Balancing the Need to Travel with the Need to Improve Our Quality of Life Sustainable Transport Opportunities for the Harbourfront Presented by Mr Fred Brown, Chief Executive, The MVA Group 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 MVA HONG KONG LTD.
Top Down / Bottom Up 120? 60? 0? 60? 120? 180? Arctic Ocean Ellesm ere I sland Arctic Ocean S ev er naya Zem lya Arctic Ocean Franz Josef Land Gre enland (De n.) S v albar d (N o r .) ew Siberian Is N la nds Banks Is land Jan Mayen (Nor .) N ov aya Z emlya r W an gel Islan d Victoria Is land Baf fin Island U.S.A . F aroe Is . (Den.) Norwa y Ic eland Finla nd Russia A World 60? Sw ede n Es tonia 60? Canada United K ingdom Den. Latvia leutian Is A lands (U SA) Lithua n ia I reland N eth . Germ any Poland Belarus Islan d of New foundland Bel. Czech. S lovak. Ukraine uril Islands K F rance A us. Hung. Moldova Ka za khstan Mongolia S witz. Cro. lov. S Yugo. Roma n ia North Atlantic Ocean Italy Bos. Mac. Bulga ria Georgia Uzbekis tan K yrgyzstan United States of America Spain A lbania Arm enia Azerbaijan N . Kor ea P o r tugal reec G e Turkey kmenistan Tur ajikistan T Japan North Pacific Ocean Cyp. S y r ia Afghanistan S . Korea North Pacific Ocean Morocco Tunisia srael Leb. I Iraq Ira n China Canary I slands ( S p. ) Jordan 30? Algeria L ibya E gypt K uwa it Pakistan N epal Bhu. 30? The Baham as es W ter n Sahar a (Mor.) Q atar Hawaiian Isl ands Me xic o Cuba Sa udi Arabia U. A. E. Bang. Myanmar (Bur ma) Taiw an Dominican Re p ublic India Laos World U. S. A. Ma urita nia Mali Niger Om an Belize Jam . Haiti u er P to Rico (US ) D ominica Sudan Er itr ea Yem en Thailand P h ilipp ines G uate mala H on duras S enegal Burkina Fas o Chad V ietnam El S alvador Nicaragua Barba d os The Gam bia Djibouti And am an Is lands (India) Cam bodia Tr inidad and Tobago G uinea- Bissau Guinea C 矌 e D Benin F ed er ated States of Micrones ia Mar shall Islands Costa Rica P anam a Vene zue la Guyana S urin a me ier S L ra eon e vo ire Nig er ia C. A. R. E thiopia ri Lanka S Bru nei G uam ( USA ) rench G F u iana (F r.) Liberia Cam eroon Som alia Maldiv es Ma la ysia City Colom bia Eq. G Ghana uinea T o go Uganda 0? Ga bon Rwa nda Ke nya S ingapore K iribati 0? G alapagos Islands (E cuad or ) E cua dor S ao T ome & Pr in cipe Indones ia Z aire Burundi P ap ua New Guinea Congo Ta nza nia S eychelles o lom S on Islands Brazil Ma la wi Pe ru Angola Z am bia Moz am bique Bolivia Fre nch Polynesia (Fr.) Na mibia Z im babw e Madaga sc ar F iji Botswa na Indian Ocean New Caled onia Pa raguay Mauritius Australia Sw aziland 30? South Africa L es otho 30? South Pacific Ocean Uruguay South Atlantic Ocean C hile Argentina N ew Zealand T asm an ia alkland Islands ( F I slas Ma lvinas) ( adm. by UK, claim ed by Argentina ) 姤 es Crozet (Fr ance) o uth Ge S orgia (adm. by U K, claim ed by A rgentina ) 60? 60? Antarctica 150? 120? 90? 60? 30? 0? 30? 60? 90? 120? 150? 180? Barnaul r a g A m a r u Russia Karaganda S em ipalatins k Irkutsk U lan Ude Khabarovsk Hailar Heilongjiang 45? ak L e B alkh as h Burqin Qiqiha r Ulaanbaatar Harbin Mongolia Vladivostok Karam ay Changchun Alm a Ata Yining Urumqi Nei M ongolia Jilin Shenyang North Korea Beijing Liaoning Kashi Hohhot Pyongyang Gansu H a u n g Beijing Xinjiang China Y um en Tianjin Dalian Pak. Hebei Tianjin Seoul n I u s d Yinchuan Shijiazhuang Y antai Taiyuan Pusan Ningxia Jinan Qingdao South Korea Golm ud Shanxi Shandong ellow Sea Y Xining Lanzhou Lianyungang Qinghai hiquanhe S Xi'an Zhengzhou Jiangsu Henan Nanjing 30? Xizang Shaanxi Hefei Shanghai Hubei Shanghai New Delhi Sichuan Wuhan Anhui Hangzhou Chengdu Zhejiang East China Sea Nepal Lhasa Chongqing Nanchang Kathmandu Bhutan Changsha Jiangxi Thimphu Digboi Fuzhou G a e g n s Guizhou Guiyang Hunan Fujian Taipei India Xiamen Taiwan Bangladesh Katha Kunming Guangxi Guangdong Taiwan Dhaka Kao hsiung Calc utta Yunnan Guangzhou Hong Kong (U .K.) Nagp ur Nanning Macau (Portugal) Mandalay Vietnam Bhubaneshwar Myanmar (Burma) Hanoi Z hanjiang B ay of Bengal Laos Gulf of T onking Haikou Philippines Chiang Mai Hainan H ainan L uz on Vientiane South China Sea Yangon 15? M il Pearl River Delta Hong Kong HARBOUR AREA Neighbourhoods 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 A Liveable People City
The Harbour – The Image of Hong Kong The centre piece of Hong Kong • Commerce • Entertainment • Tourism • Transport • Homes n n r- I co r- I co 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 A Supe A Supe
Hong Kong Reclamation Originally a resource to accommodate urban growth and economic development 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Now seen as an asset in itself to be maintained for the community
