BALTIMORE GREEN NETWORK Baltimore Green Network Overview Webinar March 21, 2018 3/ 15/ 18 Baltimore City Department of Planning 1
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Introductions Amy Gilder-Busatti Baltimore Green Network Plan Manager Kate Edwards Baltimore Green Network Program Manager Baltimore City Department of Planning 2
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Introduction Baltimore City Department of Planning 3
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Existing City Green Space Network Baltimore City Department of Planning 4
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Opportunity to Expand the City’s Green Space Network Baltimore City Department of Planning 5
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Green Network Vision Plan Consultant Team Baltimore City Department of Planning 6
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Outreach Goals for Outreach • Equity & Inclusion • Incorporate needs identified by communities • Consider/ incorporate proj ects and plans already identified • Build relationships to support longer term implementation Outreach Methods • Citywide Meetings • Focus Area Charrettes • Leadership Team, Advisory Team, and S ubcommittee Meetings • Webinars & Pop-ups • Online survey & comment tool Baltimore City Department of Planning 7
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Goals & Objectives Goal 1 - S upport economic growth and sustainable redevelopment of vacant lands across our city Goal 2 - Improve and support the health and wellness of city residents Goal 3 - Protect and enhance the unique ecological resources of our city Goal 4 - Provide safe access to both green spaces and economic hubs throughout the city Goal 5 - Educate the public to understand the benefits and function of natural resources Baltimore City Department of Planning 8
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Suitability Analysis NATURAL S tream corridors and topography HISTORIC Olmsted Plan SOCIAL Historic Redlining LIVABILITY Quality of Life Variables COMMUNITY Feedback RESEARCH Urban Tree Canopy results (Baltimore Ecosystem S tudy) Baltimore City Department of Planning 9
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Vision Plan Comprehensive strategy for: • Improving and connecting spaces • Improving quality of life, social equity, and connectivity Nodes: Open, green destinations and spaces for people and nature to meet Corridors: Linear spaces that provide safe, comfortable movement within and between nodes and neighborhoods Baltimore City Department of Planning 11
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Green Network Nodes Community Nodes Nature Nodes Anchor Institution & Open S pace Nodes Baltimore City Department of Planning 12
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Green Network Community Node Pilot Project Example Vincent Park Expansion Project Information: Description: Expansion of Vincent Park to over 5 acres and adding a recreation space and landscaping Size: 5.73 acres Agency Partners: DOP , HCD, BCRP Total properties: 108 Vacant buildings: 16 Vacant lots: 87 Percent vacant: 94.5% Total unfunded cost: $2,050,088 Total project cost: $2,984,127 Baltimore City Department of Planning 13
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Green Network Corridors Community Corridors Parkway Corridors Nature Corridors Baltimore City Department of Planning 14
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Green Network Community Corridor Pilot Project Example Baltimore Greenway Trails Network Project Information: Description: To add approximately 12 miles of connecting walking and bicycling paths to create a 35 mile loop that would connect parks, neighborhoods, employers, businesses, and museums around the city. Maj or new segments are: • Norfolk S outhern Line • Orangeville BGE Corridor • 33 rd S treet • Gwynns Falls Parkway • Middle Branch connection Size: 12 miles to create a 35 mile network Agency Partners: DOP , DOT Local Partners: R2T , BGE Total project cost estimate: $20 to 25 million Baltimore City Department of Planning 15
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Focus Areas Central: • Druid Heights • Upton West: • Harlem Park • S andtown-Winchester S outhwest: • Boyd-Booth • Carrolton Ridge • S hipley Hill East: • Broadway East • S outh Clifton Park Baltimore City Department of Planning 16
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Focus Area Plans: Recommendations Major Themes from Communities • Improve maintenance and ensure continued maintenance • Integrate opportunities for new development Characteristics of Focus Area Plans • Clean and Green • Pilot Proj ects • Future Opportunity S ites Baltimore City Department of Planning 17
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Focus Area Plan: Central Focus Area Central Focus Area Plan Pilot Project: Druid Square Description: Park square with landscaping and playground Size: 2.7 acres Agency Partners: DOP , HCD, BCRP Total properties: 88 Vacant buildings: 19 Vacant lots: 60 Percent vacant: 89.8% Total unfunded cost: $1,171,761 Total project cost: $2,711,761 Baltimore City Department of Planning 18
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Focus Area Plan: West Focus Area West Focus Area Plan Pilot Project: MARC to MLK Corridor Description: Extending a short path east to MLK Blvd. and west to the W. Baltimore MARC S tation and Baltimore LINK hub. Size: 1.5 miles Agency Partners: DOP , DOT , MTA Total project cost: $1-3 million Baltimore City Department of Planning 19
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Focus Area Plan: Southwest Focus Area Southwest Focus Area Plan Pilot Project: Racheal Wilson Memorial Description: New small park in honor of Racheal Wilson with landscaping Size: 0.72 acres Agency Partners: DOP , HCD, BCRP Total properties: 22 Vacant buildings: 8 Vacant lots: 12 Percent vacant: 90.9% Total unfunded cost: $316,942 Total project cost: $516,942 Baltimore City Department of Planning 20
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Focus Area Plan: East Focus Area Focus Area Plan: East Focus Area Focus Area Plan: East Focus Area Baltimore City Department of Planning 21
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Recommendations Phase 1 Implementation Initial S teps: • Department of Planning “ Green Team” • Launch focus area pilot proj ects • Manage and identify funding for proj ects and maintenance • Create higher standards for maintenance of vacant lots • Convene partners and stakeholders • S upport new and existing community- managed green spaces Baltimore City Department of Planning 22
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Recommendations: Process and Policy Process and Policy • Address short-term operational bottlenecks: permits, access to water, etc. • Creative use of existing city resources to fill funding gaps • Increase support for community- driven and privately-sponsored green space proj ects • Establish a robust green space workforce development program • Ensure greened neighborhoods remain affordable for all income levels Baltimore City Department of Planning 23
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Recommendations: Communications & Engagement • Establish processes to ensure all outreach is inclusive • Host public meetings at multiple, accessible locations • Explore art proj ects, music/ film events and other creative outlets to deepen engagement • Enhance stakeholder partnerships Baltimore City Department of Planning 24
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Recommendations: Land, Open Space, & Natural Resource Management • Follow best practices for resource management • S trategically acquire new, high- priority open spaces • Design to reflect Baltimore’ s unique natural character and Green Network • Collaborate with local institutions, organizations, and community members to broaden benefits and impacts Baltimore City Department of Planning 25
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Recommendations: Funding Sources & Finance Strategies • Priority for City capital funding • Increased funding for maintenance • Leverage existing agency initiatives & mandates • S ecure state and federal funding • S ecure private and philanthropic funds • Explore feasibility of a dedicated public revenue source • Mechanisms to capture anticipated future revenues • Analyze alternative, creative funding opportunities Baltimore City Department of Planning 26
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK Comment Period Schedule & Events March 5 th – Draft Comment Period April 29th Public Comment Open House March 15th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm March 21 st @ Overview Webinar with Live Q&A 11:30 am April 11th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at S ustainability Town Hall War Memorial Building, 101 N. Gay S treet Pop-up Events Various dates through March & April Baltimore City Department of Planning 27
B ALTIMORE G REEN N ETWORK CiviComment Comment Tool Visit to view and comment on the plan • Document can be searched by keyword • Click anywhere in the document to leave a comment • Participants can view and comment on other comments or responses • Participants can give “ thumbs up” or “ thumbs down” to comments on which they agree or disagree Baltimore City Department of Planning 28
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