background error correlation modelling in variational

Background-error correlation modelling in variational assimilation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

. Background-error correlation modelling in variational assimilation using a diffusion equation, with application to oceanography . Anthony Weaver and Isabelle Mirouze CERFACS, Toulouse October 28, 2011 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and

  1. . Background-error correlation modelling in variational assimilation using a diffusion equation, with application to oceanography . Anthony Weaver and Isabelle Mirouze CERFACS, Toulouse October 28, 2011 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  2. Outline . . Data assimilation in oceanography 1 . . Variational data assimilation 2 . . Characteristics of the background-error covariance matrix 3 . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 1: isotropy, 4 boundary conditions, solution algorithm . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 2: anisotropy, 5 inhomogeneity, ensemble estimation . . Concluding remarks 6 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  3. Outline . . Data assimilation in oceanography 1 . . Variational data assimilation 2 . . Characteristics of the background-error covariance matrix 3 . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 1: isotropy, 4 boundary conditions, solution algorithm . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 2: anisotropy, 5 inhomogeneity, ensemble estimation . . Concluding remarks 6 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  4. Applications of data assimilation in oceanography Providing initial conditions for climate forecasts. ▶ Monthly, seasonal, multi-annual, decadal. ▶ Global models. ▶ Mainly low resolution ( ∼ 1 ◦ ). Providing initial conditions for ocean forecasts (with a focus on mesoscale eddies). ▶ Days to weeks. ▶ Global, regional and coastal models. ▶ Modest/high resolution ( ∼ 1 / 4 ◦ / ∼ 1 / 12 ◦ +). Reconstructing the history of the ocean (reanalysis). ▶ Mainly global models. ▶ Mainly low/modest resolution for multi-decadal reanalysis. Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  5. The core components of the global ocean observing system Temp. and salinity from Argo floats Temperature from moorings SST from satellites, ships, buoys SSH from satellite altimeters Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  6. Applications of ocean data assimilation Detecting decadal variability and trends due to global warming in ocean reanalyses. ¡ ( From Balmaseda et al. (2010), European COMBINE project) Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  7. Outline . . Data assimilation in oceanography 1 . . Variational data assimilation 2 . . Characteristics of the background-error covariance matrix 3 . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 1: isotropy, 4 boundary conditions, solution algorithm . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 2: anisotropy, 5 inhomogeneity, ensemble estimation . . Concluding remarks 6 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  8. Variational data assimilation: I We consider the general 4D-Var assimilation problem: x ∈ R n J [ x ] = 1 + 1 2 ( x − x b ) T B − 1 ( x − x b ) 2 ( G ( x ) − y o ) T R − 1 ( G ( x ) − y o ) min � �� � � �� � J b J o where       . . . . . . . . .       y o =       y o  , G ( x ) = G i ( x )  = H i ( M ( t i , t 0 )( x ))     i . . . . . . . . . Assimilation window t 0 ≤ t i ≤ t N (order of days in the ocean). x = initial condition for temp., salinity, velocity, SSH on 3D grid. dim ( x ) = n ∼ 10 6 − 10 8 . dim ( y o ) = m ∼ 10 5 − 10 6 . Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  9. Variational data assmilation: II We transform the 4D-Var problem into a more convenient form: x ] = 1 x b ) + 1 x b ) T � B − 1 ( � x ) − y o ) T R − 1 ( � x ) − y o ) 2 ( � x ∈ R n J [ � 2 ( � x − � x − � G ( � G ( � min � where     . . . . . .     �     � G ( x ) =  = H i ( M ( t i , t 0 )( K ( � x ))) G i ( x )    . . . . . . x = K − 1 ( x ) is the initial condition transformed into dynamically � decorrelated variables. � B is assumed block diagonal wrt to the transformed variables. The solution is x a = K ( � x a is the minimum of J . x a ) where � Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  10. Variational data assimilation: III We use a solution algorithm based on incremental 4D-Var (Gauss-Newton): x ( k ) ] = 1 x ( k ) − δ � x b , ( k − 1 ) ) T � B − 1 ( δ � x ( k ) − δ � x ( k ) ∈ R n J ( k ) [ δ � x b , ( k − 1 ) ) min 2 ( δ � δ � + 1 x ( k ) − δ y o , ( k − 1 ) ) T R − 1 ( � x ( k ) − δ y o , ( k − 1 ) ) 2 ( � G ( k − 1 ) δ � G k − 1 δ �     where . . . . . .     G ( k − 1 ) = �     H ( k − 1 ) ∂ � M ( k − 1 ) ( t i , t 0 ) K ( k − 1 )  ≈ G i /∂ � x | �    x ( k − 1 ) x = � i . . . . . . x b , ( k − 1 ) = � x b − � x ( k − 1 ) and δ y o , ( k − 1 ) = y o − � x ( k − 1 ) ) . δ � G ( � x ( k ) found approximately using conjugate gradients. Inner problem : δ � Outer problem : very few iterations k are affordable in practice. Setting M ( k − 1 ) ( t i , t 0 ) = I gives a (much cheaper!) 3D-Var algorithm (widely used in ocean DA). Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  11. Outline . . Data assimilation in oceanography 1 . . Variational data assimilation 2 . . Characteristics of the background-error covariance matrix 3 . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 1: isotropy, 4 boundary conditions, solution algorithm . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 2: anisotropy, 5 inhomogeneity, ensemble estimation . . Concluding remarks 6 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  12. Characteristics of the background-error covariance matrix � B B − 1 is not required when � Specification of � B is used as a preconditioner. � B is an enormous matrix that is difficult to estimate and represent. ▶ Need simplifying assumptions to reduce number of tunable parameters. ▶ Need to account for inhomogeneous and anisotropic structures. ▶ Need computationally efficient operators that can run in parallel. ▶ Need to deal with complex boundaries in the ocean. ▶ Need to apply with complicated grids referenced to the thin-spherical shell geometry ( S 2 × R 1 ) of the Earth. Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  13. Basic properties of � B : I On each CG iteration we need to multiply a vector ψ in state space by � B . B this multiplication in R 3 can be interpreted as For a given block � B i of � ∫ � � B i ( x , x ′ ) ψ i ( x ′ ) d x ′ B i ψ i → R 3 where x = ( x , y , z ) T and d x = d x d y d z . 1 � B i ( x , x ′ ) is a symmetric and positive definite (covariance) function: correlation � �� � � B i ( x , x ′ ) = σ i ( x ) σ i ( x ′ ) C i ( x , x ′ ) with C i ( x , x ) = 1 � �� � std devs Remark: Evaluating the integral equation numerically is in general prohibitively expensive for large-scale problems ! 1 Not to be confused with the state vector x on previous slides! Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  14. Basic properties of � B : II Multiplication by σ i ( x ) is easy. Rescale the variables � ψ i ( x ) = σ i ( x ) ψ i ( x ) . The difficult computation is ∫ C i � R 3 C i ( x , x ′ ) � ψ i ( x ′ ) d x ′ . ψ i → For the ocean (and atmosphere) we need to define a valid correlation operator on the spherical space S 2 ∫ ψ i ( λ ′ , ϕ ′ ) a 2 cos ϕ ′ d λ ′ d ϕ ′ C i � S 2 C i ( λ, ϕ, λ ′ , ϕ ′ ) � ψ i → where a is the Earth’s radius and ( λ, ϕ ) are geographical coordinates. Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011

  15. Outline . . Data assimilation in oceanography 1 . . Variational data assimilation 2 . . Characteristics of the background-error covariance matrix 3 . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 1: isotropy, 4 boundary conditions, solution algorithm . . Correlation modelling with a diffusion operator. Part 2: anisotropy, 5 inhomogeneity, ensemble estimation . . Concluding remarks 6 Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences, Linz, Austria, 24-28 October 2011


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