Sustainable Development : Evolution of Priorities 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Adjusting transport strategies to meet balanced economic, environmental and social development
Pollution in Hong Kong Asia’s World City 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 with a Third World Environment
Extending Consultation to Participation, Implementation and Travel Choice A better educated and more affluent public want more involvement and can bring new insights and ideas Participation in the process to enable the public to take on greater civic responsibilities and make better 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 choices
Policy Directions • Priority to rail and public transport • Balanced infrastructure development • Managing road use including vehicle ownership restraint • Promoting environmentally friendly modes • Promoting walking and pedestrian facilities The challenge is to turn policy statements into 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 coordinated plans and implement them
Boundary Crossings and Modes 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Destination for International and Cross-boundary Travel
Future Railway Network 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 By 2021 Rail Network Coverage will Approach International Levels Providing the Opportunity for Sustainable Transport Initiatives
Future Highway Network 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Future Roads for Planning and Environmental Objectives not just to Meet Traffic Growth
Bus Network Optimisation • World Class Bus System • Environmentally Advanced Vehicles • Lack of Integration with Rail • Greater Priority? • Reorientation as Railways Expand? • Maintain Choice? 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08
Role of Our Streets Streets were once for people and public transport but now are often seen as movement space for vehicles with poor environments 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08
Changing the Mindset What We Don’t Want What We Want • Resource waste • People-oriented • Economic costs • Energy efficient • Social dislocation • High mobility • Environmental deterioration 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08
Car Ownership and Traffic Growth In the 1980s Hong Kong had the foresight to restrain vehicle ownership 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Hong Kong must continue to contain traffic levels for economic, social and environmental reasons - HOW
Containing Traffic Growth Objectives – congestion, environment, economic Ownership Restraint Successful since early 1980s fundamental policy Network Management Reallocation of roadspace to Changing Behaviour - Voluntary car more efficient users and for pooling / staggered flows, limited planning and environmental impact in Hong Kong purposes Changing Behaviour – Pricing Congestion charging / Eco charging 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Complex issues requiring full public participation and concensus Reduced traffic by 15-25%
Road Map to Sustainable Transport Rail 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Bringing the components together to form a strategy which meets the community needs
Overarching Objectives • Promote the harbour, waterfronts and immediate hinterland as the centrepiece of Hong Kong. • Facilitate residents and visitors to access, move around in and participate in social and economic activities in a vibrant, safe, secure and healthy environment. • Develop the opportunities and roles of citizens and travellers in contributing to sustainable development through travel choice. 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08
Transportation Objectives • Provide a multi-modal inclusive transport system to meet the needs of all travellers. • Create a comprehensive people-oriented travel environment to maximise opportunities for walking, social interaction and mobility. • Promote the use of environmentally friendly mass carriers, especially railways and modern road-based public transport. • Respect and capitalise on essential transport infrastructure provision. • Contain road traffic growth to prevent traffic congestion and help resolve street level air quality 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 and noise problems
Central and Wanchai : Opportunities 27460/PS/PS270308.PPT/LLH/27MAR08 Transport to support new development concepts Source : Designing Hong Kong
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