

BANGLADESH SHIP SAFETY MANAGEMENT & CHALLENGES Presentation At Expert group meeting on Improving Maritime Transport Safety on the ESCAP region Bangkok. 2 September 2016 MD. MUINUDDIN ZULFIQUER ENGINEER & SHIP SURVEYOR DEPARTMENT OF

  1. BANGLADESH SHIP SAFETY MANAGEMENT & CHALLENGES Presentation At Expert group meeting on Improving Maritime Transport Safety on the ESCAP region Bangkok. 2 September 2016 MD. MUINUDDIN ZULFIQUER ENGINEER & SHIP SURVEYOR DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING BANGLADESH

  2. PREAMBLE 2,800 24,000 • Bangladesh is a littoral as well as riverine country. It’s maritime and inland • water transport (i.e. domestic) plays a vital role in socioeconomic development of the country. It is one of the largest inland waterways of the world. Hundreds and thousands of inland vessels are playing in her inland waterways. It has a fleet of oceangoing, coastal, fishing and various inland (domestic) vessels. ORGANIZATION The Department of Shipping is a government regulatory agency under the Ministry of Shipping. It is the maritime safety administration of Bangladesh responsible for the formulation and implementation of the national policies and legislation to ensure the safety of life and ships at sea, coastal and inland waters (Domestic waters) FUNCTION To ensure safety of the inland, coastal and ocean going vessels, department of shipping performs approval of the design of the ships, oversee the construction of the vessels and conducting regular various surveys as well as register the ships. Detail functions attached here with annex ‐ A

  3. STATISTICS RIVER LENGTH • Bangladesh has 3865 km of waterways during dry season and 5968 km of waterways during monsoon of total 24000 km waterways length. Depending of the least available depth (LAD) length of waterways, it’s classified into four classes. Class ‐ I, having LAD 3.6 m ‐ 3.9 m which has the total length of nearly 685 km. Class ‐ II, having LAD 2.1m ‐ 2.4 m which has total length of nearly 1000 km. Class ‐ III, having LAD 1.5m ‐ 1.8m which has the total length of nearly 1900 km and class ‐ IV, having LAD 1.5 in dry season which has the total length of about 2400 km and coastal belt is about 650 km. LAWS • The regulatory body Department of Shipping performs ship safety duty by the two main laws. The Merchant Shipping ordinance (MSO) 1983 and The Inland Shipping Ordinance 1976. Total 10,296 number of various types of vessels (as on December, 2015) are registered under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance ’83 and total 12,433 number of various types of vessels (as on December, 2015) are registered under The Inland Shipping Ordinance 1976. Detail statistics attached here with annex ‐ B ACCIDENT • The statistics shown in the questionnaires are on the basis of registered vessel only but there are huge numbers of unregistered vessels also which may be more than double the registered vessels, are plying in the country . (Hence number of accident also will be more than double). BIWTA (Bangladesh inland water transport authority) also kept few accident statistics of both registered and unregistered vessels; but for those which causes obstacles to their route/ channel only.

  4. CURRENT SITUATION SHARE • Cargo volume handled in the sea ports are transported throughout the country by Rail, Road and Domestic (inland) cargo ships. Still 45% of its cargo share is being transported by domestic (inland) cargo ships. These domestic (inland) cargo ships also carry much more volume of cargo among the country’s inland (domestic) ports. SCOPE • All the statistics given in the questionnaire will guide us that there is huge scope to develop ship safety policies and measures to enhance maritime transport safety including safety policies, regulations, risks, assessment, compliance and monitoring specially in the inland (domestic) sector. ANALYSIS • To realize Bangladesh’s ship safety system, a short review on organizational charts which are sent herewith the questionnaire, need to be analyzed. The current state of maritime safety management and facilities are shown below to address the challenges. It can be treated or called as current ship safety flow chart of Bangladesh for better understanding the present situation.

