 1872 • More than a century ago, traders in London and New York communicated with each- other in real time • Central banks have been managing the issuance of reserves to banks electronically for many decades • RTGS, FedWire, CHIPS, SWIFT, EFTS have been operating for decades

  3. Digital currencies, past, present, and future • What has changed? ➢ Mobile computing power ➢ Connection speed ➢ Innovations like blockchain and cryptography ➢ Secure digital payments and settlements are now at our fingertips

  4. Digital currencies, past, present, and future • This is a daunting subject ➢ “ It is with peculiar diffidence and even apprehension that one ventures to open one’s mouth on the subject of money ” -- John Hicks ➢ Digital currency => payments system, banking, monetary policy, and financial stability ➢ Each of these topics have vast history, extensive literature, best practice, and legal and jurisdictional implications ➢ Digital cryptocurrencies => computer science and cryptography

  5. Is cash dying? Evidence from around the world Source: BIS, DBS. Data from 2016

  6. Is cash dying? Source: BIS, DBS

  7. Is cash dying? Source: BIS, DBS

  8. India’s demonetization experiment INR trillion India, notes in circulation 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 Source: RBI, DBS Note: Note: all data points as of March 31 of the fiscal year, except, for FY19, for which the data is for May 25, 2018

  9. Cash versus non-cash in Singapore Source: MAS, DBS

  10. Cash versus non-cash in Singapore DBS bank: cash and non-cash transactions yoy 20% cash/per account non-cash/per account 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% 1Q2017 2Q2017 3Q2017 4Q2017 1Q2018 Source: DBS

  11. Cryptos: Currencies or Assets? • Centralized and decentralized payment systems • Speed versus security • Blockchain is promising; jury out on cryptos • Risk of over-supply • Project Ubin

  12. CBDCs • Technology already there: ➢ Provide each citizen with a central bank account ➢ Credit them with CBDCs ➢ Potential to charge negative interest rates ➢ Efficient and targeted transfer of money to citizens ➢ What happens to banks?


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