bainbridge island school district community forum

Bainbridge Island School District Community Forum Master Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bainbridge Island School District Community Forum Master Plan Update Fall 2015 Background Master Plan History 2005 to 2015 2005 Facility Master Plan 15 year facility planning document Recommendations 2005 2015: Address

  1. Bainbridge Island School District Community Forum Master Plan Update Fall 2015

  2. Background

  3. Master Plan History 2005 to 2015 2005 – Facility Master Plan – 15 year facility planning document Recommendations 2005 – 2015:  Address district-wide health, life-safety and infrastructure issues at all facilities  Replace BHS 200 Building  Replace Bainbridge High School 100 Building including performance space  Replace Wilkes Elementary School  Replace Blakely Elementary School  Replace Ordway Elementary School  Replace Commodore Options School 2006 – Capital Bond  Bainbridge High School 200 Building replacement to address core facility needs  Essential renovations district-wide (asset preservation and postpone, patch and repair) 2009 – Capital Bond  Wilkes Elementary School replacement  Essential renovations district-wide (asset preservation and postpone, patch and repair)

  4. BISD Construction Standards “ Architecture affects the lives of people directly. It comes with an extraordinary responsibility. I think one needs to take that responsibility very seriously. It’s the quality of life it gives to its inhabitants”. Moshe Safdie Built on strongly held community values and a history of educational support. Focused on 21 st Century student learning, sustainability, energy efficiency, longevity, flexibility and community use . Quick Facts: • 75+ year building (more than double the state standard) • Geo-thermal heating, radiant floor, fresh air exchange, • Rubber flooring • Individualized instruction • Small group learning • Shared learning spaces • Keyless access system • Commons/cafeteria • Interior/exterior learning • Casework-storage • Natural day lighting • Full sized gymnasium for community, wood floor • Upsized water line for fire flow protection • Large on-site septic system (LOSS)

  5. Wilkes Elementary School Cost Comparison – How does it Compare? WILKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COST PER SQUARE FOOT $370 • SAMPLE AVERAGE COST PER SQUARE FOOT $368 • SAMPLE MEDIAN COST PER SQUARE FOOT $370 • Comparison to elementary schools in the Puget Sound region: School (District) Year /Esc Size/GSF* Design ** Bid/Cost*** 2015 Cost**** $ / SF Wilkes Elementary 2012/3 66463 450 $21.78M $24.6M $370 med Mercer Island Elementary #4 (MI) 2016/0 77277 550 $30.39M $31.91M $412 Arbor Heights Elementary (Seattle) 2016/0 78375 490 $22.85M $24.00M $306 Enatai Elementary (Bvue) 2016/0 82260 650 $29.65M $31.13M $378 Lake Stickney Elementary (Muk) 2016/0 74167 - $23.42M $25.60M $345 Benjamin Rush Elementary (LkWsh) 2013/2 65306 550 $24.70M $27.49M $420 Cherry Crest Elementary (Bvue) 2011/4 76950 550 $22.35M $26.28M $341 Carl Sandburg Elementary (LkWsh) 2012/3 66580 550 $21.73M $24.86M $373 Rachel Carson Elementary (LkWsh) 2008/7 56506 560 $17.30M $21.97M $388 St Thomas School (Ind) 2008/7 55000 300 $19.10M $24.26M $441 Helen Keller Elementary (LkWsh) 2011/4 56,600 450 $17.51M $20.59M $363 John Muir Elementary (LkWsh) 2012/3 58,000 400 $19.22M $21.99M $379 Alexander Graham Bell Elementary (LkWsh) 2011/4 65,300 500 $20.71M $24.35M $373 Eastgate Elementary (Bvue) 2008/7 63,500 450 $19.66M $24.98M $393 Ardmore Elementary (Bvue) 2009/6 71,147 450 $17.00M $21.06M $296 low Riverview Elementary (Snohomish) 2009/6 82,210 550 $21.61M $26.77M $325 Machias Elementary (Snohomish) 2009/6 79,778 550 $20.12M $24.93M $312 Briarwood Elementary (Iss) 2011/4 70,000 475 $18,87M $22.19M $317 University Place Primary (UnivPl) 2007/8 56,100 575 $15.58M $20.28M $361 Midway Elementary (Highline) 2007/8 67,997 600 $23.41M $30.47M $448 high Sherwood Forest Elementary (Bvue) 2007/8 63,900 440 $19.06M $24.82M $388 (REVISED 10.06.2015) * Based on best information for actual constructed school size in gross square feet ** Estimated facility design head-count capacity *** Construction cost based on most readily-available source (const bid; bid + alts; const cost; board approvals; historical) **** Construction cost in either actual or escalated @ 3% per year (2015 dollars) and adjusted to “Island dollar factor” of +5%