  5. Ministry of River (Inland) shipping Ocean (Domestic) Chittagong Mongla Payra Bangladesh Bangladesh Inland Bangladesh Inland Port Port Port Shipping Water Transport Water Transport Authority Authority Corporation Authority Corporation Authority (BIWTA) (BSC) (MPA) (PPA) (CPA) (BIWTC ) DEPARTMENT OF Merchant Shipping Inland Shipping SHIPPING Ordinance 1983 (MSO) Ordinance 1976 (ISO) (DOS) Inland Ship Safety Administration Mercantile Marine Office (MMO) (ISSA) (Proposed) No Inland Shipping Office Government Shipping Office Seaman Welfare Office No Ships personnel welfare office National Maritime Institute Institute of Marine Technology (NMI) Deck Engine Personnel Training Marine Academy Centre (DEPTC) International Classification No Classification Society Society Inspectorate of Inland Ships

  6. CURRENT SITUATION • The above chart is not an organizational chart. To find out the real problems and challenges chronologically; to find out necessary improvement areas, it is just like a flow chart for currently acting maritime safety program. • 7 organizations of Ministry of Shipping can be divided into two segments namely ocean (sea) side & river (domestic) side (we called inland) Similarly, Department of shipping as a regulatory body of • Ministry of Shipping also act it’s function by two laws mainly Merchant Shipping Ordinance 83 for oceangoing ships and Inland Shipping Ordinance 76 for domestic ( we called Inland) ships.

  7. ANALYSIS FOR OCEANGOING SHIPS Department of Shipping performs its oceangoing ships safety functions with the • help of the following organizations. 1. (MMO) Mercantile Marine Office previously called MMD Mercantile marine department. Its detail functions are shown in the attached organizational chart. Annex ‐ C 2. Government Shipping Office : Its detailed functions are shown in the attached organizational chart. Annex ‐ D 3. Seaman Welfare office: Its detailed functions are shown in the attached organizational chart. Annex ‐ E 4. National Maritime institute: Crew of ships gets education and training from the institute. 5. Marine Academy: Officers of ships get education and training from the Academy. Presently there is one Govt. owned Marine Academy. 4(Four) other Govt. owned marine academies are under construction. Moreover at present there are 18 privately owned Marine Academy in the country. 6. International Classification societies: Acknowledged 6 (six) number International Classification societies are working on behalf of Department of Shipping for Merchant Shipping only.

  8. ANALYSIS FOR DOMESTIC (INLAND) SHIPS Department of Shipping performs it’s inland (domestic) ship safety function with the following • organization: 1. No such organization like Mercantile Marine Office: 4 surveyors directly under the department of shipping perform survey and registration of domestic ships. In 1986, Due to big accidents of two passenger launch named M.V SAMIA and M.V ATLAS STAR and subsequent loss of human lives (nearly 2500); Government had taken initiative to establish “Inland Ship Safety Administration (ISSA)” according to the advice of “International Maritime organization (IMO)”. Prior to establishment of that organization , a technical assistant project named “Establishment of Inland Ship Safety Administration (ISSA)” had under taken to strengthen the Department of Shipping funded jointly by the Government of Bangladesh, World Bank and FINIDA Grant. The Project completed in the year 2000, with 12 set rules under The Inland Shipping Ordinance 1976 and also with the recommendation to form an organization called “Inland Ship Safety Administration (ISSA)” under the Department of shipping. The organization is yet to be established. • 2. No inland shipping office: There should be inland shipping service in the country for ship’s masters, drivers and the crews of the inland (domestic) shipping. Lack of this organization, accountability of the master, driver and the crews cannot be maintained properly. 3. No ship’s Personnel welfare office: Due to the lack of such organization; the masters, drivers and the crews of inland shipping are worst sufferers.

  9. 4. DECK AND ENGINE PERSONNEL TRAINNING CENTER (DEPTC): capacity has to be increased according to the demand. Moreover this is not under the department of shipping. 5. No Academy: For inland shipping, there should be academies for getting advanced training for masters and drivers for inland shipping. There is an Institute called Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technology (BIMT) which is also not under the Ministry of Shipping. 6. No classification society: According to the number of vessels and call in vessels under the Merchant Shipping, there are six acknowledged International Classification Societies. Comparing to that, there should have, at least, one local Classification Society in the country to ensure the inland and coastal ship safety. Govt. alone cannot ensure inland and coastal ship safety without private participation. 7. Inspectorate of Inland Ships: This organization is the only organization in the inland shipping which is different from merchant shipping. Comparing to the vast area and huge number of ships, number of inspectors are not enough. It needs to be modernized and technologically capable. Its detailed functions are shown in the attached organizational chart. Annex ‐ F

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