  6. General Fund vs Capital Fund Both Serve Vital Student Needs Cap apit ital F Fund und Gene neral F al Fund Pays ys for: Pays ys For:  New w constr tructi ction  Da Day-to to-da day costs of ope perating g  Essen ssential ren enovation of f ex existing school ools buildings (roofs, HVAC, , etc.) tc.)  Staff s ff salaries & es & benefi fits  Ene nergy c cons nservation on  Curricul ulum um & suppl pplies  Major c Maj cap apital improvem emen ents ( s (syst stem em  Utilit litie ies & & insurance upgrades, s, classr ssroom a alter erations f s for new pro rogra rams, f field/tra rack  Trans nspor ortation on improvement, , etc.) .)  Tec ech L Lev evy (eq equipment so soft ftware, traini ning ng)  Staff (F (FTE di E directly-related t d to funde ded d proje jects) )

  7. Capital Projects & Facilities The 2006 2006 $45M $45M Bond a accomplished t the followi wing: MAJOR OR PROJE JECTS Woodw dward rd Middle S School ool -Bainbridge High School 200 Building Replacement -Energy Conservation (Lighting upgrades) -Maintenance Building Replacement -Connecting Pathway to Sakai OTHER ER P PROJEC ECTS Sakai I Inter erme mediate S e School Bainbri bridge dge High S School -Energy Conservation (Lighting upgrades) -(4) Portables purchased to house students during construction -Connecting Pathway to Woodward of the 200 Building -Drainage improvements -Energy Conservation (Lighting upgrades) -Intercom upgrade •100 00 Bld ldg -LGI Stage Area Safety Improvements Blake akely E Element ntar ary S Scho hool -HVAC (Failing boiler system valve replacement) -Energy Conservation (Lighting upgrades) •300 00 Bld ldg -Domestic Hot Water System Improvement -Conversion and Upgrade of 3 Science Rooms -South Island Sewer Connection (payoff) -Lab Prep Room Conversion and Upgrade -Seismic Improvement to Covered Play Area -Unification to New Boiler System-Hydronic Heat -Gymnasium Floor Replacement •400 00 Bld ldg -Portable relocation from BHS -HVAC Upgrades – Boiler Controls •500 00 Bld ldg Ordway E Elementary School ool -Unification to New Boiler System/Hydronic Heat -Energy Conservation (Lighting upgrades) -Remediate water infiltration -Gymnasium Floor Replacement -Roof Replacement -Fascia Abatement and Replacement •Sta tadiu ium -Domestic Hot Water System Replacement -Roof Replacement & Exterior Paint -Bathroom Remodels -Track and Field Replacement -Clock and Intercom improvements -Baseball Field Minor Improvements -Interior paint Commodore Fa Facilit ility Wilkes es E Elemen ementary S School -Commons/lunchroom and kitchen -Roof Postpone Patch & Repair -Music Room Floor Replacement -Intercom Upgrades Dis istr tric ictwide -Energy Conservation (Lighting Upgrades) -Boardroom -Partial Roof Replacement -Communications Upgrade -Partial Building Demolition -Minor paving Improvements -Science Room Renovation -Heat Recover Unit Replacement

  8. Capital Projects & Facilities The he 2009 $42M 2009 $42M B Bond accomplished the f followi wing: Sakai I Inter erme mediate S e School MAJOR P R PROJECT CTS -HVAC Controls Upgrade -Wilkes Elementary School Replacement -Interior Paint -Transportation Buildings Remodel -Music Room Acoustic Improvements -Lighting Retrofit OTHER ER P PROJEC ECTS Bainbri bridge dge High S School Blake akely E Element ntar ary S Scho hool -Tennis Court Resurfacing -Roof Postpone Patch & Repair •100 00 Bld ldg -(STEM) Room Conversion -Roof Postpone Patch & Repair -Lighting Retrofit -Computer Lab Electrical Upgrade -Composite Lab Ordway E Elementary School ool -Drafting Room Renovation -Portable roof replacement •300 00 Bld ldg -STEM Room Conversion -Photo Lab Renovation -Lighting Retrofit •400 00 Bld ldg -Play Shed and Playground Improvements -Energy Conservation (Lighting Upgrades) -Portables (2) Upgrades •Sta tadiu ium -Portables (2) Relocation -Energy Conservation (Lighting Upgrades) -HVAC Improvements -ILC Room Enhancements Commodore Fa Facilit ility -Library Pit Infill -Office Remodel -Heat Recovery Unit Installation (Steam System Replacement) Wilkes es E Elemen ementary S School -STEM Room Conversion Woodw dward M rd Middl dle School ool -Field & Track Replacement Dis istr tric ict A Adminis istration O Offic ice -Commons Paint and Baseboard -HVAC Improvements -Roof Replacement -Reconfiguration -Gymnasium Floor Replacement -Gymnasium Paint Dis istr tric ictwide -Gymnasium Lighting Retrofit -Security Cameras -HVAC Controls Upgrade -Energy Conservation -Partial Exterior Paint -Minor Pavement Improvements -Field Drainage Improvements -Library Reconfiguration

  9. Master Plan Update


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